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Re: Actual B5:TLT News

In case you haven't found the info yet, July 2007 is when the DVD is expected to be released.
Thanks Sindatur, yes thanks to the tips everyone gave I did discover that. That's very cool though that you cared enough to check if I had found it yet. Hats off to you. SALUTE!!!!!!
Re: Actual B5:TLT News

I think it would be really cool if JMS let fans vote for a character to be featured on one of the next discs. Maybe he could select five to ten characters and then let fans decide which of them should get a story. That's assuming there will be more discs, of course.

Anyone feel like sharing their character wishlists for future installments of B5: TLT? For those curious, here's my wishlist (in order of preference):
  1. Matthew Gideon - more on Gideon, Galen, and the Apocalypse Box please
  2. Alfred Bester - maybe something involving the Telepath War or the aftermath
  3. Jeffrey Sinclair - would love to see him as Valen in the 1000-years-ago Shadow War
  4. Londo Mollari - he's my favourite character in the series so I would love to see more of him
  5. Galen - he's on the first disc but I would like to see a story centered on him and his secrets
  6. Michael Garibaldi - another character I'd like to see more of... though I'm not sure what kind of story
  7. Lennier - for his story of redemption
  8. Susan Ivanova - Captain Ivanova
  9. John Sheridan - again, he's on the first disc, but I would like to see more than one story involving Sheridan
  10. Lyta Alexander - for her role in the Telepath War
Re: Actual B5:TLT News

I would have loved to have seen G'Kar and Lyta's adventures, but, alas...

Still like to see the Teep War stuff, though, especially to see if Lyta's fate remains the same as originally envisioned.

Valen Shadow War is also something I've always wanted to see.
Re: Actual B5:TLT News

I'm sorry, but I hope JMS never sinks to the kind of publicity stunt of "pick which character appears in this online survey"...

I'm sorry, but I really would hate seeing that happen. Now, a contest to name a ship or a captain after someone is just a minor script change. So that's no big deal to me. But start asking for fan input on "who should be in the next one" and you'll get chaos. First of all, who's available? Second of all, could that character easily fit into whatever plot he had in mind?
Re: Actual B5:TLT News

Of course, a Teep War themed disk would very naturally include:


and, from we have been given to understand, Lennier

And possibly others on the side. (Ivanova?)

That's assuming, naturally, actor availability and inclination.

I wouldn't mind seeing that.

And I do see hyp's point. JMS is the one who knows where the story holes are to be filled, better than we are. Just writing something, anything, only because fans missed a character ..... not related to good development of story and character reasons ..... seems completley antithetical to B5.
Re: Actual B5:TLT News

And I do see hyp's point. JMS is the one who knows where the story holes are to be filled, better than we are. Just writing something, anything, only because fans missed a character ..... not related to good development of story and character reasons ..... seems completley antithetical to B5.

Oh, I agree as well. I assume that if JMS chooses the list of characters, he'd have all of the details worked out in advance (i.e. he'd already have a story idea in mind for each of them). The fans would simply get to choose which story he would tell next. Anyway, it was just an idea. :)
Just posting a note to make sure the new title appears on the main page. Please note it and cut and paste it into your replies until it becomes the default.


Please post when pre-orders are being offered. I've never preordered anything before and I feel if there is a huge preorder then it might push the project ahead. B5 is on a timeline, the actors are not, they age, they pass beyond the Rim. Or contractual disputes, mental confusion, agents or (shudder) Lawyers.

With the books we have "a telling of the story" and a completion of threads left over from the series. The only crucial event there is left is the TP war about there is scarce real(surreal) info about.

For me, the lost tales need to fill in gaps between the beginning ( and earlier:D ) and the end:angel: .
Pre-order information will doubtless be posted in the acutal news thread. :)

OK, it will be cross-posted here (and on the Mod and at JMSNews and the ISN site and Pat's Galactic Gateway and about 1,000 other places on the 'net. Don't worry. As soon as I know, several million other people will know.)


And if I find out anything at NYCC later this month I'll do my best to spread the word also. JMS's spotlight is on Friday evening at 7:30 Eastern time for those who want to set their watches (Joe :p ).

Still like to see the Teep War stuff, though, especially to see if Lyta's fate remains the same as originally envisioned.

Valen Shadow War is also something I've always wanted to see.

The Teep War is big on my list too I just hope it gets made into a motion picture or atleast a direct to DVD movie.

BABYLON 4 Valen's Shadow War would help satisfy my deep hunger for more of the Vorlons and Shadows. Just like you, I feel this is a HUUGGGEEEE MEGA untapped area. A entire 5 year arcing TV series could be built and last around it. I know that a major network would totally buy into this one. TNT or Sci-Fi anyone? :beer: JAN?!! JMS?!! JOE?!! ;)

I think it would be really cool if JMS let fans vote for a character to be featured on one of the next discs. Maybe he could select five to ten characters and then let fans decide which of them should get a story. That's assuming there will be more discs, of course.

Kinda like a fan poll not a bad idea. I thought about that myself.

