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Cast and crew list! How did this get out on the net? Interesting! It is pretty detailed in terms of the cast (character) discriptions...Aliens and Humans...I noticed that there is an Asian character "Li Chen"...that is cool! I wonder what the character discriptions of the bridge crew are like!? It is very vague in the cast and crew category, although, the production probably want to keep that hush hush...I guess! -Ghost R.-

Yeah...I noticed the asian character too! I haven't seen any of the Crusade episodes, but I know that there was an asian character on that series as well...that is really neat!

Yeah, there was an asian character on Crusade, though his name was John Matheson. What's up with that? (I assume JMS had the character named before casting the actor, and just stuck with the name.)

And personally, an asian Ranger sounds cool, though I was hoping for a black Ranger. As well as a couple alien Rangers. (A Minbari Ranger I expected, but I was hoping for a Narn, too. Not a Drazi, though. I hate the Drazi.) A Telepath Ranger would've been a sweet idea, too. (Well, every B5 show so far has always had a telepath. Why not Rangers?)

The character was already named. When the actor was cast one of the producers suggested changing the name of the character to reflect the actor's heritage. The actor stepped in and said "Not required." His thinking was (as I recall) that his appearance coupled with a clearly European surname would indicate that we're all pretty much the same.

"A straight line might be the shortest distance between two points, but it is by no means the most interesting!"
- Dr. Who from 'The Time Warrior'
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Captain Matthew Gideon:
Yeah, there was an asian character on Crusade, though his name was John Matheson. What's up with that?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Matheson is not Asian, he is Asian-American.

Are you really that surprised that an Asian-American has a western name?

The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father
Trust the Corps

[This message has been edited by Bester (edited May 10, 2001).]
Well, I have to say that it is very nice to see all this respect regarding "asians" in the movie industry, on these boards! It is nice and comforting to know! As everyone is aware of, there are not alot of asians on tv...and, for those who seperate Asian Nationals (Jackie Chan,Jet Li,Chow Yun Fat) opposed to Asian-Americans, HATS OFF TO YOU! That is the key! There are many Asians that are born in America that have never stepped on the ground of their ancestry...and speak only one language---ENGLISH...Anyways, these boards have very educated and intelligent people...I enjoy chatting with everyone!

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>The character was already named. When the actor was cast one of the producers suggested changing the name of the character to reflect the actor's heritage. The actor stepped in and said "Not required." His thinking was (as I recall) that his appearance coupled with a clearly European surname would indicate that we're all pretty much the same.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ah, okay. That's what I wanted to know. I didn't think they would've made up that name after he was cast, but it was cool of him to keep the character name.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Matheson is not Asian, he is Asian-American.

Are you really that surprised that an Asian-American has a western name?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

First name? No. Western LAST names, though, aren't exactly common. Asian, Asian-American, it doesn't matter. The man's of asian descent. And being an American has zero bearing on that, as you tend to have a last name indicative of your descent. Just because my family came over to the US doesn't mean that they automatically changed their last name to a more anglo sounding name like Smith or Johnson. Now, I can understand how it would've happened. At some point an ancestor of his married a guy with the last name of Matheson and from then on his family's been named Matheson ever since. Just that someone of asian descent with a European last name isn't a common thing. That's the point. And I was curious why he was named that way. Now I know.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Well, I have to say that it is very nice to see all this respect regarding "asians" in the movie industry, on these boards! It is nice and comforting to know! As everyone is aware of, there are not alot of asians on tv...and, for those who seperate Asian Nationals (Jackie Chan,Jet Li,Chow Yun Fat) opposed to Asian-Americans, HATS OFF TO YOU! That is the key! There are many Asians that are born in America that have never stepped on the ground of their ancestry...and speak only one language---ENGLISH...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And had Jackie Chan, Jet Li, or Chow Yun Fat been born in the US, their last names would still be the same. Their parents may very well have given them more western sounding first names, but their last names would've still been asian, whether they could speak the language of their parents homeland or not.

As for "Asian Vs. Asian-American", that's a pointless comment. He's not Asian? I beg to differ. Being American, too, doesn't make a difference. He's as much an asian as he is an asian-american, and arguing semantics is dumb. Just like I qualify as a hispanic as well as a hispanic-american even though I was born in the US. So what, then. I'm not hispanic because I'm American? All they hyphen does is make the classification more specific. Asian-American is a more specific term, but he's still asian to begin with.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Captain Matthew Gideon:
First name? No. Western LAST names, though, aren't exactly common.

You're right. Western surnames are currently uncommon throughout the Asian-American comunity. BUT Crusade is set in the 23rd century, during which time I am sure such an occurance will be more commonplace.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Captain Matthew Gideon:
Now, I can understand how it would've happened. At some point an ancestor of his married a guy with the last name of Matheson and from then on his family's been named Matheson ever since.

Right again. For all we know, Matheson's father was of European origin.

Maybe someone with the Crusade Bible can shed some more light on the subject of Matheson's family background?

