We know Centauri have 2 hearts and the males have 6....... Narns have pouches,
Pak'Mara have very strong digestive systems, and Minbari don't sweat...they secrete a fluid from who knows where....? What else is known that I obviously have missed. I know there must be more info out there! Ya know like....what is Kosh really made out of, or how thick is a Minbari skull, or what else do the Pak'Mara & Marcab have in common???
"...abso-FRAGGIN-lutely, damn it! I have been studying your use of lauguage since our last discussion. Do you approve?"
Pak'Mara have very strong digestive systems, and Minbari don't sweat...they secrete a fluid from who knows where....? What else is known that I obviously have missed. I know there must be more info out there! Ya know like....what is Kosh really made out of, or how thick is a Minbari skull, or what else do the Pak'Mara & Marcab have in common???
"...abso-FRAGGIN-lutely, damn it! I have been studying your use of lauguage since our last discussion. Do you approve?"