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Babylon 5 Chainmail Trivia

Sorry to break format, but are you talking about the Sinclair / G'Kar conversation about the G'Quan'Eth plant and G'Kar's ceremony? I think this is necessary information to compute / correctly answer the question.

Well, I don't think it necessary in a trivia game to point out WHERE the answer is, so I'll just say you're on the right track. Oh, and the obvious answer finally came into my thick skull as to how they COULD be of different lengths! :rolleyes:
A: i think it takes less time for light from Narn to reach Babylon 5.
NQ: How many hours did the G´Quan Class Cruiser sent by G´Kar take to reach Z´Ha´Dum?
That doesn't make a lightyear shorter or longer, Fas. We measure a lightyear as the distance that light can travel during one year. A year is defined by us as the time required for the Earth to make one cycle around the sun. A Narn lightyear is not the same as an Earth lightyear, because a Narn year is not the same as an Earth year.

The ceremony of G'Kar was held later, so apparently a Narn year takes longer than an Earth year. An thus a Narn lightyear is more than an Earth lightyear.

Ten Narn lightyears equal about 12 Earth lightyears, so, yes, Narn light years, and years, are longer. So, since you got the answer, you were supposed to pose a new question. :D