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Can't tell if I'm the problem...


Can\'t tell if I\'m the problem...

...or not. I can't seem to sign in as Jan and I can't get it to accept that username and any possible email address I might have used to have my password mailed to me.

This is my 'old' username and I really don't want to use it anymore. :-(

Re: Can\'t tell if I\'m the problem...

I sent you a PM regarding this - had a temporary password mailed to you on the address that we have for you in the Jan profile. Hopefully it will help.
Re: Can\'t tell if I\'m the problem...

Actually you may need to log in as JanMSchroeder.
Re: Can\'t tell if I\'m the problem...

Sigh...I can't see that any mail has come to that email address and I wasn't able to sign on anyway. Apparently my brother has changed his password.

Sorry to be such a pain but is it possible to wipe out both Jan and Jbonetati and let me start over from scratch?

Re: Can\'t tell if I\'m the problem...


I changed your email in the "Jan" account to the one you use for JBonetati, then sent a temp password. Check your email again and see if it worked.
Re: Can\'t tell if I\'m the problem...


Thanks so much! That worked and I'm feeling so much more myself now!

Re: Can\'t tell if I\'m the problem...

You're quite welcome. It's terrible being a split personality. ;)

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