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Babylon 5: The Complete Universe Box Set


That's right. A box set which contains ALL seasons and ALL movies. I remember when Joe said a year or so ago that WB would never make anything like this, I'll guess that for the first time ever, he was wrong.

Check this out! Babylon 5: The Complete Universe Box Set

Now why did I bought all those seasons and movies separately... *sigh* :rolleyes:
No sign of Region on Amazon.com

To be honest, I think I prefer having the seasons and movies boxed seperately. Easier to loans pieces out to friends, easier to store. I'll be irate if it's the only way to get Rangers on DVD though.

Anyone know what the price works out to for the complete universe in American dollars? The individual sets + the movies can easily be purchased individually for $400.00 American dollars (and it's much easier paying a little at a time, than all at once)
Interesting ... the set includes LotR, which is released separately on the same day.

Could this be the item that JMS told R2 and R4 viewers to watch the horizon for when talking about the DVDs in general many moons ago? The fact that it gives us R2 viewers a chance to finally own all the movies in our own region set is positive, but the fact that you also have to buy all five seasons again at the same time is ludicrous. Marketing ploy anyone? I can hear the meeting now.

"Hey ... we have two movies never released in full editions in R2. You know how we can really make some money? Make them available in R2, but only within a set also containing everything else we have already released, and an exclusive poster. That way, those suckers will buy the whole lot all over again."

Cynical, moi? :D

Having said all of that, it is a bit cheaper than the total cost of buying the whole lot separately. I reckon I spent around £200 on the season sets and R1 movies, with LotR (£15) still to go, but that was spread out over a couple of years, and not all at once - £35 every few months for a season is easily doable, £160 all at once for the whole lot just isn't, so I don't mind spending the extra.

The box looks cool though.
That's right. A box set which contains ALL seasons and ALL movies. I remember when Joe said a year or so ago that WB would never make anything like this, I'll guess that for the first time ever, he was wrong.

Well, Joe may have an out. If they never release it in the US, he probably meant Warner Home Video, which is a US company, not a UK one. :D

But, I do hope they release it in the US, for $290, or less. That would be a deal! But, cynicism about waiting so long, and not announcing their plans, is warranted.
Meh, I don't want Rangers or Crusade, and buying them all seperately inspired me to download and print that funky cover art someone someone else made.

But this does look nice.
I agree, it is quite minging in design.

The fact that I can only get all of the movies in R2 with commentary by splashing out on this is just typical.

The only folks likely to but this would be those of us that already have seasons 1-5.
Ill get the LOTR DVD seperate when its out just to almost complete my set, i say almost as i havent got The Gathering yet and im not paying £16.99 for it with out extras. Its at stupid prices for some reason on all sites ive been to, you would have thought it would be cheap as chips by now. (sorry for the DD quote lol)
This box set truly is the ultimate for any Babylon 5 fan, packaged in a luxury box and containing an exclusive Babylon 'universe' poster.

Gee, a poster! THAT'S a good reason to spend over $400 Australian to get all the DVD's that I already own! :rolleyes:
Most likely this set is a compilation of the existing box sets and disks. In other words, I would expect that box to contain the (individual) releases of The Gathering and In the Beginning along with the 5 Season box sets, the movie box set (containing Thirdspace, A River of Souls and A Call to Arms) and the new release of Legend of the Rangers.

It is possible that they've repackaged the movies somehow (perhaps consolidate the 6 movies into one box that matches the 5 season boxes) but it is highly unlikely that they've pressed new versions of The Gathering or In the Beginning for this.

The truth is that the cheapest way to make this kind of box set is to box up all the existing sets. This has been done with other titles and there is no reason to believe that B5 is any different.
Actualy, the "movie box set" does have In the Beginning and Gathering.

My shelf displays 6 box sets: one for each season and one for the 5 films.
Actualy, the "movie box set" does have In the Beginning and Gathering.

My shelf displays 6 box sets: one for each season and one for the 5 films.

Not in R2, we got screwed with 3 movies, see countless other threads for details... :rolleyes:

I have the box set on order now - but can anyone tell me which version of The Gathering is likely to be included - will it be the re-edited version with the Christopher Franke score?

Also if anybody has this set yet what do they think of the packaging, I have no idea what to expect inside the box. :confused:
Thanks that's great. That's what I was hoping because I haven't seen it yet - but I'll be sure to hang on to my VHS copy of the original so I can compare the two versions.
I have that too, have not watched it in years. You may not get commentaries on the Gathering or In the Begining though, they were both only released as vanila titles with no extras.
Sorry for what is obviously going to be a stupid question from a stupid questioner, BUT... Can DVDs in R2 format be watched without issue on a US ps2?

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