The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father
Trust the Corps
To the individual that made the comments regarding Asian Nationals opposed to Asian-Americans...You missed the point, or obviously, I guess I didn't explain the point properly...I appologize for that!
What I was trying to get across in my point is the fact that regardless of whether a person of Asian descent is born in Asia or America...America only recognizes Asians as coming from there homeland and only being accepted as Asian Nationals! Most, not all, but most portrayals of Asians in the cinema, either have to have an accent when speaking english...and somewhere, have to focus on their "Asian-ness"...it seems to always be a focus of attention...A focus on this subject...an issue in the story so to speak...It is hard for Asians in the cinema to just be an "American"...and not focus on their ethnicity! If you look at all the "American" produced films of Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Chow Yun Fat...etc...Their ethnicity is always, always an issue...a story piece! These individuals will NEVER be accepted as only Americans...and actually, rightly so...they are not Americans...But what about the Asian-Americans...with no accent, that speak only english and only know western ways of living...do not speak the language their asian background (which is so far away for some), that get lumped into being "Asian-Nationals"...Like Pat Morita, Robert Ito, George Takei (Star Trek), Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa...etc...Mostly, the Asian males still have to deal with the fact of always playing...(there are the odd exceptions in films)..."The Asian"...The asian female on the other hand, is accepted more readily as an American, as they are seen as sexually desireable to the caucasian population...not asian males...not yet that is! So, this is what I was trying to say by seperating the Asian Nationals vs. Asian-Americans...And I mean "true" Asians-Americans....I hope that I don't offend anyone with this comment...this is reality...It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what is going on here in America...sorry if I offend the person that I am responding too...but, you of all people should understand what I am talking about since your background is of "Hispanic" descent! Are you accepted as only American...? I have to say no...if you answer the question...I am an american...the person asking will say...yeah, but, what is your background!? What do you mean background...I am an American...Just because you visually...don't look like what an American is supposed to look like, which is why we are making our points...that is the problem that America has with the many "different" looking people...really, who cares...right...but the fact is...people do care...America does care...and that is where the problems start! America has always harped on this very ignorant fact of "Race"...it goes on every single day...every single day! It is a big problem whether one wants to address it or not...or just sweep it under the carpet like usual...

I think this thread has the potential to spiral out of control.

Just for the record: I don't think anyone who has posted on this thread has done so with any kind of malicious intent in mind.

Please, let's just try and keep the peace here, people.

The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father
Trust the Corps
I agree 100%...The topic is heading into dangerous territory and thus, we should start to conclude this and change the subject matter. I just have to say, in general, these boards have the utmost respect regarding each other, and I have enjoyed the discussions greatly...There are many intelligent people that are participating and have contributed responsible comments...intelligent comments...and are all being considered! I hope that my contributions to this discussion have been done so in the same manner...I did not want to start trouble...that is all I have to say...Thanks!

Acid - You should sit down and watch Babylon 5 on SciFi, while waiting for Rangers. While there were no Asians among the main cast, there were many throught the show that played perfectly normal roles...

Tamlyn Tomita - The stations second in command during the pilot.

Aki Aleong - A senator that pops up several times during the first season.

Julia Nickson - Commander Sinclair's love interest. She makes several appearances, and all of them were very well done.

Others worth noting are Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, James Shigeta, Clyde Kusatsu, none of them in "Asian" roles.

In fact, the only "token Asian" role I can think of is Soon-Teck Oh as an alien combat arena master in TK0, but everybody thinks that episode is stupid anyway.
Yes, I am aware of this...and the point that I stressed in other posts is that...yes, the odd time, there are asians that play roles that have nothing to do with their ethnicity...Yes...but, most of the time...THIS IS NOT TRUE...Yes...science fiction seems to incorporate other "Ethnicities" so to speak in their stories...more readily than other genres...I stressed this...it's not that I am completely aware of this fact! J.Michael Straznyski is very respectful towards the asian culture...because...1.This is reality...this is how the world functions...especially in North America! 2.JMS is a very intelligent individual! THIS HAS ALOT TO DO WITH IT TOO!
Yes, there have been many intelligent(appeared to be0...people that have gone on to promote negativity towards people of "Ethnicity"...of course, one of these being "Adolf Hitler"...but, in my opionion, he wasn't as intelligent as most thought that he was, and his arrogant self thinking that he was this brilliant person...Yes, he came up with some brilliant ideas...but, in the end...he was quite ignorant...which reflects his lack of intelligence! I had to bring him up, as someone will probably debate me on this subject!
Anyways, to make a long story short, I am aware of the 'Science Fiction' genre accepting people of different ethnicities more readily...but, I am correct in the general, overall depictions of asians in the cinema! Thank you...

i have to say, b5 was a little ahead of other series in the diffent cultures and ethnicities it casted. a little. there were a few stereotypes and sarcasmics i caught that arent in many other series, and it was pretty euro-centric (common in most american made TV), but i have to say there were more cultures represented in b5 than any other sci fi to this date.

"if you cant say what you mean, you cant mean what you say"

"better to let a thousand guilty go free than to punish one innocent"

"the best way to find the REAL boss of any establishment is not to look for they person who signs the checks, but to look for the person who hires the lawyers."
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by drakh:
Julia Nickson - Commander Sinclair's love interest. She makes several appearances, and all of them were very well done.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

A good example of an Asian-American who has a western surname.

The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father
Trust the Corps
In general, I believe that it is always better business to use unknown actors so to speak for new shows/pilots...It is far more believable...Garrett Wang (Harry Kim) is known for "Voyager" and will always be known for "Voyager"...He wouldn't fit into the "Babylon 5:The legend of the Rangers" cast...Not right for the role of "Li Chen"...someone suggested "Jason Scott Lee" for the role of Li Chen...Not right for the role of Li Chen either...

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Garrett Wang (Harry Kim) is known for "Voyager" and will always be known for "Voyager"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

To some extent that's true - Jeri Ryan is known for...

Seriously, though. Walter Koenig was known for Checkov, and he buried that with Bester, so you can't always pigenhole actors like that.

Joe Siegler
Webmaster - 3D Realms
Yes...this is true. There are always the exceptions...but the odds that "Garret Wang" will be only known for his role as "Harry Kim" on Star Trek Voyager is very good...But, I understand and acknowledge the fact that the "ODD" time, this idea doesn't hold true! Generalizing...I know I know...Shame on me!


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