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Calling of the Heart Chapter 3

I would hardly say that you rule the universe. And, for the last time, leave Latiya alone!


"There is always hope. It is the one thing no one has figured out how to kill yet." Galen.

"It's a shame our reality is devestating." Eve What's Going On?

"Oh, but who are they to judge us? Together we can all be strong." Alicia Keys, What's Going On?

"Oh, brother, brother, brother. There's far too many of you dying." Gwen Stefani, What's Going On?
Well, allright, there are those pesky Non-Aligneds and what's left of the first ones, but in general as the President of the ISA, I do rule all

And fine, I will leave this Latiya alone, I have decided to find a more worthy mate for myself, there are many warrior caste females that would jump at the chance to be with the Shai Alyt of the Warrior Caste and current ISA President.

-There is that short moment, before going to sleep, where you just think about your life, and you're finally proud of yourself, all the doubts are gone, and you feel like there is nothing in the world that you can't do - Me
Please go to my board..... Sol's Palace
Thank you! Acutally, I made a mistake about her age. Right now, she's sixteen. But, I'm playing her in an RPG and she is seventeen in the RPG. So, that would put her at the same age as you, Sol. That does not give you the right to make fun of my character because I messed up her age!


"There is always hope. It is the one thing no one has figured out how to kill yet." Galen.

"It's a shame our reality is devestating." Eve What's Going On?

"Oh, but who are they to judge us? Together we can all be strong." Alicia Keys, What's Going On?

"Oh, brother, brother, brother. There's far too many of you dying." Gwen Stefani, What's Going On?
I wasn't making fun of her, I wanted to get bizzy with her

But again, that's past tense, since you decided to have a very moral character that doesn't enjoy sex as all women her age do....
So I continue my search.... My neverending trek if you will.... To seek out new women.... And boldy go, where I haven't gone before

-There is that short moment, before going to sleep, where you just think about your life, and you're finally proud of yourself, all the doubts are gone, and you feel like there is nothing in the world that you can't do - Me
Please go to my board..... Sol's Palace

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