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Conversion Report

KoshFan: calm down.

If it is meant to be, it will be. A bad episode or line won't completely turn someone away from B5 or any other show.

No, it has taken over a season of inane dribble to turn me away from Enterprise.
Converted 0. I tried to convert my family and a several friends, but I rushed them in too fast, and they told me it was 'too nerdy'. Wha?
Quote from my dad: "What, is that space sh** again? Please, you´ve seen that a thousand times already."
I wasn't panicking, actually. I'm sure Signs and Portents will restore any lost faith in the show.

And I think I had slightly inflated expectations for Survivors. I was looking forward to it because I'm working on a personal project revolving around Santiago. As a result I wanted to see Survivors again because it's practically the only episode where we get any kind of insight into his personality, through Kemmer. So I had my hopes too high; it's really not that great of an episode.
Oh, and something I forgot. During our conversation Sarah started throwing out ideas, and one that I loved was that the Narns were working with the Shadows. Considering what the Narns have been up to lately, I'm not at all surprised that she feels that way, but I think it's gonna be lovely when she realizes that the Shadows don't WANT to be working with the Narns.

G'Kar's conversion is going to delight her, I think.

Another thing: the red herring about Delenn's "marriage" to Sinclair has really got her going. She's now speculating that Delenn might not be following the Gray Council's orders. Which, in light of what comes later, is a VERY interesting observation, if based on an erroneous assumption.
Showed the first episode to a friend. He liked it and said it had good dialogue but doesn't want to watch anymore b/c he can't afford to get hooked. By that he means he doesn't need another thing to make him less cool.
So I showed them Signs and Portents today. The appearance of the Shadows caught them by surprise (it even made me jump a bit; I haven't seen a Shadow ship in a long time) and has them puzzled. They know the Shadows are the bad guys, but Morden's motives have them stumped. I'm loving it.
The biggest complaints lately have been about bad acting. It worries me a little, but we've got John Vickery as Neroon and Louis Tourenne as Draal coming up, so that should put some of their fears to rest.

I skipped TKO, although I want Sarah at least to come back to it later (if only for the "watch your back" line). Next up chronologically is "Eyes."

Oh, my converts liked Kosh's dialogue in "Grail:"

"Nobody knows exactly what you look like. It makes some people a bit . . . nervous."
<Kosh Voice> "Good." </Kosh Voice>

I'm loving every second of it.
Got them through "Legacies." They like Neroon.

Sarah liked "TKO" too. I may revise my opinion of that episode.

Had a long talk with her. She now feels that G'Kar is honorable. Interesting; she no longer considers him to be a total asshole. Which of course is exactly what we want to see. She likes strong women. Hence she likes Ivanova a LOT, and Delenn too. (Lyta, when pissed, will appeal to her.)

She's twigged to the fact that Delenn is not always in line with the Gray Council. She also picked up on the fact that relations between Talia and Ivanova are improving.

Also, I let it spill that Delenn is NOT married to Sinclair; my bad. (This came about because she asked if Delenn and Branmer, Neroon's dead boss, were lovers. I said I doubted it, and then she started asking if Delenn ever had a male in her life. I told her yes. Eventually I told her that he was her equal, and that he was technically warrior caste. How's that for misinformation, without actually lying?)

She doesn't know about the rebirth aspect, though.

She's asking all kind of interesting questions about the Vorlons, the Shadows, and the Walkers at Sigma 957. Some of them I don't know answers to.

And she's asking if B4 ever comes back. She thinks Bester and Neroon are going to be lots of trouble, and she wonders if Morden is serving the Shadows voluntarily.

Five episodes left. She's gonna be extremely annoying after she sees Chrysalis.

Derek is not nearly so persistent with questions, but I think he's actually enjoying the show more.

It's going really well.
She now feels that G'Kar is honorable. Interesting; she no longer considers him to be a total asshole.
Ahh, this is good to hear! And it's not even season 2 yet.
I usually start people off with In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum, all that ancient enemy stuff gets them interested. Then its
Coming of Shadows, The Long Twilight Struggle and The Fall of Night. IF they're not hooked by then I give up. Any other mix I've tried doesn't seem to work e.g. Signs and Portents and chrysalis.

Any way I can get a mate interested with only S1 DVD set? I've been rabbitting on about B5 for at least 7 years to him and he's finally taking the bait. BUT I can't think of a good way to get him interested quickly & progressively.
Mind you, he is a Trekkie so he might be hooked unknowingly by S1.

