</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Downloading them for free does no harm
This is not strictly true of course.
In response to this exact same issue over the unfilmed Crusade scripts (i.e. they are not available anywhere legitmately so what harm is there in sharing illegitimately), JMS' response was exactly what you would expect ... that these are still someone's intellectual property and copying is still stealing. He did, however, also make the point that if he wanted to make them available for sale in some format (and therefore make some money from them) sales potential has possibly been damaged by the availability of illegal copies. So in that case, financial harm would have been done albeit not immediately.
Aside from that, perhaps the bloopers have never been made available at the request of those taking part, the actors etc., or they are being held off to be included in a future DVD release or even as a stand-alone. If there are poor quality, illegal copies doing the rounds on the net WHV may well decide not to bother because they consider sales potential to have been compromised.
I have no desire to come across as a killjoy or anything, but I do not consider the issue to be as cut and dried as this. Sure, noone is losing money right now through sharing bootleg versions, but the potential is there for the future and, like it or not, the material is still copyrighted and sharing it is still stealing.
Just my $0.02.