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Close encounters with the B5 actors kind, anyone?

B5 definately had some interesting characters, and very good actors and actresses who brought them to life ^_^!

Anyway, i'm wondering if some of you have had the opportunity to meet them in real life, or have chatted with them in conventions and stuff ^_^! It would be kewl to know how they're like to fans ^_^! And so far, who's been the "best"/kewlest/friendliest b5 actor/actress you've ever met?

it's just that it's impossible for me to meet some of the cast, even in near future conventions since i live halfway across the globe x.x! so i'd love to hear what you guys hafta say instead ^_^

heheh...maybe the guy who plays kosh is actually an upbeat person for real, eh? o_O

thanks ^_^ *flies away*
I met Jason Carter, Richard Biggs, Myriam Sirois (from Legend of the Rangers) and Andreas Katsulas, at the ICON Science Fiction Convention last year on Long Island, New York. (where I live). They were all great! They did a pannel together about B5, allong with the author Peter David. They also did Q&A sessions. I only talked to them for a minute, but they were all very nice. :D

This year I met Carrie Doarbo (from Crusade) at the same CON.
Re: Close encounters with the B5 actors kind, anyo

I haven't really met a lot of B5 folks but I have met JMS three times (the last one was a -REAL- trip), most of the cast of the Rangers (Warren was about the only one I had an actual conversation with but I overheard another one with Alex -- both really nice guys) and Sara Barnes (a writer/producer for Jeremiah). Oh and I have exchanged a number of emails with Enid-Raye Adams and she is a hoot! :LOL:
Re: Close encounters with the B5 actors kind, anyo

I've never met, talked to, or even been within one hundred miles of a B5 actor of any sort in my entire life. I almost made it to I-CON.

Cons are way too expensive. You have to pay for airfare to get there if they're not nearby, an exorbitant hotel fee, and registration to boot -- not to mention you have to feed yourself while you're in town. It's just not worth it.

But, oh dear, I would have paid it all just to see Lyta's face when she met JMS that last time...

;) ;) ;)
Re: Close encounters with the B5 actors kind, anyo

I haven't met any of them. :(

I'd like to meet all of them, but my top choices would be Bruce, Mira, Dylan, Myriam, Claudia and Alex, I think.
I haven't met any of the cast of B5 (and JMS) per-se, but I have been pretty much within 2 or 4 meters of most of them.
I was at one of the large cons in Blackpool, UK. All the regular cast was there. Andreas Katsulas stands out in my mind though as he was so great with the fans. Very enthusiastic, willing to stop, chat, be photographed.

One slightly embarresing (for me) story was at that same con, the people I was with decided to go out for a meal one evening. We got in the minibus and drove off, around the back of the hotel. There we saw Bruce and Jerry standing by the car park wall smoking cigars. The minibus stopped, one of our number popped their head out of the window and said "we're just going for a curry, do you want to join us?". Jerry and Bruce looked amused, but turned the offer down...

Also seen Michael O'Hare at Pages Bar, in London. He was very likable in person, too.
I've met Gary Cole. Very quiet and reserved, but friendly, too. I just wish he hadn't had a beard at the time :)
Re: Close encounters with the B5 actors kind, anyo

Cons are way too expensive.

For the most part that is true. I guess I have been incredibly lucky the last few times since the first con where I saw JMS (chatted about Seattle coffee and almost got him a latte that day) was a major con where it was at least $50 to get in. That was expensive because I was only there a few hours just so I could see JMS. At least no hotel/airfare costs were involved. :)

Then there was the Gathering at SFU in Canada which was practically free (I ended up donating $20 to the cause) and we got to see the whole Rangers cast and JMS. Hotel was around $75/night and the cost of the gas driving there.

The last time was a fan run con so again it was only $20 for the whole weekend. Gas and hotel expenses were the same for the SFU Gathering.

But, oh dear, I would have paid it all just to see Lyta's face when she met JMS that last time...

Me too! You saw that photo of me with JMS grinning from ear to ear. I think I must have looked like that for the next day afterwards! :LOL:
Re: Close encounters with the B5 actors kind, anyo

I've been to a few larger cons and had a chance to chat very briefly with some of the B5 actors and with JMS, but not enough to actually have any stories.

