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Chess Game in the B5-Universe , anyone ?

Black Pawn C7-C6

<font color="yellow">Story</font color>

"Why keep the ships? New vessels are better. On the other hand, if you want to keep them, I know a place. The Centauri Republic has often assisted us. We owe Londo Mollari invaluable services. His trade blockade against the Alliance, his good-natured reactions in all matters Minbari... he is a man of ambition, one who knows his direction.

Sure, he has weaknesses and flaws. But if you carefully ask him to host some of our ships. I'm sure he agrees, if you provide reasonable guarantees to Centauri safety and technical advancement. To defend against the Narn, who we gave access to Minbari technologies, he needs and desires our advise and technologies."

"What about Earth."

"Morgan Clarke is a puppet compared to Mollari. Clarke has no vision of the future. He only desires power, paranoically securing his power with increasing levels of centralisation. His policies against Babylon 5 may benefit our short-term goals, but in the long term, he shouldn't be trusted with anything valuable."

"That much I understand. You never know when the Psi Corps might take over. Given their nature as telepaths, beneficial relations with us would be challenging, at the very least. If possible, we should avoid such developments. Vorlon tools holding power means in the long term, Vorlons holding power."

"We would never wish Earth to enter such a sad path. With an appropriate system of society and governance, they may show promise. Which reminds me, perhaps we should help them change their government into something more appropriate? We helped the Centauri, we helped the Narn."

"Not now. I prefer using the short time we have for preparation, rest, contemplation and planning. Given the changed situation, my sociohistorical models need revision and updating. Without that, I couldn't provide accurate prediction, neither about politics nor about everyday life."

<font color="yellow">Chess move</font color>

Black Pawn C7-C6
White Queen F5-H7

<font color="blue">Roleplay</font color>: They stumbled across a few vessels of foreign origin during their chase but the enemy-fleet was gone. Some of the races in the Alliance voiced opinions that went along the lines of "this is a waste of time" , "we must return to our homeworlds , the enemy may be going for our homes while we are out here in the wilderness of hyperspace" ,"it is time we stop this futile search". But Delenn would not give up and made the others listen.

If we give up now they have won. We must stay on our path.

That finding the enemy-fleet may be not good news at all , and could lead to their own destruction , did not enter her mind right now. They had a war to win and they had to take this chance. But they needed to find them soon , before a mutiny broke out among the allies.

Where are you ? she wondered as she stared silently into the depths of hyperspace. Where are you hiding ?

<font color="red">Chess-move</font color>: White Queen F5-H7
Black Knight D5-B6

<font color="yellow">Story</font color>

Refusing their offer was not wise. Accepting it promised vast benefit. Londo knew that the Shadows were dangrous allies. However, their danger as enemies was multiple times greater...

Senna Jaddo couldn't sleep that night. Something disturbed her dreams. The chilling feeling reminded her of her telepathic talent, weak inheritance from her mother. In the morning, she guessed whose movements had disturbed her dreams.

They had arrived silently, secretively, with utmost accuracy. Nobody noticed them coming. Shadow reserves, old vessels serving no purpose, yet still needed until the new generation would grow... in most places, they simply appeared.

In the morning after the Emperor's speech, they were found at pre-agreed places, not a single inch off target. Centauri military experts considered their placement odd. Many were curious, but one fact was stated clearly. No matter who you were, disturbing or touching those ships would be lethal.

The message would be clear to everyone, diplomats and leaders, travelers and merchants alike. Feel free to harm Centauri interests. Unfortunately while doing so, you also harm Shadow interests. Strike at them, if you wish. In doing so, you strike at Centauri Prime. They benefit from our resources, we from their technology.

<font color="yellow">Chess move</font color>

Black Knight D5-B6
White Queen H7-C7

<font color="blue">Roleplay</font color>: "Have you found anything?" Sheridan`s voice on the intercom sounded worn.
"Nothing" , Delenn replied thoughtfully. "They have simply disappeared."
"They are much advanced compared to us , we know that now. Also space is a heck of a large place. Still , that is a mighty big fleet of ships to hide."
"Yes John. That is what is bothering me."
"Could they be hiding with allies of theirs?"
"It is possible , but the question is where."
"Yes , impossible to say. Have our spies reported back?"
"No , but I hope to hear from them soon. Perhaps they will give us an answer. Frankly John , I am having a hard enough time keeping the fleet together as it is. Half the other races are ready to turn back for home right now."
"Keep them together , Delenn. We must not waver in our pursuit. If we remain persistent I am sure we will succeed. Finally."
"I will try John , I will try my utmost."

The Light help us.

On Babylon 5 Sheridan sipped slowly from a cup of coffee as he pondered on what Delenn had said.

