Interesting ... the set includes LotR, which is released separately on the same day.
Could this be the item that JMS told R2 and R4 viewers to watch the horizon for when talking about the DVDs in general many moons ago? The fact that it gives us R2 viewers a chance to finally own all the movies in our own region set is positive, but the fact that you also have to buy all five seasons again at the same time is ludicrous. Marketing ploy anyone? I can hear the meeting now.
"Hey ... we have two movies never released in full editions in R2. You know how we can really make some money? Make them available in R2, but only within a set also containing everything else we have already released, and an exclusive poster. That way, those suckers will buy the whole lot all over again."
Cynical, moi?
Having said all of that, it is a bit cheaper than the total cost of buying the whole lot separately. I reckon I spent around £200 on the season sets and R1 movies, with LotR (£15) still to go, but that was spread out over a couple of years, and not all at once - £35 every few months for a season is easily doable, £160 all at once for the whole lot just isn't, so I don't mind spending the extra.
The box looks cool though.