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Crusade DVDs on eBay

Not the one bid. I had a few going, and there is one that expires in about 3-4 days. I usually dont bid on stuff till near the time it expires so we will see. I have noticed that as soon as the one item's bid period ended, another from the same seller popped up again. I am pretty sure they have a bunch, and are only selling 1 or 2 at a time, so I'm not to worried about it. Sooner or later I'll get it at the price I want. I'll let you know if I get them and how they are

'I don't believe in the no-win scenario' - JTK
They are listing them now with a "buy it now" for the minimum bid price. They are selling for $39.95 plus $35 shipping. I am trying to talk myself into buying them too.

Long live www.issbabylon.com
Thanks for the head's up on the 'Buy it now' option. The first group I saw did not have this feature. I was able to use it to get the set for $45 with $35 shipping. Not too shabby. When I get them (probably a couple weeks) I'll post here and let you know how the quality is.

'I don't believe in the no-win scenario' - JTK
I have been reading the "feedbacks" of a lot of people who have already purchased them and they all seem very happy. I am on the verge of buying them. I'm just broke this close to the end of Christmas.
I read your profile....very funny!!!!
I loved the occupation!

Long live www.issbabylon.com

Thanks. One thing in there, is that I really do use ICQ from time to time, but I have never been big at posting my real ICQ number in a profile. I have always used that fake and on a few occasions I have had people email me saying that 8675309 ICQ isn't me...not catching the reference

'I don't believe in the no-win scenario' - JTK
hey guys,

just a quick note to say that i received my set of Crusade VCDs earlier today. having watched the first two episodes i have to say that i would be surprised if these *weren't* genuine originals... packaging and layout is top notch, there's even a little hologram on the front covers...

there's a nice little menu that allows you to choose one of four points from which to watch the ep (very similar to dvd of course)...

in terms of picture quality i was initially very disapppointed... and then remembered that just 'cos its on a disc it ain't always DVD! so running a quick comparison between VCD and VHS i'd say the picture quality is pretty good (i've had very little experience with VCDs tho)...

unfortunately my amp went down a coupla days ago so i've not been able to check the stereo sound output thoroughly - sound come out of my TV so i guess that's good!

i did see some elements of video artifacting in some shots - especially CGI heavy scenes - but nothing too distracting (i think the lower picture quality masks it!)...

all in all? if you ain't got the series on VHS then i'd recommend the VCDs... picture and sound quality may not be better but longevity should be... and it looks kinda nifty having all the eps of Crusade in seven little cd cases!


- and i still find Galen to be an irritating little mage...

Thanks for the info.
I wrote a few buyers on eBay and they all said pretty much what you said...."Not as good as DVD but better than VHS, (a little)". They all said disc #1 and #2 were mislabeled.
I wonder if Warner Bros. is going to release them on DVD. I have the series on VHS, so I'm torn on whether to buy or not.

Long live www.issbabylon.com
Mine were shipped on Friday, hopefully I get them sometime this week. Gee, a week full of B5 telemovies, Rangers on Saturday, and Crusade VCDs coming in the mail, I think I have all bases that are B5 covered this week.

I will let you guys know my feedback when I get them, but I expect it to the the same as already commented on.

'I don't believe in the no-win scenario' - JTK
This might be a stupid question....but, does anybody know why Warner Brothers is selling these VCDs in Asia and not in the USA or Europe? If the product is already made, why not sell it everywhere?
This might be a question for Joe D.

Hey Joe! What gives on this?

Long live www.issbabylon.com
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>but, does anybody know why Warner Brothers is selling these VCDs in Asia and not in the USA or Europe?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The short answer is, "There's no market for VCD in the U.S. and Europe, and there never has been." VCD is only marginally better than VHS - and we have VHS. DVD is infinitely better than VCD, and by the time VCD was being introduced over here (mostly in computer stores) everybody knew that DVD was on the horizon.

There are probably also licensing deals, local language subtitles and other obstacles to simply selling the (various) Asian discs here, but the big one is that 99.9% of the people in North America and Europe have no idea what a VCD is, and wouldn't see the point of owning them if they did.



Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joseph DeMartino:
The short answer is, "There's no market for VCD in the U.S. and Europe, and there never has been." VCD is only marginally better than VHS - and we have VHS. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

How true. It wasn't until a few years ago when I started looking for a copy of my favorite Japanese anime movie (Nausicaa) and saw they were relesed on VCD (in China). I didn't know what that was and had to ask around.

