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Big B5 update from jms!!!

>>i have just checked out your homepage , And i love your car !!!<<

Thanks, but...er...it doesn't look quite like that anymore. After the Rangers pilot aired, SciFi had the wrap removed (yes, I saved it). All except G'Kar, who is still there on the back driver's side window. They would have had to fight me to take him off. :)

VORLON: "Entil'za, Valen. The duck has no teeth."

MIMBARI 1: "Valen, look out! Behind you! The DUCK!!!"

VALEN: "Arragh" (as he battles the duck)

LONDO: "Captain! Look out for that mad DUCK!"

SHERIDAN: "What?! Where?!"

DUCK: "Meow."
VORLON: "Entil'za, Valen. The duck has no teeth."

MIMBARI 1: "Valen, look out! Behind you! The DUCK!!!"

VALEN: "Arragh" (as he battles the duck)

LONDO: "Captain! Look out for that mad DUCK!"

SHERIDAN: "What?! Where?!"

DUCK: "Meow."


What is it with B5 fans and bad jokes?

ok, its the 15th and at this point has any one got any info, a new rumor would even be ok ;)

On the B5 front, there has been something of rather substantial proportion that's finally gone from talk to money, such that I'm now working frantically to meet some deadlines, but there's nothing I can say about this until after January 15th, probably closer to the end of that month.

(all message content (c) 2003 by synthetic worlds, ltd., permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine and don't send me story ideas)

From rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated, 30 November 2003



...probably closer to the end of that month.

Man, I hope I never have to take a long car trip with a bunch of B5 fans. It would be, "Are we there yet?" non-stop from the moment we backed out of the driveway. :)



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