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B5TV upgraded


Staff member
I upgraded the system to 3.6.10 today, which is bug and security fixes.

While I was there, I sorted out the "temporary" graphics which we've had for over a year now! So there should be better images in some places.

I've also removed the default horrible white design. Hopefully most of you were already using the blue design... but if you weren't there's now no choice! And for new visitors, at least they'll see the better look. :)
Glad to be of assistance.

And thanks for setting it so that the board loads with the blue colors and graphics from the begining. It makes the board's reloading after signing in go a lot faster for those of us on slow old dialup.
The color is very nice. Some of the smilies aren't showing up for me, are there new codes I need to look up?

:) :eek: :eek:
Frown and Embarrassment are there, but not showing up on my computer as pictures. The rest look about the same as before. I didn't remember we had devil and angel and a couple of others. :)

Thanks, VL.
I still can't see several of them. I wonder if it's some kind of a cookie thing? But then, would any of it be viewable?
Star Trek smilies, how impressive. :D

And I see a few that look rather Kribu-influenced. :wtf: :evil:

Thanks, Antony. :rommie:
I notice that this emoticon :scream: is titled "scream". To me, it looks more like it's praying really really hard than screaming. :confused:

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