But we also don't want to interfer with the story arcs he is generating, there may be a perpose driven story behind it. Thus allowing him to select the characters his mind feels fits his notion. Although they are suppose to be like short stories, maybe they will still have minute thread ties; it would be cool if they all kinda tied into each other some how like JMS's classic story complexity. :)

It is always nice to have a fresh voice.
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BABYLON 4 Valen's Shadow War <snip> A entire 5 year arcing TV series could be built and last around it. I know that a major network would totally buy into this one. TNT or Sci-Fi anyone?
In theory there is certainly enough story material for such a series.

However, in practice I would be extremely surprised if any collection of network suits (from any network) ever decided to pick up an entire series where *none* of the characters would be human (or even human-looking, such as Sebaceans in Farscape).

That's even aside from the issue of needing to either pry O'Hare back off the east coast (doable for a short term project such as a WWE was or a TLT installment would be; probably unlikely for a series commitment) or recast Valen.
In theory there is certainly enough story material for such a series.

However, in practice I would be extremely surprised if any collection of network suits (from any network) ever decided to pick up an entire series where *none* of the characters would be human (or even human-looking, such as Sebaceans in Farscape).

I briefly thought about that when I wrote that statement. You are right
they do frown upon a no humans cast. That could create a real problem. It would be unfortunate though because like you said the source material is so rich. :cool:

[qoute=PillowRock;287211]That's even aside from the issue of needing to either pry O'Hare back off the east coast (doable for a short term project such as a WWE was or a TLT installment would be; probably unlikely for a series commitment) or recast Valen.[/quote]

Okay now your just depressing me........ they better not recast Valen. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Hey maybe they could do the entire 5th season arc on a straight to DVD and film in Canada and JMS could control all aspects... :D :D :D :D :D
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Re: Actual B5:TLT News

I think it would be really cool if JMS let fans vote for a character to be featured on one of the next discs. Maybe he could select five to ten characters and then let fans decide which of them should get a story. That's assuming there will be more discs, of course.

Anyone feel like sharing their character wishlists for future installments of B5: TLT? For those curious, here's my wishlist (in order of preference):
  1. Matthew Gideon - more on Gideon, Galen, and the Apocalypse Box please
  2. Alfred Bester - maybe something involving the Telepath War or the aftermath
  3. Jeffrey Sinclair - would love to see him as Valen in the 1000-years-ago Shadow War
  4. Londo Mollari - he's my favourite character in the series so I would love to see more of him
  5. Galen - he's on the first disc but I would like to see a story centered on him and his secrets
  6. Michael Garibaldi - another character I'd like to see more of... though I'm not sure what kind of story
  7. Lennier - for his story of redemption
  8. Susan Ivanova - Captain Ivanova
  9. John Sheridan - again, he's on the first disc, but I would like to see more than one story involving Sheridan
  10. Lyta Alexander - for her role in the Telepath War

I think my top 10 would be the same as yours, except that I'd substitute Max Eilerson in place of Galen. Here's a short list of some of the many minor / incidental characters who left a big enough impression on me that I'd like to see them again (assuming the actors are still around, and including characters that died, since TLT could jump around in time. Any that I've omitted I've either forgotten or am not particularly excited about seeing again):

S1: The Soul Hunter (original), Adira Tyree, Jason Ironheart, Catherine Sakai, Knight 2, Jhadur, Corwin, Rabbi Koslov, Ari Ben-Zayne, Andrei Ivanov, Neeoma Connoly, Neroon, Lise Hampton-Edgars-Garibaldi, Harriman Grey, Aldous Gajic, Ombuds Wellington, Morden

S2: Hedron (Coplann?), Elric, Refa, Captain Jack Maynard, Mariah Cirrus, Amis, Timov, Matt Stoner, General Hague, Turhan, Ta'lon, Correlilmerzon and Taq, Cynthia Torqueman, Urza Jaddo, G'sten, Draal, Pierce Macabee, Sebastien, Frederick Lantze, Mr Welles

S3: Brother Theo, Brother Edward, Julie Musante, Lady Morella, David Sheridan (Sheridan's Dad), Major Ryan, Dr Hobbes, Ulkesh, The Regent, 'Arthur', Lyndisty, Anna Sheridan

S4: Cartagia, Dukhat, Wade, 'Mr Adams', Captain MacDougan, Captain Hall, William Edgars, the interrogator, Number One (Tessa), General Lefcourt, Brother Alwyn, the 'evolved' human

S5: Byron (yeah, I know!), Bo and Mack, Turval, Peter, Rebo and Zooty, Zoe, Tafiq Azir, Captain Montoya, General Na'Tok

Movies: Takashima, Lennon, Morann, Captain Jankowski, Ganya Ivanov, General Fontaine, Dr Trent, Robert Bryson, the Soul Hunter (Martin Sheen edition), Jacob Mayhew, Drake, Captain Anderson

Spinoffs: Natchok Var, Alwyn, Trace Miller, Isabelle, Robert Black and the cyborg soldiers, the Apocalypse Box, the whole crew of the Liandra

Wow, typing all that makes me just want to watch the whole thing through again..
That's some list: You give me writers typing crap and carpol tunnel just looking at it. :rolleyes:

Seriously though, Lindisty? Man she just makes me wanna like say to her, "WOW, would you look at the time I really gotta go," and break for the door. There's something about the eyes and the smile she seems to bizarre. I knew a girl in High School who looked like that once and she tried to follow me everywhere even when I wasn't interested. Yik! No thanks.... :eek:
Rebo and Zooty don't do much for my wife and I but the rest is cool though. Draal RULES!!!

