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Christopher Franke and Crusade


Staff member
A quick question... did Christopher do the theme and/or music for Crusade?

If anyone had an email addy or contact details for him that would be an extreme added bonus for me.


<font size="-2" color="silver">"The Babylon Project was our last, best, hope for peace.
A self-contained world five miles long, located in neutral
territory. A place of commerce and diplomacy for a quarter
of a million humans and aliens. A shining beacon in space,
all alone in the night. It was the dawn of the third age of
mankind, the year the great war came upon us all. This is
the story of the last of the Babylon stations. The year is
2259: the name of the place is Babylon 5."
Thanks, I was at the CF page earlier.

But now I'm lost. I wanted to contact CF to ask if he was involved, as he seemed to be the B5 franchise guy. But the fact he wasn't used in Crusade throws some doubt on that now.

<font size="-2" color="silver">"The Babylon Project was our last, best, hope for peace.
A self-contained world five miles long, located in neutral
territory. A place of commerce and diplomacy for a quarter
of a million humans and aliens. A shining beacon in space,
all alone in the night. It was the dawn of the third age of
mankind, the year the great war came upon us all. This is
the story of the last of the Babylon stations. The year is
2259: the name of the place is Babylon 5."
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by AntonyF:
But now I'm lost. I wanted to contact CF to ask if he was involved, as he seemed to be the B5 franchise guy. But the fact he wasn't used in Crusade throws some doubt on that now.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think CF only seems like that because he scored all 5 seasons of b5, and was asked to rescore "The Gathering". IIRC, Straczynski wanted a different sound for Crusade, which is why he went with Chen. But no one ever said CF wouldn't be back for LotR.


JMS said a while ago on the newsgroup that he wouldn't do anything else B5 without CF. He also said that LotR is a B5 project. Therefore, CF will be doing the music for LotR.

Well, Ambassador, what do you want? It's impolite to just tell me "They aren't for you," and run off...
Since you are talking music/themes, may I add a bit of constructive critisism re: Crusade's soundtrack.

I didn't mind the ST of Crusade but I found B5's 'grunt' and depth capture me with exitement. Crusade's ethereal flow of its ST serenaded me to sleep (here in Australia we get the shows late at night).

It's surprising how much soundtracks make or break a presentation. I love the B5 concept and I looked forward to Crusade as much as anyone... any feedback?

Do you think that perhaps this helped toward Crusade's 1 only season showing (...for now that is)? I would like to see Crusade back.

Live well,

[This message has been edited by WhiteStar12 (edited April 27, 2001).]
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Do you think that perhaps this helped toward Crusade's 1 only season showing (...for now that is)? I would like to see Crusade back.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Had absolutely nothing to do with it. TNT killed the show and production was shut down almost six months before the first episode ever aired. The ratings and fan reaction when people finally saw it were irrelevant to its fate. (Both were good, as it happens, but TNT was determined to kill the show and keep it dead, which is why they used their control of the B5 reruns to prevent Sci-Fi from picking up Crusade.) So no, Chen's music was in no way a factor.



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