I should have been there with you , and for you Delenn. Darn it , but I should have.

They had known from the beginning that one of them ought to remain at Command Centre and coordinate all their war-activities , but still his concious told him he should have been out there with the fleet.

Be that as it may , now we must do our best - wherever we are!

<font color="red">Chess-move</font color>: White Queen H7-C7
Black Castle C3-C1(Check)

<font color="yellow">Story</font color>

It is wrong time, but it is time. We need a diversion, to keep certain individuals busy. Attack Epsilon 3 with a planetkiller. Destroy it when possible, disable it when not. We don't want anyone using its time-manipulation capability anytime soon.

Regrettable that such an inconvenient task falls into the time of our rest, means wasting a fine weapon. However, the threat posed by Epsilon 3... is simply intolerable.

<font color="yellow">Chess move</font color>

Black Castle C3-C1(Check)

<font color="yellow">Story</font color>

However, soon enough, someone noticed not only errors, but something which overtook priority. The command was undone, decisions reconsidered, convocation held. The planetkiller sent to its destruction, to be traded for temporary benefit... never reached Epsilon.

Shadow vessels on Centauri Prime lifted off and disappeared silently, unexpectedly like they had appeared. The only comment Londo received was "Thank you for your assistance. Use wisely what you were left. Excercise curiosity, but with care."

Vorlon listening stations alerted their masters of an event they were not programmed for. The enemy had made quick preparations, destroyed old vessels, dissolved the Eye, asked the Eldest to move out, finally collapsing Z'ha'dum with a singularity bomb. In doing that, they had not revealed their motivation.

With a new type of vessels, suspected to be long-range transports, utilizing what was suspected to be a new propulsion system, they had entered hyperspace and disappeared, most in one direction, some onto different paths.

Some among the Vorlons suspected. Had the enemy truly found a way to break off? To unlink their present from their past, voiding the reason for staying in their home galaxy? A reason to which only promoting chaos... could become a close second.

Contrary to commonly accepted understanding, the main reason for the Shadows staying, and the Vorlons staying as well... was not ideology. Neither chaos nor order. Chaos and order were their hobbies. The reason was security, guarding their own interests.

They could not stop guarding their past, constantly supervising the Rift, and the Machine built to exploit it. Unless they found a way to break the connection, beings who had achieved so much could not take such a risk. Only after finding the way... could they leave.

The unsettling event had followed their decision to cancel the attack on Epsilon. Decoded enemy messages spoke of terminating their only formal profession. Monitor of Epsilon was the closest thing to leadership which the Shadows would tolerate. The tradition of having such powerful observers... went back into times unrecalled.

This was truly unsettling. They must have found a way. A way which allowed circumventing the threat... around guarding their past. If a way existed, Vorlons should find it too. Truth to be told, they were tired of guarding their past, locked in a vicious cycle of mutual threat with the Shadows.

Very soon, immense amounts of Vorlon research would be poured into investigating this matter. If a solution existed, a solution the nauseating enemy could find... then that solution... the Vorlons would find it soon. They too wanted to break free of their past.

The younger races were still largely unaware of this problem, living their lives without concern, letting themselves be affected by every ripple in time. It had been the Vorlon opinion that soon, two persons would have to be assisted... in traveling. Now this opinion had become clouded with doubt. If the Shadows had cut themselves out of the game, was this truly needed? Research might tell.

Never receiving a wake-up call from their masters, Shadow fleets growing on numerous planets would never awaken. They would sleep, waiting for something which would not happen. At least, not anytime soon. Only an ultimately bored Shadow might return, billions of years later.

Shadows had either realized that the final war in this galaxy would become too costly, creating unbearable risk and causalties even for themselves. Or they had noticed something too interesting elsewhere...

Either way, they had left, surrendered by disappearing. Thereafter, the only shadows seen... would be shadows cast by light.

<font color="yellow">Chess move</font color>

Surrender. It has been a most interesting game, but I have now become fully certain that with my previously made errors, I cannot win this one. Rather than try fighting a fully predictable battle, I better surrender.

Thank you. Quite a wonderful puzzle, this game. Sorry for spoiling the puzzle early with my errors. Should you some time, wish to play another game of chess, I would be honored to -- hoping to provide better opposition. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Your strategy was commendable. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Game Over : Surrender accepted

<font color="blue">Roleplay</font color> In victory sometimes there are no winners. And if there are no winners there can be no losers. You take part in a game and then that game simply ends. It matters not who should have won or lost , all that matters is that the game is over and another game can begin.

Sometimes we are humble before the Almighty , whoever he is , thought Delenn as she looked into the infinite darkness of space. He who watches and moves his pieces on the board of life.

