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Crusade DVDs announced

Well, my dislike of TNT these days has much more to do with its crappy programming than anything else. But I always will have a bad taste over TNT for one simple reason:

they didn't just cancel Crusade before it was even aired.
They made it financially impossible for any other network to buy the rights to it. They weren't content saying "this isn't for us anymore, we've changed our programming goals". They were only content to kill it.

Yea, I think TNT had every right to cancel the show. Technically they had every right to prevent others from buying the rights in time to continue the series.

And I have every right to forget their channel exists.
Since they only show crap, it's not difficult. :LOL:
Don't even TELL me that you would rather it ended after Season 4.

I never said *I* would rather it have ended. I said that *some people* would. I personally enjoy season five, even the telepaths (with the exception of their hair), so you can back off jumping on me like that.
People like me? Anyways, TNT Atlanta messed up the show and they raised the price so astronomically (sp) (very) high for Crusade that it could not be sold to Sci-fi. That was outrages. TNT LA :D TNT Atlanta :mad: :mad: ;therefore I hate TNT Atlanta, sorry I didn't clarify that when I first wrote it, I am just one of those people. Thanks a lot dude. :(
Does that mean you haven't or won't be buying the 5th Season box set? If the only thing I was interested in from Season 5 was Sleeping in Light, I certainly wouldn't pay $70.00 (US) just for that one episode, I'd just keep my VHS recording. I feel from what I've read and heard that no more than 7 episodes are very different (because of the departure of Claudia Christian) or filler (because of closing up threads early due to uncertainty of Season 5). So, that's still 15 episodes that are at least very close to what would've happened (although some things may have started a little earlier or a different character may have said specific lines). Also, Deconstruction of Falling Stars would probably not have been made if Season 5 was certain, or if Season 4 had been the end.

Nope, I bought Season 5 right away, but sadly for the first time I found myself perusing the disks and having a hard time deciding what to watch. Some episodes I skimmed through (especially Byron eps) and others I watched just to stay busy. But yes, my primary interest was Sleeping in Light (and special features, which were disappointing as well).

I spent my $64.99 on Season 5 because I am an ardent, raving B5 sycophant who insists on giving WB his money to bribe them into making a B5 feature film. Are we clear? :LOL:
I was just wondering if we could have a poll.
How many people who have bought any of the B5 DVD sets will be getting Crusade as well.
And how many won't?
I was just wondering if we could have a poll.
How many people who have bought any of the B5 DVD sets will be getting Crusade as well.
And how many won't?

Well, you could make such a thread.

There's also this over at JMSNews:

Crusade Poll - Buying It or Not

...though it does not specify if they'd already bought one or more of the B5 season sets.