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B^2 future

I still think there was only one Zathras ... he just kept going back in time enough until there were 10 of him running around at once. /ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by jnk5y:
<font color=yellow>I agree totally with you Joe. That's what happens when you work on a tv series. It also happens when you mess with time travel. There is no easy way to mess with it. I can't help but feel that the line Sinclair says about "it all happend the same as I remember it" is referring to something different than what they showed in WWE. But we've had this conversation before and it always ends up with no answer.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

This is nothing but speculation, but could old Sinclair be referring to the dark future that young sinclair saw where the shadows or their minions attacked B5?
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>This is nothing but speculation, but could old Sinclair be referring to the dark future that young sinclair saw where the shadows or their minions attacked B5?<hr></blockquote>

I don't think so, since the old Sinclarir would know that that future had been averted. (Indeed, I don't think that in "B2" that future was even envisioned.) JMS has said that in the story as it is Sinclair's line refers to his attempt to warn Garibaldi to "watch his back." Which doesn't explain why Sinclair says "I tried to warn them", but if that's what JMS says, I'll have to go with it.

