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"Best" and "worst" deaths

Re: \"Best\" and \"worst\" deaths

I liked the awareness of his comments right after that in the commentary. Something along the lines of:

Of course the fans are all thinking "We've known this for years. Stupid actors." :D

He did seem genuinely a bit excited by the realization. :cool:
Yep. It really made you aware of how disjointed the actors' views of the series were. They knew what they were suposed to say and how they were supposed to look, but not always why. As BB said, in a JMS script, you didn't have to understand it, you just had to do it.

One of the best moments of the cast commentaries. Not as good as the bit about how "we got to smell the bacon and eggs, and all [the alien actors] could smell was latex and glue" but right up there.
Re: \"Best\" and \"worst\" deaths

Yep. It really made you aware of how disjointed the actors' views of the series were. They knew what they were suposed to say and how they were supposed to look, but not always why. As BB said, in a JMS script, you didn't have to understand it, you just had to do it.

Yes, out of context the actor has to realise that he is not talking to his father but Kosh pretending to be his father. This probably confused BB when Sheridan's father gets kidnapped a year later - BB thought he was dead.
Re: \"Best\" and \"worst\" deaths

Best: The Koshs. Seeing Naranek wallop Ulkesh was fantastic.

Worst: President Clark. I wanted to see him suffer far more than he did.
Re: \"Best\" and \"worst\" deaths

Yes, out of context the actor has to realise that he is not talking to his father but Kosh pretending to be his father. This probably confused BB when Sheridan's father gets kidnapped a year later - BB thought he was dead.
What makes it worse is when they film out of sequence (which is a lot of the time). Kosh was probably days dead when BB had the scene with Opie's dad. :)
Re: \"Best\" and \"worst\" deaths

Cool thread.
Racked my brains and i still think Kosh is the best.
Keffer the worst.
As for the proving Talia dead, it is all in perspective.
Ignore Bester's comment on her disection for a mo, as arguably Talias original personality died when the command word was Tp'd into her brain. So she did die. But did the evil Talia remain??
Re: \"Best\" and \"worst\" deaths

Count me in for Refa as best, if just because it's the show's best moment regarding a non-major character for me. Everything was just so perfect: Londo's speech, the gospel music, the slow-mo, the joy at witnessing the brutal death of that rat.

Worst for me is Markas. Dying for a chick- tsk, tsk.
Re: \"Best\" and \"worst\" deaths

Your transcription of the word Marcus... appears to have some (probably subconcious) influence on people's spelling.
Re: \"Best\" and \"worst\" deaths

Count me in for Refa as best, if just because it's the show's best moment regarding a non-major character for me. Everything was just so perfect: Londo's speech, the gospel music, the slow-mo, the joy at witnessing the brutal death of that rat.
Yep, that was one of the highlights of the show, all right.

I loved Lord Refa's charactor. What a great bad guy - reckless/blind ambition, perfectly realized. Next to Neroon, he was my favorite non-star-type, and while I was saddened to lose him, like Neroon he got a great send-off.

I have a sneaking love of the Palace Garden scene between Morden's head and Vir, though. I didn't see Vir's speech in the Zocolo in ItSoZ as prophecy, and was delighted when it proved to be so.
Re: \"Best\" and \"worst\" deaths

I didn't see Vir's speech in the Zocolo in ItSoZ as prophecy, and was delighted when it proved to be so.

One of the nice things about JMS, he rarely gives us a zinger of a line like that and not pay it off.
Re: \"Best\" and \"worst\" deaths

"Best" death scene (literally): Gotta go with Sheridan's first "death." Taking a few thousand Shadows with him is always a plus. :)

"Worst" death scene: President Clark.

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