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B5:TLT *Spoiler* Thread


Hi this is the Babylon 5 - The Lost Tales SPOILER thread.
Goodbye. :LOL:










The bombing of New York. Within what we know this could have happened at two times - in Season 5 when the Drakh pretended to be Centauri and five years later when the Drakh sent a planet killer to Earth. Although individual terrorists could have arrived at any time.
Could it not happen during the events of the movie? Why does it have to be a past event? Remember it was the 5th anniversary of the Alliance that motivated the Drakh to attack Earth last time. Perhaps after the events of Crusade, the Drakh resources are not so extensive/expendable and so they motivate the Centauri into attacking (maybe with pod powered ships) on the 10th anniversary. I can't remember... but would anything in the Centauri Prime trilogy forbid that event taking place?
If you look closely at the storyboard, you'll notice that it seems to be framed as a dream warning by Galen to Sheridan, a la ACtA. Which means that the CG sequence they are talking about could be just that, and there is no real way to tell if the bombing eventually takes place. But even if it doesn't, and the Centauri are stopped, it would still leave us with them having had the intention to bomb the Big Apple, which could still have some pretty big and interesting consequences for the Centauri/Alliance dynamic at the time of VitD. Should be very interesting to see exactly how it plays out.
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Assuming it is simply a dream, could it be some kind of warning from Galen about Prince Regent Vintari?

Speaking of whom, isn't that a picture of the Prince Regent in a Starfury? What is he doing there? Is Sheridan chasing him? Does he take after his Dad? Does he have a keeper? What's the connection between this strand, and the guy on the bed in the strait-jacket with Lochley and Father Kelly on B5? Does he have a keeper? What is Galen's role in the Sheridan story? What's at stake? So many mysteries.. :)
Ok, so if this new Prince Regent guy in TLT is Cartagia's son, that's bound to have created a huge scandal within the Royal Court!

At the time that Londo was put in the position of Prime Minister after Cartagia's assassination, the one minister of the Centaurum who nominated Londo to the others of the Royal Court present said that Cartagia had no known heirs, right? So, this new guy in TLT's parentage must have been discovered sometime after Londo became Emperor then (thus making it impossible to boot Londo from the position and put Cartagia's heir on the throne).

That would then make some sense as to why he's titled "Prince Regent".
Dalar said:
Er.. I don't remember that? What episode?

It's revealed in "Movements Of Fire And Shadow" that Centauri ships that were used to attack Alliance ships had no crews and were instead controlled through use of Shadow technology.
Er.. I don't remember that? What episode?
Episodes 509 to 518. The Drakh used the Shadow remote control devices to drive Centauri made ships in attacks on other Alliance members and the jump gates.

We do not know the full extent of these attacks and if they attacked anything else.

It is possible the attack on New York is something the Drakh are planing rather than have actually performed.
Ok, so if this new Prince Regent guy in TLT is Cartagia's son, that's bound to have created a huge scandal within the Royal Court!

It definitely has repercussions, since he would be a serious threat to Londo's legitimacy as Emperor. As this would put his life in danger, perhaps he's come to Sheridan for sanctuary? And perhaps Sheridan has a hard time believing that the Londo he knew would sanction murder? So perhaps Galen shows up to demonstrate to him just how great a threat the isolationist Centauri have / will become under Emperor Mollari?

Speculation is so much fun :)
I think this is another of Galen's warnings, although if it was a ture event it would have massive reprocussions for the B5 universe.

How does TLT disk 1 fit in with the Centauri Prime trilogy series with regards to timescales?

It is set 10 years after the end of season 4, also in the latter years of Crusade's planned arc ??
It's set at exactly 5 years after ACtA if you look at the respective anniversaries in VitD and ACtA, so somewhere early season 5 of Crusade.
Could it not happen during the events of the movie? Why does it have to be a past event? Remember it was the 5th anniversary of the Alliance that motivated the Drakh to attack Earth last time. Perhaps after the events of Crusade, the Drakh resources are not so extensive/expendable and so they motivate the Centauri into attacking (maybe with pod powered ships) on the 10th anniversary. I can't remember... but would anything in the Centauri Prime trilogy forbid that event taking place?
Not as such, though of course, for obvious "real-world" reasons, there's nothing mentioned in the final Bester novel of the Centauri NYC attacks (set right after the end of Crusade, in 2271, and presumably roughly concurrent with the events of The Lost Tales), nor of Prince Regent Vintari. Nor in the last Centauri Prime novel, set in 2278.

Though JMS was/is clearly aware of their existence (having personally scenarized them for Greg Keyes and Peter David), and probably structured the new series so that the episodes work around them without too many contradictions. I don't see him going out of his way to disrupt any of this, owing to his inclusive attitude towards the novels, barring, of course, different storytelling stances that Joe might decide to adopt vis-à-vis the new show.

From what I recall of the Centauri Trilogy in particular, the action focused around Londo and Vir within the palace itself, with Prime Minister Durla the Drakh's main ally apart from Mollari...but then again, nothing was ever established one way or another concerning Cartagia's "wild oats," and potential offspring, so there probably aren't going to be very many discrepancies on that front, either.

It all depends on the specifics.
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There was some confused reporting about exactly what JMS said at NYCC about David Sheridan in TLT. Some were reporting that David would just be mentioned in VitD, some that he would be part of a next DVD, and I wasn't quite sure which was true. I just listened to an audio version of the panel to hear what he exactly said (see news thread), and apparently it is in fact both. To transcribe:
David will be mentioned in this episode, definitely. Which reminds me, speaking of David; in addition to doing the Changeling for Ron Howard... So yes, David will be mentioned in this, and we will actually see him somewhere else, in the next DVD.
So he explicitly mentioned both; we will hear him mentioned, and we will see him in a later DVD. Pretty neat.
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It's set at exactly 5 years after ACtA if you look at the respective anniversaries in VitD and ACtA, so somewhere early season 5 of Crusade.

*Early* Season 5 of Crusade? How long after ActA is the beginning of Crusade Season 1? I thought it was only a matter of weeks. If so, ActA would be something like "late Season 0" of Crusade, and five years later would be late Season 5.
*Early* Season 5 of Crusade? How long after ActA is the beginning of Crusade Season 1? I thought it was only a matter of weeks. If so, ActA would be something like "late Season 0" of Crusade, and five years later would be late Season 5.
Hmm, I suppose that sounds right. I always confuse myself when trying to get the exact dates of these things right. :p
Hmm, I suppose that sounds right. I always confuse myself when trying to get the exact dates of these things right. :p
According to the Official B5 Chronology, A Call to Arms takes place from December 17 to December 30, 2266, with the Crusade series proper (starting from "War Zone") kicking off sometime between December 30th and January 1st, 2267.

So Crusade would've ended (presumably, using B5's January-to-December model) at the end of 2267. The Lost Tales is set in 2272, right after Crusade's conclusion.

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