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The B5 DVD has been fully delivered to WB along with finals on all of
the director's blogs, the interviews, and fireside chats. I'd expect
to see them online in a few weeks, one at a time.

I don't know about you guys, :D but my heart starting thumping a little faster when I read this!

:D Thank you, Jan!
Great news! With luck, the floodgates will open soon, and there'll be no shortage of material for this thread..

I still can't get my head around the fact there's a complete new unseen installment of B5 out there. How long has it been since it was possible to say that? :)
I suppose we shouldn't judge a DVD by its cover, but it seems that the visuals are going to be very, very good in comparison with the old stuff. I mean, check out that cityscape over in the news thread!

(But then be good and come back over here to talk about it.)
I'm sooo very excited to see this when it comes out. Yes at the other B5 discussion board someone was disapointed that it's only 75 minutes vs. the expecting 90 minutes or so but either way I'll take 75 great B5 minutes over no babylon 5 at all. And I'm sure that the price will be $19.99 at best buy or amazon instead of the $24.99 listed price right now. Boy I can't wait. The cover looks great. Oh, boy, is this great!

Just a little over 3 months to go

As mentioned in the news thread, amazon.com seems to just have turned on the pre-orders. DVDs going for 17 bucks a piece, pretty decent. Now go and finally pre-order some new Babylon 5! :D
Play.com has it for the third of september, at 10 pounds.

edit: woops, didn't see the post above since it was on a new page and I was still staring at the previous one.
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Me three. And posted to two other boards that now is the time to pre-order so they get the early notice there is a market for it, so they greelight and start Disk 2 ASAP. I see it has already risen from #594 best seller on Amazon when I pre-ordered a couple hours ago, to now being #578 best seller. For such a small release, this is pretty good news, isn't it
I think WB knows there is a market. Note the section on "marketing support" in the official press release.

I am semi-disppointed that there's no scene-specific commentary track, but I figure JMS decided he covered everything in the producton diaries. Still, sometimes people remember particular events or stories while watching a film that would be missed otherwise.

Most minor of nitpicks. Sorry for looking in the gift horse's mouth. Never mind. :D


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