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B5 commercials?



maybe someone can help...

TNT produced some really cool ads to promote the series and I cannot find them anywhere...

Anybody know if there is a website where these and others can be viewed?

I remember one with G'kar, another with Ivanova and a third 1 minute long commercial with an amazing voiceover...

I'm not sure those are the ones he was talking about. I think he may be talking about the spots to promote their showing on TNT or Sci-fi or something, not the episode previews themselves.
The ads I was speaking of were not for episodes but to promote the 5th season on TNT.

The ones with G’kar and Ivanova had them speak directly to the camera…

In G’kar’s ad, his lines were: "For freedom, for freedom! For peace! And to guard against those who would see such liberties stolen from my people. That my purpose on Babylon 5."

And Ivanova’s lines were: "Babylon 5 was supposed to save our future, but it starts trouble than it stops. It's a time bomb. Private little wars break out everyday. It's my job to start them. it I don't those wars won't be little for long."

The best Babylon 5 commercial ever is a one minute ad which described the show perfectly with a motion picture quality voiceover...

" 2 million tons of spinning metal, all alone in the night. A world where empires rise and fall, where dreams are born and die, where war and hatred are challenged by love and faith.

In the third age of manking, an age plagued by an evil empire that seaks to destroy humanity, it is our last best hope for peace, for victory, for freedom. It is Babylon 5."
I remember the exact commercials you're talking about, especially the one you quoted at the end. That one was perfect and really "sold" the show to new viewers.

I was hoping that they would be included on the season 5 DVD set, but they weren't. They "redid" the previews by putting some scenes of each episode together and then had a different announcer voice over them. I especially noticed this when I watched the "preview" for the series finale on the DVD and the announcer didn't rave about the show being "the best sci-fi show of the '90s" like the announcer did on the TNT commercial.

It's disappointing that those commercials are seemingly gone now. I suppose since TNT produced the commercials, they didn't want them included on the DVDs. I don't know of anywhere you can see them.