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Babylon 5 - The Lost Tales ... Question about the Best Buy comic...


I'm new to the B5 universe. I only recently got into the show on a recommendation from a friend (one I'm very glad I followed). I'm trying to ease into the show in as close to chronological order as possible, watching all the episodes, reading all the books and comics in as close to the intended order as possible.

I may be jumping the gun a bit, since I'm still mid-way through Season 1, but I notice that the B5 - The Lost Tales (Voices in the Dark) DVD available from Best Buy had an exclusive comic which tells where Dr. Franklin and G'Kar are during the events of that story. Is this comic difficult to find? If I ordered the DVD from Best Buy.com, should I expect the comic to be included?

Just wondering, as I've been doing research online but can't seem to find an answer either way.

Really enjoying this show and there's not one bit of it or its expanded material I want to miss.
The comic was only available in limited numbers of specially marked packages at Best Buy so I doubt they'd still be available that way. The only other way it was available was at the San Diego Comic-Con the year that the DVD came out.

They do show up on Ebay from time to time. I actually have a small supply (some autographed by JMS, some not) and may be putting up some auctions soon. If you're interested, I can post here when I do.

The comic was limited edition, not in every DVD.


Would a brief synopsis of the comic, here, be OK?
The comic was only available in limited numbers of specially marked packages at Best Buy so I doubt they'd still be available that way. The only other way it was available was at the San Diego Comic-Con the year that the DVD came out.

They do show up on Ebay from time to time. I actually have a small supply (some autographed by JMS, some not) and may be putting up some auctions soon. If you're interested, I can post here when I do.


That would be amazing! If you do post them for sale/auction, please post a link. I'll surely buy that!

Thanks for the info and quick response. Much appreciated.
Would a brief synopsis of the comic, here, be OK?

Considering it's only a 6-page comic, it'd have to be brief, Mac. ;)

It's not up to me to say since it's not my material. Now that you mention it, I recall writing a synopsis for it. My own personal comfort level would be to offer it by PM or email but either way, I don't think there'd be any harm as long as it's not a transcription.

Found it. Let's see if this works - I just tried uploading a .pdf of the one I wrote as an attachment.



  • Lost Tales comic.pdf
    11.2 KB · Views: 42
Re.the pdf synopsis, that's more detailed than I was going to do. Had no idea you still had some of the comic left, Jan.
I can't imagine there's anything wrong with a summary or synopsis or anything like that as those are one's own words and not the words of the source being summarized or synopsized.
Re.the pdf synopsis, that's more detailed than I was going to do. Had no idea you still had some of the comic left, Jan.

I don't recall exactly when I wrote the synopsis, Mac. So few people got the comic at the time.

I ran across somebody selling a number of them a while back - sadly, he'd gotten them from Comic-Con although the WB booth swore they were all out. I got as many as I could afford and I've auctioned quite a few for the various benefits I've done for folks. I'm in the process of collecting cash for a particular purpose so I'm letting some stuff go on Ebay as I get around to it.

Re.the pdf synopsis, that's more detailed than I was going to do. Had no idea you still had some of the comic left, Jan.

I ran across somebody selling a number of them a while back - sadly, he'd gotten them from Comic-Con although the WB booth swore they were all out. I got as many as I could afford and I've auctioned quite a few for the various benefits I've done for folks. I'm in the process of collecting cash for a particular purpose so I'm letting some stuff go on Ebay as I get around to it.


Good thing for DIrishB. :thumbsup:
Re.the pdf synopsis, that's more detailed than I was going to do. Had no idea you still had some of the comic left, Jan.

I ran across somebody selling a number of them a while back - sadly, he'd gotten them from Comic-Con although the WB booth swore they were all out. I got as many as I could afford and I've auctioned quite a few for the various benefits I've done for folks. I'm in the process of collecting cash for a particular purpose so I'm letting some stuff go on Ebay as I get around to it.


Good thing for DIrishB. :thumbsup:

Indeed! Whenever you auction those, Jan, please post a link, as said I'll definitely buy those.

Over the past few months I've been going out of my way to track down all the older comics (#1-11 and #1-3 In Valen's Name), the novels, etc.

With the exception of the short stories from B5 Magazine and Amazing Stories Magazine, the Lost Tales Tribute comic seems to be the hardest B5 items to find.

So, suffice it to say, I'll happily pay very well for them. ;)
I've started listing auctions now. And while I don't have the 'regular' copies of the mini-comic listed yet, I thought folks here might be interested in the one I did list: It's autographed by not only JMS, but also by Doug Netter, Bruce Boxleitner, Tracy Scoggins and Samm Barnes. The five of them did a short (one hour, as I recall-maybe less since it started late) autograph session at the Comic-Con where they all appeared just as the Lost Tales disk was being released.

If interested, check out: http://shop.ebay.com/janmschroeder/m.html?_dmd=1&_ipg=50&_sop=12&_rdc=1

Bid high, bid often or Buy It Now! :thumbsup:

Thanks to fellow member Jan, I finally am able to read this comic.

And it was worth the wait.

A nice, short little 6 page comic, which serves to explain Dr. Franklin and G'Kar's whereabouts during The Lost Tales. It also truly does serve as a tribute to not only the actors, but the characters they brought to life.

Its short, poignant, and touching, especially when taking into account that in any future Babylon 5 works (live action anyway), there won't be a G'Kar or Dr. Franklin (at least without recasting the roles, and who wants that?).

Thanks again, Jan!