Re: Actual B5:TLT News from JMS!
The heck with all of you and this crazy Head-On rumor.

Here's some actual B5:TLT news from JMS:
Subject: Quickie jms report
Date: Today 3:07 AM
This will be brief, because it's late and I have an early call tomorrow
-- a longer update will be coming soon via the mailing
list and elsewhere soon -- but I just wanted to let folks know that
filming is going very well. We're three days in, and so far we're
ahead of schedule, usually about an hour or two. We actually moved a
couple of shots up from tomorrow's call sheet to today. It's just
going really well.
The B5 we see here is similar to but somewhat more sophisticated or
rethought in places. For instance, in B5 halls we used to have wooden
strips painted green or blue or red to signal various sectors. Here we
ran these really lovely light panels that can change colors and at the
same time add a light source and warm up the halls. We also went back
to the original B5 blueprints and found some elements that we wanted to
do in the show but couldn't, and we've incorporated them into the new
sets. We're also re-engineering the look of B5, the starfuries,
various alien ships and the like.
Tonight there was a dinner with Doug, me, Tracy and Bruce, with Peter
Woodward scheduled to fly in tomorrow so everybody's here for a couple
of pivotal scenes that will cross the two segments. (One aside...Bruce
was openly lamenting the small sub-section of british fans -- most of
whom we all agreed couldn't be niftier -- who are determined to try and
drive a wedge between him and me and the rest of the crew. No sooner
was his involvement announced than this same "bunch of whackos" started
the same rumors again, including the one where he supposedly burned his
crew jacket after the end of B5. Determined to put that to rest, he
pulled out all crew coats we made up for him that were personalized by
the wardrobe department and -- minus the one that was auctioned for
charity at a well publicized convention -- brought them ALL up here to
dispel that myth once and for all. So tomorrow we're going to get a
picture of him and me, with either all the coats, or at minimum the one
the nutcases keep saying he burned, just to put THAT baldfaced lie to
bed. The photo will be posted on the nets somewhere soon.)
Otherwise, all is good, and the scenes are cutting together well.
Three days down, seven to go.
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