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Just finished reading part two of the CGsociety bit on TLT.


Lots of spoilers so be warned.

It appears the FX guys were real fans, and put in a lot of unpaid overtime to get things looking good. The new docking bay is amazing, and going to be a real highlight of the show, never mind the New York shots... those flying police cars are very blade runner, but very cool.... This has me pumped.
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The docking bay looks great, and should look even more so in motion. The space scenes so far look great.

New York looks very CG to me. Something about the perspective doesn't ring true, and with the funny lighting it reminds me too much of Crackdown on the XBox 360. I really prefer the approach taken in BSG, where they add a few sparse CG elements and ships to real shots of Vancouver. But granted I haven't seen it in motion yet, and might be rushing to judgement too quickly.
Nah, they're probably going to announce that they scrapped it and that the only copies were accidentally deleted thanks to a computer error, or that the whole thing was just a silly internet hoax in the first place, or possibly viral marketing for the new Harry Potter movie..
I know! Maybe JMS will have Bruce and Tracy demonstrate their expertise with sock puppets at the con!

For those not familiar with Joe Nazarro, he's been writing about and photographing B5 since (I think) the very beginning as well as other genre shows. He's had a few books published and used to be a regular contributor to the Official Babylon 5 magazine.

Nah, they're probably going to announce that they scrapped it and that the only copies were accidentally deleted thanks to a computer error, or that the whole thing was just a silly internet hoax in the first place, or possibly viral marketing for the new Harry Potter movie..

And JMS is Kilroy! :LOL:

I am quite annoyed that Amazon.co.uk has not got B5-TLT for pre-order yet.

I sent them an email today asking when it would be available and got back this automated reply.

Dear Customer

Thank you for contacting Amazon.co.uk.

I'm sorry, but the DVD you're asking about isn't currently in our
catalogue. However, we are constantly adding to our catalogue
listings, so we would encourage you to check back on our website soon
to see if this title has been made available.

I knew it wasn't in your catalogue, that's why I was asking! :mad:

I'm wondering if a few more of the UK people on this site sent in a request, whether it will get it showing up quicker.
Despite play.com having it listed for the UK, its quite probable that Warner UK have not got a release date finalised yet.

I would contact them If I were you.

Or you can preorder from Play.com as I have done. I've used them for years, they are often cheaper than Amazon and deliver quick.
Has anyone heard about when The Lost tales is going to be released in Australia ( Region 4)????????
Has anyone heard about when The Lost tales is going to be released in Australia ( Region 4)????????

I haven't heard.

Is JMS doing any comic or SciFi conventions anytime soon when he might be allowed to announce Production beginning on the next disk having been greenlighted? Voices in the Dark is still #28 on the best selling list, and hasn't even been released yet, that's gotta be enough sales to greenlight the next disk, I would imagine?
JMS will be at the San Diego Comic Con July 25-29. There's going to be a panel on Friday the 27th dedicated to the Lost Tales moderated by Joe Nazarro with one or more of the actors attending.

I'll be at the con and I'll be sure to report back here as to any news I hear.


Wow, that is really amazing. I thought the sales might already have spiked to their max and were going down from there.

Maybe more people are hearing about TLT. :)

For a show that had no future, according to some, I'd say that's pretty darned impressive.

It would be interesting if we do see more and more of these direct to DVD releases. As I've said in the past, I always had the impression that was for movies that were so bad they figured they had no chance at all in the theaters.

It would be nice if that trend were to stop, and intelligent, lower-budget entertainment would take its place.
Amazon.com has been a monopoly supplier. The big question is how will the DVD sell in Walmart and Blockbuster?
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From the News thread:

SWEET! I knew there was a reason I wanted this long to buy. Now I get to reap the rewards! SUCK IT to all you pre-buyers.

See, this has come up before, and as was pointed out to you in the News thread, Amazon.com automatically gives you the sales price. I just couldn't find a statement on their account, so I emailed them quickly before bed.

This morning I received this:

Hello from Amazon.com.

I am glad to take this opportunity to address you in this regard.
Please accept my sincere apology for the inconvenience that has

Whenever you pre-order a book, CD, video, DVD, software, or video
game, the price we charge when we ship it to you will be the lowest
price offered by Amazon.com between the time you placed your order
and the release date.

Please note that our Pre-Order Price Guarantee applies only to items
sold by Amazon.com, and not to items (or prices) offered by other
sellers on our site.

I've included some additional information below. Thanks for shopping
at Amazon.com.

If your order enters the shipping process before the release date
and the price is lowered before release date, we will automatically
refund the difference between the price you were charged and the
lowest price between shipment and release date. If your order is
shipped after the release date but the Amazon.com price decreases
within 30 days, you may contact customer service to request that we
refund the difference:

Although if you're going to jump for joy over a 1-dollar discount, maybe you should wait a year or so and buy it when it's in the bargain bin at Megamart, or something. ;)