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Could Crusade Be Done With A New Cast???

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> as i always felt as tho there was just her, searching for a cure. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Surely, she would have sent her data to earth, where they would have a team of scientists, headed by Franklin, analysing the data.

Does anyone else think that maybe Dureena and Max (he's the archeaologist guy, right?) would have hooked up?

"You do not make history. You can only hope to survive it."
The ones I'd *want* to return *if* Crusade gets another chance, are definitely Peter Woodward as Galen, David Allen Brooks as Max and Carrie Dobro as Dureena. I liked both Daniel Dae Kim (Matheson) and Gary Cole (Gideon) as well but the three mentioned above were the most enjoyable to watch.

That said, even though I'd hate the thought of those characters being recast or completely written out of the show, I think I'd still be interested in Crusade, even with other actors, provided they're good actors who fit their respective characters.

And yes, I also thought there was perhaps the beginning of something between Dureena and Max. But that may just have been me reading too much into looks, again. I've been chastised on that before.

"What would you say if I told you that Councilor Du'Rog had hired someone to kill me? Someone close to me?"
'Ambassador, with all due respect, if it *were* me, you wouldn't be here for us to have this conversation.'
-- G'Kar and Na'Toth, "The Parliament of Dreams"
Uh, lets not forget that Dr. Chambers is Medical Chief of Staff. She DOES have a bunch of other doctors working for her. We just never had any episodes that featured them as anything but Background characters.

The two people developing a "relationship" of sorts were Dureena and Galen. Not lovers. She was pressuring him to take her on as an Apprentice. He kept telling her she "isn't ready yet" because she wants it for the wrong reason. He's not quite ready to hand Technomage abilities (assuming he even Can) over to someone as consumed with Rage over the death of her Race as Dureena.

Particularly since the Tech which makes the Technomages what they are is designed to magnify feelings of Anger so as to promote Conflict.

Handing Dureena the equivalent of a nuclear arsenal just might not be too wise.

Yes, I like cats too.
Shall we exchange Recipes?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bakana:
The two people developing a "relationship" of sorts were Dureena and Galen. Not lovers.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh, I remember that much. I wasn't referring to that relationship - that one was pretty clear, as well as the nature of it.

It's been a while since I saw Crusade, and I've only seen it once, but I remember that I was thinking at the time "hmm, those looks Dureena and Max have been giving each other are interesting..."
I was deliberately being vague in my last post, and I have absolutely no intention of saying I'm right. It was just a feeling I got. It could just as well have been teasing, or very subtle flirting, without any serious meaning.

"What would you say if I told you that Councilor Du'Rog had hired someone to kill me? Someone close to me?"
'Ambassador, with all due respect, if it *were* me, you wouldn't be here for us to have this conversation.'
-- G'Kar and Na'Toth, "The Parliament of Dreams"
Yo, I totally forgot about the whole Dureena/Galen thing. Yeah, Dureena could have totally become Galen's apprentice. Could you imagine Dureena the Technomage? Kick-ass.

Now that I started reading this board, I just get more pissed off everyday that Crusade got canceled. damn you!

"You do not make history. You can only hope to survive it."
I wouldn't want Crusade to return without Galen, Dureena, or Max. I would also want more of a connection with B5. TNT didn't seem to want a strong B5 connection, & I think that's what turned some of the B5 fans off. I wouldn't want B5 people on every week, but occasional guest-appearances would be nice!

Btw, I was happy to see Franklin on Crusade, but I don't really like Lochley that much.


I hate it when shows come back with missing characters and stupid reasons as to why they left. If Crusade was brought back it would need the entire cast or all new characters. I like Joe's idea of the Excailibur adrift with the crew missing.

Bringing back some characters and not the others just makes the show look stupid. Even worse would be bringing back the same characters but with different actors.

If it was a brought back with a new crew the Galen/Durenna story could be continued but not as part of the crew, perhaps on their own search for Gideon and the crew independant from the Excalibur.

What are those Earth creatures called? Feathers, long bill, webbed feet .. go 'quack'?"


"Cats. I'm being nibbled to death by cats."
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Even worse would be bringing back the same characters but with different actors. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Why? It isn't as though Crusade were some kind of cultural icon. It is a show that lasted 13 episodes, has aired exactly twice in the United States and which hardly anyone (as numbers are counted in the television biz) ever saw.

One of Sci-Fi's options, depending on what everyone is up to, is simply to have Warner Bros. retire the existing 13 episodes and start all over again from scratch, with an entirely new cast. While I like many of the performers in the original version, I don't have any basic problem with the idea. I had never seen Peter Woodward in anything before. His portrayal of Galen surprised and delighted me. Who is to say that another actor I've never seen couldn't surprise and delight me just as much.

This is a little like saying that the only version of Hamlet that should be allowed to exist is the first one you saw because no other actor could ever "be" the prince for you other than Olivier, or Brannagh, or Mel Gibson. I enjoyed The Fugitive when it was on TV, but I had no trouble accepting Harrison Ford in the role of Dr. Richard Kimble.

To become this fixated on particular actors - especially based on half a season of a TV show (or, in the case of Rangers, a pilot film) strikes me as a little excessive.

There are roles and actors that do become part of the cultural landscape to such a degree that it really is hard to see anyone else in a given part. Casablanca simply wouldn't be the same film without that amazing cast. No one could play Kirk or Spock again after 30 years of reruns except for Nimoy and Shatner. But I think either could have been replaced between the second pilot and the first episode and nobody would have noticed. These "icon" roles and projects are few and far between.

