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B5 race relations

People love giving power to those that don't want it, and whether or not G'Kar turned down the position, he still wrote one Helluva book. He threw the Centauri off Narn, and was the last of Kha'Ri.
Look at one of these or all of these, but either way, G'Kar was still a household name on Narn.
I think it was pretty appropriate that it was G'Kar who ended Londo's life after the history that they had with each other G'Kar wanted to see Londo dead until he realized there was more to life in the universe than revenge.
In a funny way, I have this feeling that they *owed* it to each other... to finally end it all by killing each other. There is a certain symmetry to it, both on the individual level, and on the planetary level.

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