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Crusade DVD's

Re: Crusade DVD\'s

The worse part is that upper management can't understand why morale gets to be so bad.

They're only saying that. They know. They just don't give a damn.
Re: Crusade DVD\'s

Yeah, but there's nothing left of any significance or importance.

C'mon, Mac, we all know you've been anxiously awaiting the Legend of the Rangers DVD release. (ducks, runs)

I actually think the commentaries on the projects that didn't pan out are potentially more interesting than the successes - which is one of the reasons I'm disappointed in this set. (Gonna be hard to work up the enthusiasm to watch the cast/crew commentary now.) And there are future projects to consider.
Re: Crusade DVD\'s

Yeah, but there's nothing left of any significance or importance.

C'mon, Mac, we all know you've been anxiously awaiting the Legend of the Rangers DVD release. (ducks, runs)

If I was Galen (after he'd become "one" with the tech), you'd have been ducking a fireball, at the very least. :devil:
Re: Crusade DVD\'s

If you were Galen you'd be running for the hills with me in hot pursuit with a sharp cleaver... :devil:
Re: Crusade DVD\'s

If I was Galen (after he'd become "one" with the tech), you'd have been ducking a fireball, at the very least. :devil:

If you were Galen, Georgia would be wondering where Atlanta went. I'd've escaped in the confusion.
Re: Crusade DVD\'s

If you were Galen you'd be running for the hills with me in hot pursuit with a sharp cleaver... :devil:

Fireballs and Spells of Destruction against a cleaver? Hmmmm. Know what they say about bringing a knife to a gunfight? :devil: :LOL:
Re: Crusade DVD\'s

I was somewhat ambivalent about buying Crusade on DVD now my mind is made up. I'll save my cash.
Re: Crusade DVD\'s

I was somewhat ambivalent about buying Crusade on DVD now my mind is made up. I'll save my cash.

As I said on rastb5m:

It's STILL worth buying. It'd be worth buying even if it
was a no-frills release, having only the 13 episodes minus
popups and voiceover ads./squished credits.

By not buying the Crusade DVDs, the suits will think it is a lack of interest in Crusade, NOT a protest against their unethical behavior.
Re: Crusade DVD\'s

By not buying the Crusade DVDs, the suits will think it is a lack of interest in Crusade, NOT a protest against their unethical behavior.

My opinion of Crusade isn't as high as yours, but I don't regret buying the set for this reason. But it puts a foul taste in my mouth when I look at it, so I can understand why someone would decide not to go through with it.

I would suggest that those people write snail mail letters to WB and WBHV explaining why, though, so outrage doesn't get mistaken for lack of interest.
Re: Crusade DVD\'s

Frankly the audio and video quality on the Crusade DVD set is far superior to even Season 5 on B5. The CGI is better, they have better holographic effects, basically they figured out after 5 years of doing B5 how to make many of those effects without things looking cheesy.

One shot that came to mind was a 3-D green grid of Excalibur that was in their status room that they were looking at trying to find out where there was damage. The effect was great, and none of the people standing around it looked funny --- which was always something B5 suffered from.

The series was just filmed and done better than B5 was, another reason its too bad it didn't last. It would have been visually superior to any current Sci-Fi shows IMO (Farscape and SG1 included).

They really did solve all their quirky CGI issues.

The set it totally worth buying, even though its garbage with WBHV did with the edits. I was always intending on buying this set anyway, I was just really pumped to hear about his commentary and was really looking forward to it. That is a disappointment, but I have ZERO complains about the set itself. As far as DVD set quality goes, it really is superior to ANY of the B5 sets released to date.
Re: Crusade DVD\'s

Well, that's good to hear! :D Hopefully, I'll be able to swing past a Best Buy and get mine, today.

ps. How about putting a review like that up at Amazon.com? So far, all of the reviews have concentrated on the show itself, and TNT, not the DVD presentation of the show. ;)
Re: Crusade DVD\'s

How about everybody just wait for the region 2 UK release and see wether the whole commentary gets in there? :p
Re: Crusade DVD\'s

I'm going to be honest, JMS should have predicted something like this was gonna happen. Right, like he could get away with bashing TNT through WB's official DVDs on something many people would see like a personal vendetta. No matter how good his relations have been with WB in the past, WB would have gained nothing good by letting him do that.

JMS should have gotten it in writing, period. I know it sucks... but it's the safer away. We all know B5 has a history of very, very bad luck and he should anticipate things like that. He got owned for not following the rules.

I don't think he will cancel the TMOS project because of something like that, and most comentaries have already been done, so he can't really hurt them much now. Shucks.
Re: Crusade DVD\'s

We all know B5 has a history of very, very bad luck

Hey, don't remember the good luck, too! Everyone was convinced the show would never make it through all five seasons. And then there were the movies and the other spinoffs. The fortuitous, sometimes even miraculous conincidences (Sheridan's halo, for example).

Let's not get depressed too much yet. If we're going to talk about luck, let's talk about how much improbable success this show has had, in unlikely ways.
Re: Crusade DVD\'s

Personally, I enjoyed the Crusade DVD's but watching them, it makes me sad that the show which would now be in it fifth season if it had gotten off the ground was canceled before it began. And watching the making of Crusade I got that feeling from the cast and crew too. The one shining happy spot was JMS talked about how Dureena would have become a techno-mage, which means there is still hope for the order. Which in all honest I doubted after reading the techno-mage trilogy.

by the why aphia1 what is your question? I think the only region that has been relased is region 1
Re: Crusade DVD\'s

by the why aphia1 what is your question? I think the only region that has been relased is region 1

yes but perhaps the dvds have also the regionale code 2, 3 and 4 like the "rc1" b5 moviebox did. so please can someone check that???

thanks :)

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