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Has anyone seen adverts for the Direct to DVD movie called "The Dukes of Hazzard - The Beginning"?
This is Warner Brothers first direct to DVD issue, B5:TLT is likely to be released in a similar way.

No, but a title like that is something that I'd try to forget. :p So, I may have seen it and was just successful in forgetting it.

Engaging the services of Lyta for a bit of deep scanning....

I seem to remember somebody sliding across a hood of a Dodge Charger, but that may have been from a trailer for The Dukes of Hazzard (2005) theatrical release.

OK, Lyta, now you can wipe that memory fragment. ;)
Warner Brothers first Direct-to-DVD only came out in March 2007, so any advert would have been in the last 2 weeks.

Well, it may have been in that timeframe. I only see commercials when I'm watching timer recorded programs, and I zip through them at either 30x or 70x speed. Then, there's the fact that when I see/hear something of the Dukes of Hazzard, I tend to look away. Sure, I watched the show now and then when I was in my early twenties, but that was almost 30 years ago. Wouldn't be caught dead watching it today. :p
As per the news thread, the HD download for Xbox sounds cool. This has bascially convinced me to get a 360 now...
Yeah, the movie marketplace thing is pretty nifty. This piece of PR posted at GAF might be of interest.

Most are aware that Xbox 360 has the biggest library of high definition games, offers voice and video chat with friends and family, plays CDs, DVDs, HD DVDs (with an optional player), and digital music, along with displaying digital photos in high definition, all for a price starting at $299.00.

With many online services trying to make downloading television and feature films easy for consumers, we wanted to share some details you may not know on a leading online service you might already have in your living room connected to your TV: Xbox LIVE on Xbox 360. Launched last November, the movie and TV downloads section of Xbox LIVE has been a runaway success.

· Within four months of launching, Xbox LIVE has become the number one online distributor of television and feature film content in the living room where it’s most easy for consumers to access.

· In the same four months, the service has quickly become the number two online distributor of television and feature film content, second to iTunes.

· Is currently the ONLY online distributor of major feature films and television programming in high definition (HD) resolution.

· The service is a breakout success, with double-digit, month-over-month growth since launching.

· Monthly downloads from Xbox LIVE went up 400 percent since the service launched in November.

CBS Broadcasting Inc., Lionsgate Entertainment, MTV Networks Co., New Line Cinema, Paramount Pictures Corp., Turner Broadcasting System Inc., Ultimate Fighting Championship and Warner Bros have all made content available on Xbox LIVE. Through those partnerships, content is available from [adult swim], CBS, Comedy Central, CW, Lionsgate, MTV, MTV 2, NASCAR.com, New Line Cinema, Nickelodeon, Nicktoons, Paramount TV and Film, SPIKE, TBS, UFC, VH1 and Warner Bros TV and Movies. In fact, more than 1,500 hours of content is available today for download.

The best part of Xbox LIVE? It is incredibly easy to use. With just a few clicks of a button from the comfort of your living room, premium HD content can be downloaded directly to your Xbox 360 console, conveniently already connected to your television. There is no need to burn the content to a DVD, set up a home network, go to the video store or order new DVDs through the mail.

With prices for HD displays continuing to decrease, demand remains incredibly high. Unfortunately, a broad selection of HD content is not available to everyone. Xbox LIVE is currently the only service online which allows you to download major feature films and television programming in HD. Whether its HD games, TV, movies or pictures, Xbox 360 is an incredible source for a wide variety of HD content.

Are you one of the more than 42 million owners of a Windows Media Center PC? Not only do you get all the above, but now your Xbox 360 can also display and record live television.

If you have any questions about Xbox LIVE or about the digital entertainment options available through Xbox 360, please let us know.


Also, the message I posted on the newsgroup was slightly longer and had a paragraph of me speculating what the 360 exclusive release of the HD version might mean. Which I suppose I might as well copy paste here. :)

I've been wondering how the HD version of TLT would be handled for a
while. The two HD disc formats are gearing up in sales, but probably
will still be at a relatively low penetration level at the time VitD
will be released. So it might have been hard to get as much use as one
would want out of new HD content when it is only released on these
disc formats in 2007. However, this Marketplace release might not be a
terrible way to highlight the HD release of B5 and put a nice
spotlight on it, with a potential market that is about 10 million
worldwide now, and yet not that crowded in terms of this particular
type of new HD content. It might be nice to use the HD version to show
off that B5 is back on a platform where it might get some attention
since not a lot of HD video material gets exclusively released on it,
and yet still make most of your money with the SD DVD release which
probably would've been the biggest money maker for a while anyway. And
I'm sure WB is keeping the option open of eventually releasing HD-DVD
or Bluray versions of VitD anyway, the exclusivity deal of the TLT HD
version probably being just at the initial release date and maybe a
finite period after it.
I'm sure its finite. I really think its a great move, and as an aside, I expect HD downloads offered by MS and Apple via their platforms to be as big as Blu-ray or HD-DVD in delivering HD content.

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