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"Brit"- comment from JMS

Re: Racist comment from jms

Jebus Christmas, look at all the drama!

People get all fired up over the stupidest things these days. There was a time when people would have used their heads and laughed off such a benign comment when they considered the source.

Harper's been antagonizing JMS for some time now. He deserves whatever humiliation he gets, because he's asked for it.
Re: Racist comment from jms

Allow me to clarify a few points:

1) I think jms made a poor choice of words
2) Others agree with me (on this board and elsewhere)
3) I DO NOT believe jms to be racist
4) I posted a comment on the newsgroup to allow him to respond to 1) and 2), which I believe is the polite thing to do
5) I DO NOT agree with Paul Harper's racist and ignorant comments
6) I do not believe that my post to the newsgroup will "waste jms's time", as it will give him a chance to respond to what I, and others, have been commenting on his bad choice of words
Re: Racist comment from jms

1) I think jms made a poor choice of words

I am a Brit and I disagree. I saw the comment for what I believe it was intended to be ... a light-hearted poke in the ribs at the expense of someone yanking his chain for some reason - kind of like me telling my mate from London that he is "... not making any sense. Even for a Southerner.".

Doesn't make me anti-Southerner (or racist) by any stretch of the imagination.

I would find it pretty difficult to define any circumstances in which any comment, no matter how derogatory, by JMS (a white American) directed at me (a white Englishman), general or otherwise, could be construed as racist. Nationalistic, yeah, but racist ... ? "Brits" come from a multitude of ethnic backgrounds ... white European, Black African, Asian, Middle Eastern and ... yes even American, among others.

Or maybe I just define racism differently to other people.

IMHO this is an argument about nothing.
Re: Racist comment from jms

Jebus Christmas, look at all the drama!

People get all fired up over the stupidest things these days. There was a time when people would have used their heads and laughed off such a benign comment when they considered the source.

Harper's been antagonizing JMS for some time now. He deserves whatever humiliation he gets, because he's asked for it.

LondosHair, <u>thank you</u> for the call to reason. :)
Re: Racist comment from jms

Nationalistic, yeah, but racist ... ? "Brits" come from a multitude of ethnic backgrounds ... white European, Black African, Asian, Middle Eastern and ... yes even American, among others.

As one of my earlier posts shows, "race" doesn't have to be about ethnic backgrounds.
Re: Racist comment from jms

kind of like me telling my mate from London that he is "... not making any sense. Even for a Southerner.".

There's a world of difference between verbally saying this to a friend and posting this to a stranger on an internet site.
Re: Racist comment from jms

Except, of course that you can trace posts and responses between JMS and PH going back to at least 1999.

Re: Racist comment from jms

Ok ... but they appear to be far from friends (which makes jms's comment look more like an insult, rather than a joke)
Re: Racist comment from jms

Don't know. I don't know of any other posters who've gotten a joking marriage proposal from JMS, though, which PH has - so they obviously have been friendly toward each other in the past.

The point being made is that judgments from those not involved are ill-informed and often completely wrong.

Re: Racist comment from jms

To be honest, I'm less concerned with the "racist" comment, than JMS' generalisations about Britain and British culture.

It could be he's trying to be ironic, but the quotations PH's that he cited regarding Americans are of a similar level of generalisation as JMS' comments about Britain. Doesn't excuse/validate/vindicate PH at all, but doesn't, in my eyes, make JMS out any better.

He also seems to have misrepresented one of his quotations, but I could be wrong (the formatting seems a little messed up).

Not disputing PH's troll-hood, not saying JMS is a racist, just noting that JMS has made sweeping generalisations about Britain and British Culture, in the same manner that PH has made generalisations about American culture.

Just my opinion though, don't expect everyone to agree. :)

Re: Racist comment from jms

What have those sweeping generalisations been? Made my JMS, I mean. I know the one comment he made in jest that is in question here, but what other sweeping generalizations have been made?

Sorry, I honestly don't keep up with the JMS moderated site nearly as much as I should.
Re: Racist comment from jms

I have heard what JMS was saying in many different places. They say that British people like you until you are successful. Then, they hate you. So he is not the first person to say this. I am not necessarily saying this is true; I am just saying that I have heard it before. On the other hand, I am not very happy with the state of things in America at the moment, so I would probably agree with PH about America. I think we are getting more & more arrogant and mean-spirited.

Re: Racist comment from jms

I agree; not saying he's a monster, just saying he's not an angel. :)

Equally, not saying either person's comments are completely untrue, just that they are generalisations. :)

Re: Racist comment from jms

Racism??? Huh? I'll bet PH has a streak of nationalism in him that JMS is aware of and that this was a personal jab at his pretensions rather than a jab at all things Brittish. :cool:

By throwing the term "racist" about, PH merely wants to cloud the issue with an emotionally laden term that doesn't reflect, no, deliberately restructures the meaning of the comment to "darker" images. Pure BS IMHO.
Re: Racist comment from jms


Ah, Is this the right room for an argument?

I told you once

No you did not.

Mr Vibrating: Yes I did.

Man: No you didn't.

Mr Vibrating: Yes I did.

Man: No you didn't.

Mr Vibrating: Yes I did.

Man: No you didn't.

Mr Vibrating: Yes I did.

Man: You didn't.

Mr Vibrating: Did.

Man: Oh look, this isn't an argument.

Mr Vibrating: Yes it is.

Man: No it isn't. It's just contradiction.

Mr Vibrating: No it isn't.