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Channe Takes On: "Things Left Unsaid, Part II"


Channe Takes On: \"Things Left Unsaid, Part II\"


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Yeah, I know there's already a thread for this. But those of you who were around in the early days know I've always been doing this, so....

...you know the format. I just babble on for a while.

Although the title of this Channe Takes On is slightly jovial, I have to say that I really, really liked the finale. I can see how JMS regards this as one of the best things he's ever done - because it is, dammit.

Actually, there's a lot that's been left unsaid. Where was Jeremiah taken? What's happened to the others from Thunder Mountain? Are Theo and Ezekiel alive, or dying, or dead? What will Kurdy do next, now that he's one of the only ones left free on the outside? Kurdy was shot in the arm - where's he gonna go, especially without the Land Rover and in far-off Millhaven, where everyone is a spy on the inside?

And that's just to begin with.

"He's always chasin' after something he's never gonna catch until he finally goes nuts." - bartender

Jeremiah as the Road Runner. An insight for season 2?

It works.

The secrets came fast. The secrets came deep. Although many of you might have had a problem with Wylie's quick unfolding of the secrets behind the return of the Big Death, I wasn't. The actor playing him was *really* believable, and because of this I totally bought the explanation that he had just been listening.

But, there were obviously others listening. I don't think the guys that confronted Kurdy in the Millhaven bar were just ordinary townspeople. They were from VS. Nice touch.

They knew Wylie knew. Which is how they knew who Jeremiah was, where Jeremiah was, and what he was going to show them. VERY nice touch.

Speaking of that, I loved the scene where Jeremiah was finally picked up by the VS helicopter. Luke Perry, bathed in light, totally confused, raising his hands up - it looked like he was being abducted by aliens.

Well, for this world, they might as well be aliens.

I have to admit that parts of this show remind me a lot of the main thrust of Babylon 5: that everyone has to work together to create a new world, or you'll be screwed over.

But it's working. It's a totally different story, and it's working again. I was afraid that it wouldn't be any different than B5. I was wrong.

There's a lot they can do with Season 2. Number one, the United States of America, the President, the framework is just a distant memory to these kids. It's *gonna* be like aliens descending from the sky. Alien invaders from another world... I think that was captured well enough in the invasion scene.

"Isn't that what they tell condemned men before they take the long walk?" - Markus

I've really been loving the journey motif JMS has been using throughout the season. It came to a head here in TLU2. And there were other motifs - such as the use of the sirens as foreshadowing, as herald, and the use of guns as power - that really, really made me happy.

And Markus was really on a long walk.
And Jeremiah was on a long walk.
Kurdy's on a long walk, too. He's been there for a while and just didn't notice it.
And Ezekiel was on the long walk.

All of them, condemned - or as good as condemned.

JMS is very metaphorical, and that's what I love about writers who are primarily theatrical, like him. Everything is always packed with meaning, and you get to pick it apart and suck it out like you do an artichoke.

Jeremiah is an artichoke.

I love artichokes. Slow, delicious, torturous, and the heart is just... so... good... especially when marinated and served with noodles and pine nuts...

I'll leave it to you to figure out who the noodles and pine nuts of the show are.

Oh, yeah. Foreshadowing. You know, I like it when I'm right, and I was right all along. The lab. Captain Iron. All that talk about Jeremiah being the cause of the fall of Thunder Mountain (and, don't even argue, Jeremiah caused the fall of TM a bit early by connecting the dots). Finally, the only *real* trouble J and K (hmm, I wonder if they're the men in black?) got into was when they were seperated. I wonder if that was planned?

EVERYTHING'S BEEN BUILDING TO THIS!!! I love it when JMS does this. It's always so good. It's like a good sneeze. TLU2 was a good sneeze.

I haven't mentioned Kurdy and Elizabeth yet. While I really never took to Elizabeth, I don't think we needed to. It was Elizabeth's effect on Kurdy that really mattered, and I think Malcolm absolutely *shined* in that scene.

I found myself tearing up. I don't do that often.

The last thing I'd like to mention regards the direction and the cinematography. The fast cuts, the close-ins, all that - was great, and although the shaky camera was used, it wasn't overused. Mike Vejar wins again.

