Thank you, thank you, thank you to crazybillyo for posting that transcript. Man, I am so bummed I missed it because Alex strikes me as being a super nice guy.
I was sitting next to a guy at the Gathering back in May who apparently is involved with a magazine in Canada. It sounded like this mag had an aritical about the show which he gave to the cast members. After the cast presented themselves to the audience, Alex made a beeline right to this guy and shook his hand and thanked him sincerly for the magazine. He even small talked with him for a bit so it was really great to witness it.
Also, I figured out why I couldn't connect to the chat ... our damn firewall at work prevented it!
Guess I will have to brush up on my UNIX IRC skills for the next one since I will have to sneak in from our home network.
I thought I had some good questions too.
Monica Hübinette | Seattle, WA | Send a Warm Fuzzy!
What do we tell the children? Do we tell them evil is a foreign face? No, the evil is the thought behind the face, and it can look just like yours. --JMS (Amazing Spider-Man #36)
I was sitting next to a guy at the Gathering back in May who apparently is involved with a magazine in Canada. It sounded like this mag had an aritical about the show which he gave to the cast members. After the cast presented themselves to the audience, Alex made a beeline right to this guy and shook his hand and thanked him sincerly for the magazine. He even small talked with him for a bit so it was really great to witness it.
Also, I figured out why I couldn't connect to the chat ... our damn firewall at work prevented it!
I thought I had some good questions too.
Monica Hübinette | Seattle, WA | Send a Warm Fuzzy!
What do we tell the children? Do we tell them evil is a foreign face? No, the evil is the thought behind the face, and it can look just like yours. --JMS (Amazing Spider-Man #36)