Re: Actual B5:TLT News
Was anything ever leaked on how well the B5 Season Sets, B5 Movie Set, Crusade Set, or the Rangers pilot DVDs have sold so far? I mean fairly recently (i.e. 2nd or 3rd Qtr 2006)
JMS has said that the $44 million figure mentioned in the WB press release represented last year's sales, not cumulative sales since the initial release. Apart from the oft-quoted half million dollars in gross sales (a figure that is already a couple of years old) I'm not aware of any specifics being mentioned.
I hope some of that advertising is on the big three, CBS, NBC and ABC.
Obviously they're only going to do that if they think they can increase sales so much by doing so that the added profits will
more than off-set the cost of running the ads. I, for one, do not believe that enough extra people are going to buy the disc because of an advertisment on
CSI or
Desperate Housewives to
remotely cover the cost of the ad. (Which on those shows could exceed the budget for the movie.) Be realistic. WB is not going to to blow that kind of money just to satisfy
B5 fans who want to see a "prestige" ad campaign and proof that "the studios are finally taking SF seriously". They aren't going to do it, and they
shouldn't. I'd much rather they run 10 ads during
Battlestar Galactica than one during a primetime network show watched by millions of people who would never buy an SF DVD. The one current primetime hit that
might be worth a gamble is
Heroes, since that has a big comic book geek demo who might not really know from
B5 (given how long its been off the air) but for whom the name Straczynski mighr ring a bell.
Wonder where they'll air the first public advertising aimed at the general pulbic, The Sci-Fi Channel, USA and NBC (to get one of the big three), FOX and maybe The CW (but not TNT)?
Again, I'm not sure that they're going to do TV advertising
at all, and am also not sure how much would be aimed at "the general public" as opposed to "put out where non-
B5 SF fans might see it."

I'm thinking websites, magazines, maybe a bonus preview disc included with the existing
B5-related DVDs. (I'd be all over that idea.)
Finally I again direct your attention to the question of WB hooking up with a TV partner. If they do that will affect the timing of the release, the advertising and the prospects of reruns of the original show returning to TV. All of that would change the entire picture as now there would be more room for cross-promotion, etc. But we are so far from
all of this that speculation is really pointless, except to the degree it let's people vent.
I'll give some thought to the stick idea although it will probably have to wait until WB actually
does something, which so far, they haven't.
There is one other audience that Warner Brothers have to worry about - the buying departments of shops like Walmart and Blockbuster. Something new like Direct to DVD is high risk for them.
Blockbuster is a non-issue, since
B5 was always more of a sell-through than a rental item. Same with Wal-Mart, really. Because
B5 fandom has, from the beginning, been so much more of a 'net based community than
Trek or even
X-Files fandom, I suspect it is one of the few series that sold the
majority of discs via the web rather than at brick and mortar stores. As long as Amazon, DeepDiscount and are around, I don't think WB needs to worry about not having enough distribution channels. If Wal-Mart's own sales records show they sold enough
B5 discs in the past, they'll take the title. If they don't, they might skip it - but how much does that really hurt if Wal-Mart cusotmers weren't buying very many
B5 discs to begin with. It is like advertising in the right TV markets. You don't advertise to an audience that doesn't buy products like the one you're selling. And you don't lose sleep if your product isn't on the shelves in a store where people don't buy that kind of product.
can't kill a video title (the way theater bookers can kill a film) because there are far more alternative ways of buying that title than there are alternative theaters (within a reasonable distance) to see a film.
In any case, from what I've seen Wal-Mart has always carried the various
B5 titles. (I think I picked up my copy of the
Rangers pilot there.)