I'm as big a fan of continuity as the next guy, but I also realize that in television real-life considerations often intrude, and accept what I cannot change. I don't think cast changes are "stupid" because I don't think they are usually done capriciously. And if anyone has proven that he can deal with cast changes in mid-project, often improving the story as a result, it is JMS.

So while I'd be delighted to see the whole Crusade cast return in any revival, I won't let what happens in that area color my perception of any new version of the show before I watch it.



Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division

I've formed my opinion from cast switches I've seen in the past most of which have been sloppy and badly done. If anyone could make the switch without probablems it would be JMS. I would give new Crusade episodes the same chance I would with any other show. I'm just not a fan of cast switches.

What are those Earth creatures called? Feathers, long bill, webbed feet .. go 'quack'?"


"Cats. I'm being nibbled to death by cats."
JMS usual policy on cast changes is to create a New character and reassign the departing character's "duties" as appropriate, and not necessarily to the new character.

As far as I know, the only two characters the show ever just "plugged in" replacements for were Na'Toth and Anna Sheridan. And only because Both Characters had things to do that were critical which Couldn't be reassigned.

Yes, I like cats too.
Shall we exchange Recipes?
Cole as Gideon and Woodward as Galen would be the top of my priority list.

Matheson and Dureena played by their respective actors followed closely by Max and actor would follow.

You could space the doctor for all the attachment I had.

Starting over would be fine with me.

I like Crusade Lochley

"The pink ones keep ya from screamin'." Grandpa
IMHO, no. The crew they have is great. No one could play Galen like (forgot his name) or play Geidon, like Gary Cole (thats his name, right?).

There goal is to create the peace. My goal, is to destory that peace. :D
I've seen Peter Woodward in two things. A documentry about egypt and in a movie with mel gibson about the Revolutionary war, can't remember the name right now. If they scraped the original eps and started over it could work. But i would much rather see most of the original cast come back as i've already said my favorites earlier in this thread. It could be done either way though.

*said in vorlon accent* "We are all confused"
The movie with Mel Gibson, in which Peter Woodward plays Brigadier General O'Hara, is The Patriot. Available now on DVD and video if you missed it.

The History Channel special Peter hosted, Egypt: Beyond the Pyramids, was nominated for an Emmy (as best non-fiction special, iirc).

If anyone is interested in additional info about him check out Peter Woodward's Official Site.

I'd hate to see Crusade go forward without him as Galen, and David Allen Brooks as Max.

I think the others, I could get along without, but these two were my favorites. Followed shortly by Carrie Dobro as Dureena and Daniel Dae Kim as Matheson.

My preference would be to have the entire cast back, and most of the actors have indicated that they'd be interested, with the exception of Gary Cole.

All water as yet to flow under the bridge for the moment however.


I have no surviving
enemies. At all.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hypatia:
I can't remember, either, but I'll back you up on this. I remember seeing it written too. Not that this means it is reality, but I definitely remember reading that, too.


Woman, that is my favorite Delenn quote. I just love it. Makes me laugh quite sinister and evil everytime I think of it.

I want the show as it was and fleshed out like JMS wanted to do. TNT has my disgust because of many things it did. Hyp dear, did you see the Mists of Avalon? Why bother. No one that wrote that drivel read the dang book. The cast was good, but the story reeked.

The last good think TNT did was their version of Moses.

Just my opinion. Nothing else.

Colleen L. Stanford
Gideon's Mine, all Mine
(he just doesn't know it yet, LOL)
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jomar:
If Crusade ever goes back into production there will have been a two or three year break between the original and the new. There wasn't enough in the original 13 episodes to really affect a future production and I don't think I would care whether they got the original cast or replaced them with a new cast. There is only one thing I would like to see and that's more of an interaction with the original cast of B5. I always felt Sheridan should have been in the opening episode to hand the Excalibur over to Gideon and make some connection with A Call to Arms.

However, if they wanted to carry on with the original cast JMS could discard the episodes with the bellboy outfits and just save the episodes he's happy with.


Humphhhhhhh, not a crusade fan you are.

Statements such as this one usually invite trouble. (mostly from me).

LOL, I know, I am evil.

Colleen L. Stanford
Gideon's Mine, all Mine
(he just doesn't know it yet, LOL)
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dekion:
Bear in mind that the "bellboy" outfit episodes (Racing the Night, The Needs of Earth, Each Night I Dream of Home, Visitors from Down the Street and The Memory of War) are generally considered the best ones. The black uniforms, and the black uniform eps, were the TNT screwed eps.


You are most correct.

Please excuse my not so honorable fancy here, those danged bell boy outfits made my captain look way to skinny.

Although, my favorite shot of him is as they pan up his body (Lord the guy has great knees, cough cough cough) whilest he was sleeping. The bet he took to kill people leaving the planet after the fourth year. It was a good opening.

Anytime he is on that speedy little version of a motorcycle in space.

And the one in visitors from down the street (or whatever its called), sitting on those thingy's with the wind in his hair, glass of iced tea, saying "ahhhhh, paradise". I would love to give that man paradise. My version that is.

Hehehehehe, yes I am bad.

Colleen L. Stanford
Gideon's Mine, all Mine
(he just doesn't know it yet, LOL)
My answer on the topic question is NO. The way how to continue with the story is in the book, or cover some part of the story in possible Ranger series.
GideonsMine- if you're interested in seeing Gideon in revealing poses, you should check out Office Space. There's a scene where he's having sex while holding a coffee mug.

"You do not make history. You can only hope to survive it."