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Babylon 5 changes

"...and I would have shown a scene with a bird making a nest in Morden's hair as his head sat on that pike on Centauri Prime." -RW's changes

Not cool, man. C'mon, why can't anything bad like that ever happen to Sheridan?
Because Sheridan wasn't the poster boy for the ancient enemy. /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif
I would have liked to hold onto the major arc points such as Takeshima and Sinclair.

While Seasons 4 (and even 5) are alright and Sleeping in Light is OK I can bearly imagine just how kick-ass wonderful War Without End would have been as the final episode.

What would I like to see? The whole series produced in one go (all 110 episodes, a pilot TV movie and an Epilogue TV movie i.e. SiL) with every eposide written by JMS. The show would in effect be PERFECT with a perfect arc, perfect characters (no trapdoors), perfect costumes etc.
It would be really expensive but absolutley legendary.

Of course this is all a little bit of wihsful thinking.
Unfortunately kaycee, life isn't perfect, so how could a show be? /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif B5 was the closest thing to perfection in my opinion. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Of course you're right.

Perhaps I only focused on the negative. I really enjoyed B5 and I think what was produced was is the best tv show ever (to my knowledge).

I watch about The West Wing (which is great in its way) but I can't get too interested because I know they make it up as they go along.

Anyway I think the show is great and I love the story as it was. However I would still like to have watched WWE as the finale - what a way to go out!!!
I would have eliminated those horribly pointless S5 episodes Learning Curve and Strange Relations (keeping the Lyta bareback scene).
I would never ever take out Lyta. Talia was so irritating, she sounded like she was about to burst into tears every time she spoke.
And Lochley might be older, but she's hotter than Ivanova. Susan was a great character, but Claudia's acting was a real let down. I can't believe jms got death threats when CC left.
I would also change the director of Intersection in Real Time.
That episode had the potential to be as good as Comes the Inquisitor: Wayne Alexander, great dialogue, great acting, but the direction felt lacking somehow. I'm not asking for a repeat of Mike Vejar and the dance of death, but I felt jms was really let down by John Lafia.
I would have liked more chances to see a vorlon fleet kicking butt. We only ever saw those ships firing in Deathwalker, Interludes and Into the Fire.
You feel that Claudia was a bad actress in B5? Wow. It just goes to show that people can watch the same performance and have two completely different reactions to it.

The only one whose performance I ever thought was kind of off was Sinclair. But after I saw season 1 for the second time, I found that I liked his style then.

I guess it just took some warming up. /forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif In my case.
Sinclair was just sooooo good-looking that he could simply have said there without saying a word and I'd have thought it was good acting. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
I liked the horribly pointless S5 episode Learning Curve! /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif I do agree with you about Lyta though, I never liked Talia, Lyta had a much stronger personality. Ivanova was my favourite character, I loved her acting, it was great. The only scene with Ivanova in which I cringe is that sex dance she does. That is just wrong. Also, my brother always thought Lochley was absolutely ugly, he couldn't look at her without making some bad comment.
Anyways, you can't please everyone at the same time. /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Sinclair was just sooooo good-looking that he could simply have said there without saying a word and I'd have thought it was good acting.

Stood there, right? I'm almost sure you must mean "stood there and said nothing".

To say "there" without saying anything would be a pretty amazing trick. /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
Yes, of course I meant "stood there". /forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif

As I said, I'm getting old and senile. /forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif

And I start writing babbling nonsense where Sinclair is concerned. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Poor Kribu. Tough day. /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif I hope you can get past the silly abbreviations soon. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
I'm not saying she was terrible, she really did have some great scenes in rising star and the long night. It's just that she was surrounded by some real acting heavyweights.
Richard Biggs was always great, its his character who was often irritating and self righteous.

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