I wanna see the back story of the 'Infection' B-5 episode. To show the fall of these super high tech people do to bioengineering. That episode had such a rich idea, being a writer myself I was pumped to know more. It was sort of familar to me. A advanced race is destroyed by their own technology similar to Forbidden Planet. It would make for a cool TLT episode. PROTECT!!!!! ***[JMS I relinquish all rights to this idea].

Or....... how about a story about the invisible demon creature 'The Soldier Of Darkness' (The Long Dark episode) that they faced on B-5!!! Like show the actually Minbar Earth War footage of the creature fighting the unit on the distant world and their story for the entire episode or 2 hour straight to DVD movie. Bring back Dwight Schultz to reprise his role. That would make for a real terrorfying episode and or movie and it would be SWEET!!! A horror episode!!! In a perfect dream world they could bring in like Peter Jackson to direct. JMS directing of coarse is just as cool too except I wanna really reach for the edgy and scary.... ***[JMS I relinquish any rights to this idea]. I understand one of the TLT episodes is about a demon on board B-5 I think, not sure.... :)

Or........how about the complete story of Sheridan's wife Anna's exhibition to Za' Ha' Dum. Showing a whole hour or two of footage of the planet and all of it's monster we have only been told about this evil a massing but have never scene. Other then the Drakh, the Shadows themselves and The Dark Soldier. [JMS I relinquish any rights to this idea]
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Or........how about the complete story of Sheridan's wife Anna's exhibition to Za' Ha' Dum. .... [JMS I relinquish any rights to this idea]

Already been done in one of the novels. Check out "The Shadow Within" by Jeanne Cavelos. And just as an FYI, JMS doesn't hang out anyplace where story ideas are discussed, regardless of disclaimers (assuming he had time these days anyway).

Already been done in one of the novels. Check out "The Shadow Within" by Jeanne Cavelos. And just as an FYI, JMS doesn't hang out anyplace where story ideas are discussed, regardless of disclaimers (assuming he had time these days anyway).


I've never understood that. Why is it that just because certain B-5 story ideas have been put into novel form no one wants to turn them it into a movie or episode? :( Just because the novel was written does not mean it can't be spiced up and show something no one has read yet, right? ;) It could be a enhancement of the novel. Many novels have been made into huge epic blockbusters and made like insane amounts of money.

****My disclaimer is rooted in the old days of this forum. I guess I'm a bit dated. Thanks Jan, a long time ago they had warned not to give any story ideas otherwise JMS would be bound to share the rights (thus he could be sued)for the idea if that has changed I wasn't aware of it. So it is okay to say ideas we have, without fear he would no be able to use them?
COOL!!!!! :D :D :D Excellent!!!

PS- You being in the entertainment industry yourself, being busy and all, it is nice hearing from you. Thank you... Just wanted to say that.
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I've never understood that. Why is it that just because certain B-5 story ideas have been put into novel form no one wants to turn them it into a movie or episode? :( Just because the novel was written does not mean it can't be spiced up and show something no one has read yet, right? ;) It could be a enhancement of the novel. Many novels have been made into huge epic blockbusters and made like insane amounts of money.
Sure they have. But not so far in the B5 universe. Me, I'd much prefer new stories. Why start retelling stories when there are so many new ones that could be told?

****My disclaimer is rooted in the old days of this forum. I guess I'm a bit dated. Thanks Jan, a long time ago they had warned not to give any story ideas otherwise JMS would be bound to share the rights (thus he could be sued)for the idea if that has changed I wasn't aware of it. So it is okay to say ideas we have, without fear he would no be able to use them?
COOL!!!!! :D :D :D Excellent!!!
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to mislead you in any way. I don't honestly know the policy here on story ideas but since you've mentioned several and nobody's said anything, I assume that they're allowed here. All I was saying is that, if there are story ideas, JMS won't come around here and won't see them. He's said many times that no amount of disclaimers would be protection and so he simply isn't anywhere where story ideas are discussed.

PS- You being in the entertainment industry yourself, being busy and all, it is nice hearing from you. Thank you... Just wanted to say that.
Sorry, there seems to be another misunderstanding. I'm not in the entertainment industry at all.

Sorry, there seems to be another misunderstanding. I'm not in the entertainment industry at all.

OOOOH my bust I did a double take on the very first post and just now noticed it was JMS who you were qouting not you posting a actual thing you were doing. OWWPS.... Hee Hee.... I sorry.... Me bad..... :rolleyes: :D