I think that's it.

Oh, yeah.

If there's no second season, I *will* cry.

You see, with TLU2, Jeremiah has passed the point of "Well, it has *potential.*" Potential is gone.

It has the mojo, folks. It has that certain je ne sais quoi. It has chutzpah. It has, for those of you who read "Schlock Mercenary," plenty of BLAM.

Re: Channe Takes On: \"Things Left Unsaid, Part II\"

Mmm, "Jeremiah is an artichoke." and "TLU2 was a good sneeze." were some of my favorite things about your review. /forums/images/icons/smile.gif Especially the first one. /forums/images/icons/wink.gif

Well, I am off for now to finish up the updates on my site. Back later with more comments maybe. /forums/images/icons/smile.gif
Re: Channe Takes On: \"Things Left Unsaid, Part II\"

"He just another traveller on The Road"-Jeremiah

Yep hes just another person on "The Long Road" :) great first episode title reference there

Re: Channe Takes On: \"Things Left Unsaid, Part II\"

How the mighty GKarsEye eats artichokes: boiled (the whole thing) with butter and lemon juice (freshly squeezed, of course). Scrape the meat right off the leaves.

The hearts go good with pasta (fettucini, preferrably) and shrimp. Yep, that's right, shrimp. With a white whine sauce.

Channe, please make "Jeremiah is an artichoke" your sig.

I like vegetables. They're good for you and they keep you regular.

I didn't even catch that the townspeople were spies. Are you sure about that?

A cabbage is a vegetable. A prune is not, but I'll be your Duke of Prunes, and you can be my Ducchess, my Ducchess...
Re: Channe Takes On: \"Things Left Unsaid, Part II\"

Hmm, making my mouth water and usually only Recoil does that. /forums/images/icons/tongue.gif Methinks you need to post a recipe for this pasta with artichoke hearts and shrimp!

Yes, I vote for the "Jeremiah is an artichoke" as Channe's sig. /forums/images/icons/smile.gif

GKE, you are funny and I like you. There I said it. /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif

The townspeople were spies? I didn't really get that from Channe's review. Hmm, I just re-read it and maybe I see where you got that from:

<font color="yellow">But, there were obviously others listening. I don't think the guys that confronted Kurdy in the Millhaven bar were just ordinary townspeople. They were from VS. Nice touch.</font color>

She said she DIDN'T think those guys were regular townspeople but VS spies who were trying to blend in as ordinary Millhaven folk. Right Channe? Anyway, it makes sense that there would be a lot of VS eyes around Millhaven since it is a hub for them of sorts. /forums/images/icons/wink.gif
Re: Channe Takes On: \"Things Left Unsaid, Part II\"

As usual your "Channe Takes on:" thread displays attentive, phenominal reviewing. It is pleasing to see that though you've joined the Spin Doctors you've not yet been corrupted. Way to be.
Re: Channe Takes On: \"Things Left Unsaid, Part II\"

when reading Channe's reviews it gives a feel like most Jeremiah episodes are a way ahead of other sci-fi shows /forums/images/icons/grin.gif . no offense btw...its good that you like it /forums/images/icons/smile.gif

i finaly saw TLU p2...my favorite episode...maybe little slow in beginning but ending was definetly(sp?) one of JMS best works (credit to Vejar also).

btw TLU wasnt imo JMS best work but definetly best work after b5 season4 episodes.

Re: Channe Takes On: \"Things Left Unsaid, Part II\"

I just finished watching part 2 - and you've all said some dead-on things about it. Fantastic - it really is beyond potential at this point. I really felt it got there during Tripwire. Showtime better renew this show - I've gotten three friends into it within the past week on my programming team, so it obviously has that lovely geek-chic appeal. /forums/images/icons/tongue.gif

In addition, I'll have to check, but I think the stock footage used to show the riots was actually the same stock footage used to show riots in the Crusade episode "War Zone". I'm not sure, but it looked damn familiar. Great job on the reviews, Channe and Monica!

