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B5:LR promo cards at ebay for sale


eBay link (made URL shorter --Lyta)


Before I even Thought about buying something like that, I'd ask SciFi a few questions:

Are the cards Official?
Are the ones on E-Bay Stolen?
When, Where & How is SciFi planning to distribute them?

I'd be especially interested in that last since the cards are probably intended to be FREE to people who attend whatever event(s) the cards were made for.

And, if they are Bootleg, I wouldn't want them at all.

Yes, I like cats too.
Shall we exchange Recipes?
One thing that I immediately noticed about the picture is the guy to David's left (Bridges?) has his arm around Sarah Cantrell - I wonder what sort of relationship this indicates? Tirk (the Drazi ) looks HUGE, and Firell's bone is a lot bigger than Dulann's. Was this to accomodate Enid-Raye Adams' hair? Enquiring minds need to know! Can you help us out here, Enid-Raye?

For what it's worth, the Minbari often Carve and Style the bones on their heads. Since carving requires Removing part of the bone, the smaller size probably indicates a more elaborate or radical "style" to the carving.

Dulann is probably just a bit more conservative in this regard.

Yes, I like cats too.
Shall we exchange Recipes?
Theories about headbones:

As far as I know... that is not likely to be possible... and should it be possible, it is not likely to happen.

The Minbari are *not* among the most fashion-crazed people in the galaxy (unlike the Centauri and Humans). On the contrary, they preserve most things of significance (landscape and buildings, scrolls, books and works of art) for hundreds or even thousands of years.

If that is any indication of their nature, they are equally likely to preserve their own appearance. Of course they can't just go around collecting dust on their headbones - which is why they clean them (either by washing or other means) and this causes the outermost and more fragile parts to slowly wear off.

That, toghether with the diverse shapes of headbones (and the possibility that it originally grows and at a certain age stops growing) may create an illusion that the Minbari might somehow style them. I tend to think differently. The only known way of styling headbones is popular among the warrior caste - practising too much denn'bok.

It is simply a feature that is unique for more-or-less every Minbari (the young naturally look more similar) and very constant, remaining partly recognizable even after a radical change in appearance like Delenn's.

Canned flarn is a sacrilege.

[This message has been edited by Lennier (edited July 28, 2001).]
Uh, Lennier... you might want to consider booking an appointment with a respected bone-carver soon or you'll be kicked out of your clan for disobeying rituals...

Found this at jmsnews.com:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>They're not BORN that way, any more than elks are born with full-length
horns. Like any other species that grows bony-matter outside the head
(deer, cows, bulls, certified public accountants), it's either not there
at birth or nascent. It gradually grows out. Ditto for the Minbari.
There are elaborate rituals of shaping and honing and cutting as one's
crest grows. Some crests are shaped more in tune with the military caste
than the religious caste, for instance.

It grows out to create a protective sheath around the back of the
head, where the internal skull can sometimes be fragile, to provide
added reinforcement.


"It's animal magnetism. What can I say?"
- G'Kar, A Tragedy of Telepaths
Thanks, Kribu. Never noticed, never knew.

Was it ever mentioned in the series or any books - or did I simply miss it? And JMSnews seems to be a source with a lot of interesting info.

But Minbari headbones still leave me the impression that they stop growing at a certain age - as the headbones of older Minbari look somehow worn-out.

Canned flarn is a sacrilege.

[This message has been edited by Lennier (edited July 28, 2001).]
They probably do stop growing at some point, perhaps when the young Minbari her/himself stops growing?

I'd guess that means younger Minbari generally have larger & healthier looking bones. And that one has to be careful not to indulge in too much carving & shaping - or s/he'll find out that there's very little bone left when s/he reaches a more advanced age!

"It's animal magnetism. What can I say?"
- G'Kar, A Tragedy of Telepaths
Any graphic artist worth their salt can take an image like that off the Internet (I'm sure there are some), pop it into Photoshop, fiddle with it a bit, and then, if they have the right equipment, print it photo-quality on a postcard.

I wouldn't be surprised if this is some graphic artist making money.

But then, I'm a pessimist. Maybe my avatar should be Ivanova...

Channe, Freelance Writer Extraordinaire and The Next JMS
B5 Synchroninity of the Day: I just found out that the new dorm I'm living in next year has been named Breen Hall.

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