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B5:LotR TLaDiS - Some Observations, Questions, etc. (CONTAINS SPOILERS)

Re: B5:LotR TLaDiS - Some Observations, Questions, etc. (CONTAINS SPOILERS)

The great maker speaks....

Marc Cosgrove

"From chaos, order came. As was inevitable." -Summoning light
Re: B5:LotR TLaDiS - Some Observations, Questions, etc. (CONTAINS SPOILERS)

Why was there no jump-gate at Beta Durani? Why was the nearest gate so far away?
Re: B5:LotR TLaDiS - Some Observations, Questions, etc. (CONTAINS SPOILERS)

It was very specifically stated that the White Star was the Smallest Ship clas ever built capable of opening it's own jump points.
Concealing that was part of how the White Star defeated the first Shadow Vessel they ever encountered.

Howeve, we don't Know how large the Liandra is Physically compared to a White Star.
It may be larger.
All we know is that it was a lot smaller than the Valen.

The Valen lost out in the fight because the First enemy shot took out her engines.
After that, she was a sitting duck.
And, since the Engine spaces probably also included a lot of the Power generating capability, it probably weakened her Weapons, at the same time.

One of the other things I saw above:
When the Liandra was found, her previous crew was Missing.
When the the traitor was rescued, whoever it was, the bodies were also taken to conceal what had happened.
The traitor also wiped all the ship's computer records, at least all he/she KNEW about.

Do not ascribe your own motivations to others:
At best, it will break your heart.
At worst, it will get you dead."
Re: B5:LotR TLaDiS - Some Observations, Questions, etc. (CONTAINS SPOILERS)

I agree that all ships can't create jump points. That's the whole point of jump gates in the first place. If every ship could form its own jump point they'd be ...um...pointless.

And the Whitestar WAS the smallest class of ships that could form their own jump points, one of the reasons Sheridan thought they were so cool.


[This message has been edited by Rhea (edited January 22, 2002).]
Re: B5:LotR TLaDiS - Some Observations, Questions, etc. (CONTAINS SPOILERS)

Did anyone else notice that Tirk bled white after being shot by Kafta? Drazi blood was seen in "The Deconstruction of Falling Stars". It was also white.
Re: B5:LotR TLaDiS - Some Observations, Questions, etc. (CONTAINS SPOILERS)

No one ever said it was the smallest ship that could open a jump gate. It was just incredibly surprising to John Sheridan when he discovered that it could open a jump point, and he was amazed by it. HE then said that it was the smallest ship HE had ever seen that could open a jump point.

Don't forget the Minbari are over 1000 years more advanced than humanity. They were amused by Sheridan's amazement, and never contradicted him, but would they really tell him a military secret about their own ships?

Hmm, now I need to find that episode again so I can watch it in detail just in case I need to eat crow later on for remembering incorrectly. . .


"In the Beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move."
-Douglas Adams 'The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy'
Re: B5:LotR TLaDiS - Some Observations, Questions, etc. (CONTAINS SPOILERS)

^I think Delenn said that it was the smallest ship that was jump-capable. I'm not sure, though.
Re: B5:LotR TLaDiS - Some Observations, Questions, etc. (CONTAINS SPOILERS)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> Whoever made the comment about the Narn and the Drazi being new to the alliance wasn't listening carefully. Martel said they were new to the RANGERS, NOT to the alliance. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

After watching LotR for the 4th time, Martel does say "new members to the alliance, the first recruits we got from them." (when referring to the Drazi-Narn/Tirk-Na'feel.

In the Season 5 episode where

<table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black> the Narn and Drazi attack Centauri Prime </font></td></tr></table>

. What were the consequences of their actions? Thought that might have contributed to it.

"We live for the one, we die for the one."
Re: B5:LotR TLaDiS - Some Observations, Questions, etc. (CONTAINS SPOILERS)

The conversation about the White Star being able to open it's own Jump Point wasn't about Sheridan's surprise, but the fact that the Shadows wouldn't expect it.

Which leads to the inference that it IS pushing the limits.
The reasons small ships don't have jump engines are simple:
The Engines themselves are pretty large.
Jump Engines require a tremendous amount of Power.

That's why it takes the White Star 20 minutes to recharge.
A larger ship could be ready again sooner, but the White Star doesn't have as much power generation capacity.
It never got mentioned, but there also has to be a tradeoff if they are forced to use their weapons before the jump engines are fully charged.

I'd imagine they do things to save space like use the space inside the ship's walls to hold power storage units. Any odd corner that isn't otherwise useful can hold a few power cells for that little "extra" reserve.

Do not ascribe your own motivations to others:
At best, it will break your heart.
At worst, it will get you dead."

[This message has been edited by bakana (edited January 24, 2002).]
Re: B5:LotR TLaDiS - Some Observations, Questions, etc. (CONTAINS SPOILERS)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bakana:
The Valen lost out in the fight because the First enemy shot took out her engines.
After that, she was a sitting duck.
And, since the Engine spaces probably also included a lot of the Power generating capability, it probably weakened her Weapons, at the same time.

Yet, she still had her engines lit the whole time, and was able to do a 180 and ram the snowflake ship (which was immobilized by the weapons fire from the Liandra).

From: Guide Page for "Legend of the Rangers"

JMS Speaks
Why didn't the Valen fire a shot?
The Valen never had time to fire; they were hit within a second of the hand ships coming out of hyperspace (actually *as* they were coming out)...the hits disabled most of the systems on the new ship (you can see eruptions all over the bridge). The weapons systems were intact elsewhere, but the control mechanisms were down. That's why they kept hammering the Valen, to make sure it wouldn't be able to fire.

Vorlon Empire

[This message has been edited by KoshN (edited January 27, 2002).]
Re: B5:LotR TLaDiS - Some Observations, Questions, etc. (CONTAINS SPOILERS)

In the episode 'Learning Curve' Tannier is played by Brendan Ford. The actor who plays Tannier in LotR is a different actor.

No one here is exactly what he appears.
Re: B5:LotR TLaDiS - Some Observations, Questions, etc. (CONTAINS SPOILERS)

It is not hard to imagine Tirk being actually the smartest one of the crew. Take a look at Einstine who failed math in school and couldn't tie his own shoes. Then take a look at Steven Hackins. Two examples of people that would normally thought to be dumb but turned out Geniuses.

As for Tannier JMS states on another website that it is the same character, but different actors. Link: http://www.isnnews.net/zocalo/rangers.shtml
Question 9. There may be answers to alot more of your questions. In one other question he states the shot of Kafka in Dulann's vision is not there or not supposed to be there. So as for the bodies, the could have been removed when the ship was brought back and given a proper barial or whatever they do to bodies in that day and age.(Unless they actually say the bodies were missing, I thought they just ment the ship went missing)

Here is my question
If the Rangers are an elite unit for the military, wouldn't they learn some kind of martial art? Some kind of fighting that others would not normailly learn weather taught by Minbari or humans. When David fights Kafka, it basicly is just a street brawl. Not knowing the strength factor of Kafka's race vs. humans I just found it interesting.

As for using the force pike, there was enough room to make a quick hit on the back of Kafka's head hopefully nocking him out. We know they know how to fight with them due to some shots of the training room. I just think he wouldn't carry one on his own ship and was in such a hurry that he didn't pick one up.

(Sorry about the length and possible spelling mistakes)

We are Rangers
We walk in the dark places no one will enter
We do not break away from combat
We Stand on the bridge and no one may pass
We do not retreat, whatever the reason
We live for the one, We die for the one

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