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Babylon 5 Rangers

You all mis understood my meaning in the first place from my first post to my last post. I am not saying a President should be at the front of the line, im saying Sheridan has been at the front of a line or at least in almost every major battle from the Shadow War, the Drakh War, the Earth Alliance Civil War, and even when those unknown aliens attacked B5 when Captain lochley was captain of it. And also in Thirdspace. No matter how valuable he was to a higher cause, he risked his butt and put it on the line almost every time. Im not saying he should have but im just saying the comparison u made to Sheridan and other history leaders was irrelavent. Have a nice day guys and gals.

"The Universe speaks in many languages, but only one voice. The language is not Narn, or Human, or Centuari, or Gaium, or Minbari. It speaks in the language of hope. It speaks in the language of trust." ~ It speaks as One! We are One!