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Cheap S1 DVDs for the UK

These prices make more sense. It was just too good for a season of babylon 5 to cost the same as a half season of Buffy at W H Smiths.
Looks like amazon.com has it for preorder at $75 with an MSRP $100
I'm still holding out until play.com start taking pre-orders - they are the best company that I have found for R1 DVDs and I've never had any problems with them. They have very good, competitive prices and it would make sense for me to pre-order the B5 DVD at the same time as I pre-order Fellowship of the Ring: Extended DVD and the Episode 2 DVD - all 3 come out in November.

I'm thinking of writing some sort of a guide to importing R1 DVDs and how you can play R1 DVDs on your own player. Would people find this useful?
why wait for a R1 box set from play.com? the R2 box set is released nearly a month earlier (14/10/02)! /forums/images/icons/grin.gif
Yeah, I just figured that one out (see my other thread). In that case I'll wait for a Region 2 pre-order page on play.com...

They are the best /forums/images/icons/wink.gif
I don't suppose anyone knows the answer to this, but I just had a look at the pre-order info for S1 on Blackstar (£43.99 BTW) and they advised the episodes as follows:

Midnight On The Gathering Line, Soul Hunter, Born To The Purple, Infection, Parliament Of Dreams, Mind War, The War Prayer, And The Sky Full Of Stars, Deathwalker, Believers, Survivors, Signs And Portents, By Any Means Necessary, The Quality Of Mercy, Grail, Eyes, TKO, A Voice In The Wilderness Parts One and Two, Babylon Squared, Legacies, Chrysalis.

Leaving aside the obvious problem with the quoted name of episode 1, there seem to be some order changes here that would serve no useful purpose as far as I can see.

Have there been changes for the DVD release, or is this more likely to be a case of just sticking up the list withuot worrying about them being in the right order?

When the first episode is listed as "Midnight on the Gathering Line", any list loses credibility. The disk is probably fine, but the seller somewhat confused.
Hey, this is the same site the originally advertised S1 with a picture of Bruce Boxleitner as Sheridan*, so I don't think they were worried about 100% accuracy. They just wanted to get the set listed ASAP so they could start taking pre-orders and not lose money to the competition.

AFAIK neither WHV Inc in the U.S nor WHV, Ltd. in the U.K. has released any technical details on the set at all. WHV over here posted the picture and the release date after the National Captioning Institute blew their cover, but since they are still working on the discs themselves, or were until quite recently, they probably haven't even started on the publicity stuff yet.

The list they offer doesn't match either the U.S. airdate order or the JMS "master" order (which has never been used.) And evidently it doesn't match the original U.K. airdate order (which I understand varied very slightly from the U.S. one) since someone buying from Blackstar pointed out the problem. I'd have to go with "screw up". I did ask JMS which order was going to used in a usenet post, but he never answered. But since he is involved with the project, and will presumably have a chance to look at test material at various stages, you can be pretty sure that whatever order the episodes are presented in will be on the he approved.



* Blackstar replaced the Sheridan picture with the R1 box cover after getting numerous e-mails from outraged fans. /forums/images/icons/smile.gif
"The Gathering" was the first VHS cassette in the HMV season sets. They probably took the CD list from the VHS list.