The war had ended almost as abruptly as it had begun. One moment they had been chasing the enemy through sector after sector of near-Space and then of a sudden ... a change had come across reality. Delenn did not know how else to explain it. There had been a ... shift - one might call it - in the pattern of existence .. and suddenly reality was different.

And the same.

It was a subtle change , one that the Minbari-part of Delenn was more attuned to than the human part. But she felt it like a light that is turned ever so slowly on in a dark room.

So strongly had Delenn believed that this was a very important signal , a sign , that she had halted the fleet`s progress and commanded a return to Babylon 5. The other races comprising the Alliance had only been too happy to go home , but she could not tell how many had believed her vague notion of change. Sheridan had sounded sceptical too at first , but after she had explained her thoughts to him he had agreed. "I trust your judgement , Delenn" he had said at last. "I always trust you."

Thank you , John - for always believing in me.

No enemy-vessels were reported seen in the week that followed , no ships anywhere as a matter of fact - and all this made her stronger in her belief that she was right. When it came down to it , it did not matter why the Shadows had decided to withdraw from the war ( she seriously doubted they had been "frightened off" as it were ) , or where they had gone. The war was over , for this time. That was what counted.

The inhabitants of Babylon 5 celebrated victory , even when there was no loser in the game of power. The main thing for them was that the threath of the enemy was gone , atleast for the present , and their lives could continue in relative peace and tranquility. Neither Sheridan nor Delenn felt secure in the belief that it actually was over though and kept a vigilant eye toward all sectors for some time thereafter , but no word came back of enemy-sightings whatsoever.

Many weeks after the end of the war a message was given to Sheridan over the intercom. It was from the Vorlon homeworld. The emissary who called himself Kosh said :"The path is clear for a while. Understand what you do not understand." Sheridan had wondered at this typical Vorlon-cryptic message and had asked what he meant. The Vorlon had only repeated his message , then had broken the connection. It was indeed hard to know what the message entailed , but viewed in the light of recent events it seemed atleast as if the Vorlons were telling them what they had surmised themselves , that the Shadows were gone , atleast for the present.

They are out there somewhere , thought Sheridan to himself , but for now their hand in manipulating events is withdrawn.

For a while there would be peace and Sheridan could not help but think that it was a victory after all , one they had every right to celebrate , and the many brave souls who had taken part in the war - Ivanova , Markas , Zack and the many others - had been avenged.

We walk the path we create and we shall be ready the next time the danger threathens.

And with the Wheel of Time turning , a new game of power would soon begin. Perhaps not soon in the reckoning of the newer races , but soon in the eyes of the Ancients.

THE END ( for now .. /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif )

<font color="red">Chess-move</font color>: Game Over : Surrender accepted

<font color="green">Comment</font color>: You were right in your evaluation , Lennier - I don`t think you could have prevented check mate in 3-4 moves as things turned out. Thank you for your commendable strategy and play , not to mention your very good and detailed roleplay-posts. It was a tight and interesting game , but as you mention one fatal mistake on your part ( placing your King on line with your Queen , paving the way for my Castle .. ) changed the game much. I would be honoured to have another game of chess with you in a while. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Game Over : Surrender accepted

And in the process, it seems we have assembled quite an odd story, quite a peculiar remodeling of events. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

I must thank you for some counter-moves, responding to which gave me story ideas. You see, the Shadow story I have been writing since last winter... it needs some story ideas. Certain tiny details from this thread may actually wind their way there.
Re: Game Over : Surrender accepted

Personally, I would like to thank the combatants for a truely entertaining and effortful job of chass AND storytelling. **Bows with the utmost sincerity and gratitude** /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: B5 Chess game

That was truly awesome! Now..who wants to design that chess board eh? I don't play chess, it's too strategy driven for me. But I would have a B5 chess board with pieces set up in a case to just look at!
That was a wonderful exhibition you two...and I used to play Risk many many years ago...many years ago. I was awful at it, I think being female had something to do with it.
Re: B5 Chess game

Women do seem to be the minority in Role Playing and Strategy games. However I have heard that women do tend to like puzzle games and video games. Curious.

Risk. I just learned how to play a year or so ago. Now I am a Master. hah, yah right. But it's pretty fun. You get the world domination feeling going and it is cool.

I guess B5 would not model over Risk very well. Risk would require 3 or more forces in competitiion to be truely good. Hmmmmmm.
Re: B5 Chess game

I kicked many a male arse at Risk in my day.

That sort of thinking is what keeps the heads of men straight up their asses.
Re: B5 Chess game

What sort of thinking? That there are more men playing strategy games? Are seriously suggesting women are the majority of RPG and strategy gamers?? Or are ya just gettin nasty for the heck of it?
/forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /forums/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif

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