Re: Babylon 5: TMOS - What I Don\'t Want To See...
I agree entirely.
At the time I posted, it appeared to me that the discussion had veered off into a more philosophical discussion of the general principles of "should we regurgitate ideas and discussions ad nauseam or should we point posters to earlier threads that deal with similar subjects".
It is always good board practice to see if existing threads deal with the issue you want to raise (and the title alone is often not sufficient to judge the specifics, as we are all prone to go off in wild new directions at any given moment).
If so, join in there. If not, start a new thread.
Having too many separate threads dealing with slightly different specifics surrounding the same basic issue can lead to visitors missing out on some good discussions because they think they have read all the threads when they haven't.
Anyhoo, now I am the one doing the straying ...
To get back on topic (ish), I agree that Nicholas Meyer looks a good choice for Director of a B5 movie.
And what I don't want to see from B5:TMoS is a two and a half hour slug-fest between the Zarg and N'Grath. Other than that I don't particularly care what it is ... just bring it on already!

GaribaldisHair and Grumbler,
Both of your posts on the topic of board ettiqutte seem to assume that a recent thread exists of a similar topic subject heading. As I stated in the message to CE, I would dispute that assumption. The thread headings in question are titled, "A new JMS message and hint 4/29," "TMoS casting guessing game" and "JMS in New Jersey." Personally, before the issue was brought up by CE, I had no interest in the middle thread topic, specifically speculative casting, yet, upon review, that is the thread that is probably most closely related to this thread. As I mentioned, I would argue that each of those three threads addresses related, but different topics.
I agree entirely.
At the time I posted, it appeared to me that the discussion had veered off into a more philosophical discussion of the general principles of "should we regurgitate ideas and discussions ad nauseam or should we point posters to earlier threads that deal with similar subjects".
It is always good board practice to see if existing threads deal with the issue you want to raise (and the title alone is often not sufficient to judge the specifics, as we are all prone to go off in wild new directions at any given moment).
If so, join in there. If not, start a new thread.
Having too many separate threads dealing with slightly different specifics surrounding the same basic issue can lead to visitors missing out on some good discussions because they think they have read all the threads when they haven't.
Anyhoo, now I am the one doing the straying ...
To get back on topic (ish), I agree that Nicholas Meyer looks a good choice for Director of a B5 movie.
And what I don't want to see from B5:TMoS is a two and a half hour slug-fest between the Zarg and N'Grath. Other than that I don't particularly care what it is ... just bring it on already!