Re: Channe Takes On: \"Things Left Unsaid, Part II\"

WOW: I can't believe that you got all that from watching that episode. You see alot more than I can or are you one of those 'Tv' spies? that was a really intelligent deduction on your part and i liked your summary of what happened.
Re: Channe Takes On: \"Things Left Unsaid, Part II\"

Ria - I was an English major in college. All that explication and attention to detail finally paid off... /forums/images/icons/tongue.gif

And one detail I forgot to mention: Ezekiel was limping right up until the last moment of the show. Same leg. What a nice touch. (Ok, well, I don't think Ezekiel thought it was a nice touch).

Which makes me think. Did Ezekiel go back to Valhalla Sector? If he did, they probably could have been able to heal him so that he would avoid the limp. That limp, though, is there. So, this means two things. Either Ezekiel didn't go back to VS and did his own medicine, or it just hasn't been enough time since "Tripwire."

Poor guy keeps on getting shot up...

I *sure* hope he isn't dead.
Re: Channe Takes On: \"Things Left Unsaid, Part II\"

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Originally posted by Channe:
<font color="yellow">Poor guy keeps on getting shot up...

I *sure* hope he isn't dead.</font color>

Heh, I am just waiting for the JMS post in the moderated forum in regards to Ezekiel:

Q: Did Ezekiel die in the finale, or is there still a chance someone saved him?

JMS: He is an Ex-Ezekiel.

/forums/images/icons/tongue.gif (visitors of the B5 Lurkers Guide will get that reference)
Re: Channe Takes On: \"Things Left Unsaid, Part II\"

is it me or was dialoge(sp?) in this episode (and in part1) very forced? It was very annoying imo

Re: Channe Takes On: \"Things Left Unsaid, Part II\"

I liked how Ezekiel and the Malcolm-Jamaal Warner only got shot ONCE each. That alone makes me think both will be coming back. And who the hell shoots a person only once if they're trying to kill them? Well if the show is renewed and Warner will def. come back because I'm sure hes got some pending contract going.

Re: Channe Takes On: \"Things Left Unsaid, Part II\"

Well, sometimes one shot is all you need if you get the right spot. With Kurdy, he was shot in the shoulder and with Ezekiel, he was pretty much shot square in the chest. I have much higher expectations that Kurdy will survive. /forums/images/icons/wink.gif I do hope that Ezekiel will somehow make it (I love that character) even though my gut tells me he didn't. /forums/images/icons/frown.gif
Re: Channe Takes On: \"Things Left Unsaid, Part II\"

With JMS, I have him making you think that Ezekiel's dead for a lot of Season 2 and then bring him back for the finale or something. I don't think Ezekiel will ever be "dead" in the literal sense anyways...he'll live on in flashbacks or something.

Re: Channe Takes On: \"Things Left Unsaid, Part II\"

I recently watched TLU2 with a friend. A priceless comment on the last scene.

(Devon walks across the grating above Jeremiah. As soon as we see his face, but before Jeremiah's line...)

Friend: Luke - I am your father.
Re: Channe Takes On: \"Things Left Unsaid, Part II\"

*groans* Ah good comment though! /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif
Re: Channe Takes On: \"Things Left Unsaid, Part II\"

Crap! I just re-read this thread, only to notice a horrible thing! I didn't know that JMS said that he was an "ex-Ezekiel..."

Damn, I really liked that character. What a nut.
Re: Channe Takes On: \"Things Left Unsaid, Part II\"


You didnt read my post closely enough:

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Originally posted by Recoil:
<font color="orange">Heh, I am just waiting for the JMS post in the moderated forum in regards to Ezekiel:

Q: Did Ezekiel die in the finale, or is there still a chance someone saved him?

JMS: He is an Ex-Ezekiel.

/forums/images/icons/tongue.gif (visitors of the B5 Lurkers Guide will get that reference)</font color>

He never actually STATED that in the Moderated Group. People in the thread were asking if he was dead or not, and I was saying that I was WAITING for the JMS port to read "he is an ex-ezekiel" which is something he said often in the lurkers guide. He never said it, I was saying it would be funny if he did. As of now there is still no word to his character officially...

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