Bad News for Blake\'s 7
This can't be good
Blake's 7 The Movie - A Message from Paul.
This is something I never thought I would have to write to you. I am sorry to say that circumstances have arisen, that leave me no alternative but to sever relations with the company formed to revive, Blake’s Seven.
Terry Nation and I talked at some length about his idea for a two-part TV Movie that might capture the imagination of a new generation, as well as pleasing those of you who have so constantly supported his original conception. Since his untimely death, I have tried to realise the vision which, in a sense, he entrusted to me.
However, I have fallen foul of modern business practice, which seems to prefer exploitation of a, ‘brand’, and therefore, a TV Movie such as Terry and I envisaged seems as far off as when it was first mooted. Otherwise, I must quote, ‘artistic differences’, with those with whom I was previously in association.
This is not a Damascene revelation – I have been disturbed by the situation for quite a while and have tried to remedy it, but my efforts have been overruled or ignored. My position became untenable. You will know, I hope, how deeply unhappy I am and I’m sure you will share in my disappointment.
As somebody once said – “Every silver lining has a cloud.” Your affection and support over so many years meant a lot to Terry – and still does to me.
Thank you.
This can't be good