I find if you stay by B5, constantly tell people how good it is, they eventually buy it. Like Apple Macintosh. I've lost count how many people now think Macs are better than PCs just because I rabbit incessantly about them.
Like I'm doing now.
I'd suggest Midnight on the Firing Line followed by The Parliament of Dreams. One good drama episode followed by one good comedy episode. Then I'd recommend Sky Full of Stars. This is of course horribly out of order, but if they're willing to watch those three, you should have their interest piqued, at least.
I typically start off with Midnight, then Soul Hunter, Parliment, Mind War, Sky Full, Deathwalker, then S+P. After S+P they're typically hooked and its a good time to give them some of the earlier "filler" episodes. ;-)
Showed my converts the first half of A Voice in the Wilderness. I'd forgotten how rich in small details these episodes are. We have:

Glimpses of Minbari culture and trouble therein;
Trouble on Mars;
Psi Corps distrust and secret operations (including a base in Syria Planum, which I had forgotten -- caught me by surprise);
Londo as a decent guy, but the Centauri-Narn hatred revisited;
Garibaldi, devoted to Lise, and his version of the scene he flashes back to in Babylon Squared.

These are rich episodes. I'd forgotten how good they are.

Of course, so much of it is foreshadowing, that my converts don't really know how good they are. All they want to know is who the heck this alien is, and what's coming through the jumpgate...
Forgot to mention that the Babylon 5 mantra went down very well with Sarah. She's a big Ivanova fan.
Showed Sarah "Babylon Squared" yesterday. Opened up a whole can of questions. She's incredibly perceptive, so it's really hard to fool her about anything. She immediately pegged the Shadows as the invisible enemy in the flash-forward. She speculated, based on what she's seen of them(Signs and Portents, that's it) that the Shadows might be for hire, or just pretend to be for hire while they are actually in control -- the latter being about right, I'd say.

She also asks very interesting questions -- "Do the Vorlons have physical form?" "How many Vorlons are there?"

She says she hasn't been really surprised by anything important in the show. She hasn't seen Delenn's transformation coming (she's sure the "great change" has to do with Sinclair), and, looking further ahead, I highly doubt that she'll expect Londo to call G'Kar "old friend" in War Without End.

But aside from that, all bets are off. If she knew which things were clues and which were filler, she could probably predict a huge portion of the show right now.
I gave some of my DVDs to one of my friends, and we were talking about some of the episodes. He asks me, "So whats the deal with the Vorlons? Who are they?" :eek: I sort of laughed and said,"Thats an interesting way to put it."
Time to ressurect this thread from oblivion.

A couple nights ago I showed Derek and Sarah "Babylon Squared" and "The Quality of Mercy." They both loved the Londo/Lennir thread.

Derek's slightly disappointed with some of the acting (especially the guy who plays Major Krantz -- at least he's out of the way) and Sarah doesn't like Michael O'Hare, but I've assured them that it gets better from here on out.

Since I have a very hard time keeping secrets from Sarah (she verges on telepathic sometimes), she knows that Sinclair is going to be gone soon, and that I really like John Sheridan. But Derek is still spoiler-free.

I'm hoping to get "Chrysalis" in next weekend, and then it's off home for the summer. My S2 set is waiting for me, and I'll bring it back come fall to show them what Delenn's turned into.
Conversion Report : My favorite Newbie

Hi Everyone,

Long time lurker, first time poster (I've never said that before, it feels dirty.)

My newbie is my Fiance, Lyns.

She had never seen any B5 and only knew it as that program that ripped off DS9 a bit. That was a point of major contention in our relationship for a while.

Then came the Season 1 DVD.
I got it and we watched them in sequence.

She got into the program within about the first 3 episodes and was fully hooked by "Chrysalis".

We then faced the 6 months wait for season 2. Three months later and I discover that they're repeating all B5 on the UK channel Bravo. Mon-Fri, 5 a week, starting 4 weeks before. Which meant only 2 days before Season 2 started. (phew!)

I'm now videoing with the intention to replace by DVD.

Now the reason I posted:

Her Thoughts!!

By the second episode with Talia, Lyns hated her, without being to place why. Separately convinced that she would break Garibaldi's heart, and Sinclair's, and Sheridan's. (She loved Divided Loyalties, which was yesterdays ep.)

Because that Lennier says that the Mimbari souls are diminishing, and they first noticed it 2000 years ago.
She's convinced it's to do with Jesus, theorising about the type of person he was he seemed like he might have a Mimbari Soul. (Her words were "he could be a Mimbari not born A Mimbari", bearing in mind at this stage she has not heard the description of Valen that's one word different, I choked on my Coke!)

She also thinks that The Shadow war will be going badly, everything falling apart, a last moment of desparation before the Light falls.
And then Babylon 4 will appear to save the day. (I can't wait for War Without End)

Just so you know, now that she Loves B5 and knows the Paramount saga, she has trouble watching Trek. "It just can't compare. It's like comparing an Ant with the Walkers of 957" My god I love her.

I'll come back if she has any more theories.

BTW In "The Geometry of Shadows" the Technomage ship leaves through the jumpgate. But in the Technomage book the ship is destroyed (i think). Has this every been talked about?


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