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B5 Merchandise: unidentified (frightening) objects


Beyond the rim
Hi, :cool:
have you ever seen such a 'rare' piece of B5 merchandise?

Strange B5 Object

This should be a 1:1 model of the time stabilizer (as used in WWE).

Okay, it hasn't been painted, yet, but...this looks more like a piece of cowpie to me... ;)

Any more strange objects out there?
Re: B5 Merchandise: unidentified (frightening) obj

Yeah, my first thought upon seeing that was "Pie," too. Very funny! Until I bothered to read the German text, I wondered if there had been a European release of Babylon 5 convenience food...


Re: B5 Merchandise: unidentified (frightening) obj

Okay so anyone actually know what it is ?

The auction description says that this is supposed to be the time stabilizer device Zathras brought with him from Epsilon 3 in 'War Without End 1+2'.
Re: B5 Merchandise: unidentified (frightening) obj

I checked the link before reading that is was a time stablizer, and the first thing I thought was, "Great! I can buy spoo!"

Re: B5 Merchandise: unidentified (frightening) obj

okay thanks a time stablizer some how it looks alot different than it did on tv maybe it's just me .
Re: B5 Merchandise: unidentified (frightening) obj

Is it a plastic mold of the time stabiblizer that one would have to paint in order for it look like the prop? Even if it is, it doesn't look like it's a replica of the props used on the show, just a something made up to resemble the shape of those props.
Re: B5 Merchandise: unidentified (frightening) obj

Is it a plastic mold of the time stabiblizer that one would have to paint in order for it look like the prop? Even if it is, it doesn't look like it's a replica of the props used on the show, just a something made up to resemble the shape of those props.

This is just a bad resin model and to make it look like the prop would be nearly impossible, IMHO. It's also most likely that this thing is unauthorized. But then, it doesn't look like the real thing, so what the heck! ;)
Re: B5 Merchandise: unidentified (frightening) obj

I checked the link before reading that is was a time stablizer, and the first thing I thought was, "Great! I can buy spoo!"


yummy :p

:D :D :D
Re: B5 Merchandise: unidentified (frightening) obj

Yep. Normally, I wouldn't risk the jail and/or fine to produce a bit of pirated B5 merchandize, but if I would, a bad model of a time stabilizer is definately the thing I would start with! :rolleyes: