Because of a horrific accident involving... well, my own personal stupidity as far as I know, and the desire to actually start thinking somewhat ahead for a change, I am wondering if anyone can guide me to any sites which have relatively good Crusade images. Lurking around this site has infected my mind
and I've therefore decided to try and do a Galen costume for halloween. Unfortunately, I can't find my Crusade tapes from the original TNT showing, and although Monday is relatively close, I might have time to plan this weekend.
Needless to say, the requested sites should have varied views of Galen or... um... Great, Lurker's is down and I can't find my Technomage novels, either. Other technomages.
Thank you for your support. Maybe I should get off the internet and do some housecleaning.

Needless to say, the requested sites should have varied views of Galen or... um... Great, Lurker's is down and I can't find my Technomage novels, either. Other technomages.

Thank you for your support. Maybe I should get off the internet and do some housecleaning.
