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ComingSoon.net TMoS news...

Going by what I know of how Crusade was supposed to go, I think it likely that the "unknown force" is in fact EarthGov.

Ooooh....didn't even think of that. That would be excellent.
I think it sounds true. If I was producing this film, I'd positively insist on introducing a new, young character to appeal to a new generation of fans (the youngest of whom may not even have been born when Sleeping in Light aired). Add that to the fact that most of the B5's original cast's stories have essentially already been told, and the idea of centering the story around somebody completely new seems very logical..
I doubt very much that JMS had 6 year olds in mind when he wrote the movie screenplay ...

Agreed. Not a huge demographic group even if we assume another year or more before release.

The BBC Cult website has picked up on this news. I wonder if they read this forum? :LOL:

Still won't believe it until an official announcement.
The people who watch Babylon 5 is still growing. in the last year since I started geting the B5 Dvds I have turn 5 people onto the show. Its not a great number but I'm sure other fans that love this show as much as I do take every chance to show it to a friend.
Phil, I think we're at the mercy of The WB and JMS as far as confirmation or denial. Boatloads of sites are reporting it, but as has been pointed out, they all reference back to the same original story/site, so everyone is jumping on the bandwagon, perpuating a story written up by one site, with no source listed.
Going by what I know of how Crusade was supposed to go, I think it likely that the "unknown force" is in fact EarthGov.

Yes, Major Lee and Earthforce Black Projects developing/adapting Shadowtech. Remember, according to Lee, his section's existence wasn't even known by all of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
I am a sceptical little bunny.

If news was going to break I think JMS might have broken it.

But hey - hell I hope this is correct and although I am slightly sceptical about this new character it would draw in new viewers, plus with such a rich back story which of course could be referenced a-la LORD OF THE RINGS this could be really amazing.

But please dont make it a cute kiddie friendly film - lets have lots of terror, suspense and all out death and destruction on a multi planetary scale.
I am a sceptical little bunny.

If news was going to break I think JMS might have broken it.

Historically, JMS doesn't break news, that's up to the studio. He generally chimes in soon after news is out, though. So far he...hasn't.

It also bothers me that only one former character is mentioned.

We know that most of the old gang will be in it, though.

We know Londo will be, we know that Franklin was supposed to be. From that, we can guess that pretty much everyone else will make an appearance. How big a role they will play, though, is something that is uncertain...
We know that most of the old gang will be in it, though.

We know Londo will be, we know that Franklin was supposed to be. From that, we can guess that pretty much everyone else will make an appearance. How big a role they will play, though, is something that is uncertain...

We don't know for sure about Londo, only that Peter J was more hopeful about it. He and Galen don't constitute 'most of the old gang'. Here's a worse thought. What if they want *movie* actors, not the ones who created the parts?

What if they want *movie* actors, not the ones who created the parts?

WB may want that, but then again that would tick off the fan base and they would make no money :devil: Since that's the name of the game it would be unwise. jms, as a general rule, does not like to recast characters (I mean Dr. Franklin is going to now be an off-screen character at the very most), so I would conclude that the movie idea wouldn't have gotten this far if WB wanted to recast already established main characters.
Cinescape.com has posted further rumours from an anonymous source, link. Basically it only says the B5 movie is heavy into pre-production and names Peter Heslop as production manager. I'm not sure if that's been known before or not.
Here's a worse thought. What if they want *movie* actors, not the ones who created the parts?

I can't see jms going along with recasting the parts of major established characters like that.
Cinescape.com has posted further rumours from an anonymous source, link. Basically it only says the B5 movie is heavy into pre-production and names Peter Heslop as production manager. I'm not sure if that's been known before or not.

As I recall, this was mentioned in a Dreamwatch (not sure of that) article a few seeks ago.


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