How many hours can TIVO hold?
Also, you can't record and keep something on TIVO, can you? You have to delete it eventually, right?
TiVo can be modified by your friendly neighborhood tech geek. Basically, its a Linux box (I'm hoping AntonyF is running Linux... it looks like it by the ".php" extensions!).
I bought a 14 hour TiVo used on eBay for ~ $80 USD. I then bought two 120-gig drives at a computer show ($380 for both!). I then followed the simple instructions and installed both 120 gig hard drives into my TiVo and now have 304 hours of digital recording time.
Installing new hard drives into a TiVo is relatively easy - as long as you have someone handy who can install a hard drive into a computer, its fairly easy to upgrade your TiVo.
YOU MUST UNDERSTAND - YOU VOID YOUR WARRANTY AS SOON AS YOU OPEN THE TIVO! This is a standard disclaimer, but if you buy one used on eBay, its a small cost and the risk is fairly low. TiVo has in no way encouraged the modifications to their systems, however, they have not discouraged it. By using Linux, and free open source technology, they have made it clear that they appreciate the enthusiasm of the geek community, while not endorsing it.
If you really get into TiVo, as I have, you can go so far as installing a network card. I now have mine set up so it appears just as another computer on my network. The upshot of this is, with a lot of work, you can use your TiVo as the best MPEG2 recorder on the market; then you can pull those streams to your computer, and burn to DVD, much like a VCR... just a longer process.
I still purchase EVERY show I burn to DVD via TiVo when they are released. However, it is nice to have A Call to Arms on DVD. ;-)
Buying a small size TiVo and upgrading it so you have recording time beyond your imagination is awesome. The service is the best. And, to tell you the truth, its cheaper to BUY the DVDs than go through the process unless you make less that five dollars an hour.
I still believe the TiVo is the BEST invention since the Microwave. Its such a time saver. It gives you your own television network. It records your shows, you watch at your convenience. That feature alone is worth more than any of the more controversial issues, such as burning DVDs.