However, at the Redemption 03 Con (B5/B7 focused) in Ashford, Kent, UK earlier this year, one of the guests was Damian London, the Regent. The relatively smaller size of the con, plus the relatively large size of the group I was with (15 assorted Compuserve people, not counting the Bear and the Cat), and our willingness to purchase drinks :), allowed us to get lots of quality time with Damian. (Also with author Tanith Lee, who had nothing to do with B5 but wrote a couple of Blakes 7 episodes. Lucas T. Bear seemed to especially enjoy her company. ;) )

He is a wonderful person. Extremely friendly, quite witty, and full of all kinds of stories about B5, about the Oscars, about other things he had done in his long career, about Hollywood in general, and about what a wonderful time he was having. As were the rest of us.
Re: Close encounters with the B5 actors kind, anyo

Never met any of the B5 actors, and it doesn't really interest me to meet them either. I've never been one to want to meet actors and such.
Re: Close encounters with the B5 actors kind, anyo

Nope, and I don't plan on going to a con for awhile....
Re: Close encounters with the B5 actors kind, anyo

aaah...most of you are so lucky to have met some of the B5 actors ^_^!!! heheh...i probably sound too much of a fangirl by saying that, but it's just GREAT to come in contact with those guys out of the set ^_^!...just to see what they're like in real life, and with fans ^_^!!!

i don't wanna sound picky, but it's great when actors treat fans with respect. after all, they won't be up there in the tv screen of it weren't for fans. it's just that there are some performers who look at fans as "geeks", and so they don't treat them nicely.

JMS sounds like a h00t ^o^!!! lucky Lyta to have hung out with me ^_^. heheh...even with his prestigeous image, it's kewl to know he still takes time to hang out with b5 and scifi fans ^o^!!! sounds like a down to earth guy to me ^_^ (though ya gotta admit, he kinda went too far when he had his name written on the b5 station. lol).

Mike G!!! ^o^...aaah, if i've known of the con, i could have asked my uncle (who lives in new york) to take pics of them!!! anyway, great to know they're nice peoples ^_^! will definately make fans come back for more ^_^! i wish i could at least meet andreas though...too bad he doesn't have a computer unlike jerry and bruce x.x

btw, about The next appearance of a B5 actor in a scifi con, i think the actress who plays na'toth is going to be making an appearance in a canada-based convention this year ^o^!!! i read it from the official site of the con, but i forgot the url >.<...st00pid me x.x. well, hope you guys in canada get to meet her ^_^
Re: Close encounters with the B5 actors kind, anyo

I haven't met any of them. :(

I'd like to meet all of them, but my top choices would be Bruce, Mira, Dylan, Myriam, Claudia and Alex, I think.

RW, my friend....Mira in September in Cleveland(Independence), OH...Aloa, Be There!!! *scampers around her office*
Met Mira Furlan at a con. in Feb. 1997, Pat Tallman, Jeffrey Willerth and Robin Atkin Downes at a Comicon in 4/1998, and Peter Woodward and Wortham Krimmer at a Comicon in 4/2000. All were pleasant and approachable.

Always wanted to meet JMS, but he never seems to venture east of the Mississippi. Would have loved to see the entire Crusade cast when they were in eastern PA (maybe without Gary Cole, can't remember if he was there or not), but I had another meeting the same day. :rolleyes: Looking back, I should have gone to the con. which featured the Crusade cast.
Re: Close encounters with the B5 actors kind, anyo

I haven't met any of them. :(

I'd like to meet all of them, but my top choices would be Bruce, Mira, Dylan, Myriam, Claudia and Alex, I think.

RW, my friend....Mira in September in Cleveland(Independence), OH...Aloa, Be There!!! *scampers around her office*

Thanks for the info my flarn-loving friend, but I'll probably forget by then. :(
Re: Close encounters with the B5 actors kind, anyo

Lucas T. Bear seemed to especially enjoy her company. ;)

Nice to meet you again Lucas T. Bear.

I too had a great time at Redemption. I especially liked the filming as I got to do 'ship shake' and run needlessly down a corridoor.

You might remember me. I was a Ranger for the whole weekend.
Re: Close encounters with the B5 actors kind, anyo

Nice to meet you again Lucas T. Bear.

Er... I'm not Lucas. Just a "Friend of the Fur". (One who actually doesn't seem to appear in any of the photos on the website, oddly enough. I'm not sure whether to be offended. ;) )

I too had a great time at Redemption. I especially liked the filming as I got to do 'ship shake' and run needlessly down a corridoor.

Ah, Wobblevision. I missed getting involved with that, unfortunately. I make a very good redshirt, specializing in pratfalls and death throes. :)

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