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Ashlee Simpson lipsynching on Saturday Night Live

Re: Ashlee Simpson lipsynching on Saturday Night L

IIRC, ABBA was far more successful world-wide than in the USA itself. That might account for some of the attitudes about the group. ;)
Re: Ashlee Simpson lipsynching on Saturday Night L

I think at least half, maybe more like 2/3 of my Netflix rentals have been for British series. :)
Re: Ashlee Simpson lipsynching on Saturday Night L

No Abba, no MTV, its as simple as that.

I don't think this is true, but if it were, wouldn't that be reason enough to hate them?
Re: Ashlee Simpson lipsynching on Saturday Night L

Fair point, but they were the first band to export a vidoe all over the world than tour an appear on TV. I was probably overstating things. And yeah, imagine a world free of MTV...
Re: Ashlee Simpson lipsynching on Saturday Night L

Which MTV? The cool one that used to actually play music videos, or the pile of useless crap that exists today? :)