The only good thing about VCDs is that they are much easier to store and probably last longer than VHS tapes. Considering that Crusade has never been released in the US on VHS, I would say that these VCDs are a pretty good option for us North Americans until the DVDs come out (and who knows how long -that- will take).

Monica Hübinette | Abyss : B5 <- New & Improved!
There is nothing to fear in the dreaming, only that which we bring with us. --Dukhat
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> Considering that Crusade has never been released in the US on VHS, I would say that these VCDs are a pretty good option for us North Americans until the DVDs come out (and who knows how long -that- will take).

Yea Lyta, this is exactly why I ordered them. Even if the quality isn't as good as DVD, it is a bit better than VHS and does not wear out. Crusade being a dead show (for now at least) won't be released on VHS or DVD. Perhaps if the show gets revived (we are looking at 2-3 years minimum at the chance) then sometimes AFTER the show is running and successful you may see Episode DVDs, if WHV has released B5 by this time, and maybe even the Rangers series. Given all that, it seemed at best some time down the road that you could have Crusade in any format other than taped off TV. The VCD option seemed the best, and only, option.

'I don't believe in the no-win scenario' - JTK
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joseph DeMartino:
There are probably also licensing deals, local language subtitles and other obstacles to simply selling the (various) Asian discs here, but the big one is that 99.9% of the people in North America and Europe have no idea what a VCD is, and wouldn't see the point of owning them if they did.

well the one thing i can say, that i neglected from my original 'review' is that there is no local language options, subtitled or not, on the discs i have.

ultimately tho' i agree with joe - i can see no point in owning them! i wouldn't have bothered if i already had the eps on VHS.

...and somehow, with all the rigmarole surrounding B5 on DVD, i just can't see Crusade *ever* getting a DVD release...

or am i just cynical?!


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Has anybody heard any new news on the next B5 DVD release?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Since DVD sales numbers are not routinely announced (except when one breaks a record) all of the "good" news about sales is strictly anecdotal and impossible to quantify. Indications are that the pre-order numbers were good, since JMS said on the day the disc was officially released that Warner Bros. was close to making a decision on issuing "the first couple of seasons" on DVD. That sentiment could only have been based on the pre-orders. But since then neither JMS nor Warner Home Video has said a word about the future of the series on DVD, nor have any of the DVD news sites that I trust.



Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division

That doesn't sound too promising. I was hoping for better news. I think it has been out long enough to get an idea as to whether it is going to sell or not. I'm sure the largest sales numbers are right after the initial release. I guess we will just have to wait and see.

Long live www.issbabylon.com
The ones sold on Ebay are most likely official VCDs from Singapore. They are sold in any major store there, including US chains like Tower Records, so they are definitely NOT pirated. Not too cheap, either - 12 or so Singapore dollars for 2 episodes (pirated stuff is MUCH cheaper and you definitely won't find it at Tower Records). BTW, they are in PAL format - some DVD players play them fine, but on others the picture is stretched vertically. Of course you can always re-encode them in TMPEG or something.

[This message has been edited by Landius (edited January 26, 2002).]
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>BTW, they are in PAL format - some DVD players play them fine, but on others the picture is stretched vertically.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

[Engage pedant mode]

1) PAL isn't a format, it is a broadcast standard, like NTSC. It refers to the number of lines in the image, and the way color is handled.

2) What you are describing is not what PAL looks like when played back on an NTSC set. Usually you'll get an unstable black and white image, not a watchable picture at all.

3) If you're seeing a "vertically stretched" image on either an NTSC or PAL DVD player, you have a 16:9 disc ("anamorphic" or "enhanced for widescreen telvisions") disc in the player, and the player output device option is set to "16:9" instead of "4:3" The player is therefore sending the raw image to the TV set, assuming that the set will electronically "strech" the picture back to normal proportions. You need to tell the player that it is attached to a standard 4:3 set, in which case it will manipulate the image electronically and send a properly-proportioned, letterboxed image to the set. For some reason many DVD players leave the factory with the output default set to 16:9. If you own a 4:3 TV, this is the wrong setting.

[pedant mode off]

Legal Crusade DVDs can be found in both NTSC and PAL versions, but it is important that you check to see which it is, because you can't watch PAL video using 90% of the video equipment sold in the U.S. and Canada.



Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division


This just in:

See this thread for two an article on DVD and television in general, plus the latest (good) news on the B5 DVD release.


[This message has been edited by Joseph DeMartino (edited January 26, 2002).]
When you use TMPEGenc to encode VCDs, it encodes NTSC at 352x240 and PAL at 352x288. Crusade and B5 VCDs from Singapore are at 352x288 resolution.

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