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Crusade for halloween...


Because of a horrific accident involving... well, my own personal stupidity as far as I know, and the desire to actually start thinking somewhat ahead for a change, I am wondering if anyone can guide me to any sites which have relatively good Crusade images. Lurking around this site has infected my mind
and I've therefore decided to try and do a Galen costume for halloween. Unfortunately, I can't find my Crusade tapes from the original TNT showing, and although Monday is relatively close, I might have time to plan this weekend.

Needless to say, the requested sites should have varied views of Galen or... um... Great, Lurker's is down and I can't find my Technomage novels, either. Other technomages.

Thank you for your support. Maybe I should get off the internet and do some housecleaning.

The site's not anywhere finished yet (haven't had a chance to work on it in months), but the image gallery is up.

I'm lobbying for someplace more comfortable for our next gathering place. A nice resort with a beach. A bunch of pale skinned technomages in black robes would fit right in.
Basic costume for Galen: black leather trousers, black wool hooded ankle-length coat, black shirt/tunic, black boots, big staff with a glowing knob on the end! The rest is really detail, such as the cross-over fastening of the coat, its leather trim (I think it had leather trim) and the type of shirt.

Derian, is that your site? And you put the image section up just for me? Why thank you!!!
Excellent image gallery, I really appreciate the link.

Great tips, Delbert, much appreciated. Naturally, it's that detail that I need to have a good look at...


[This message has been edited by Wyvern (edited October 04, 2001).]
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Delbert:
Basic costume for Galen: black leather trousers, black wool hooded ankle-length coat, black shirt/tunic, black boots, big staff with a glowing knob on the end! The rest is really detail, such as the cross-over fastening of the coat, its leather trim (I think it had leather trim) and the type of shirt.


You forgot the scoured (shaved) head.

Vorlon Empire

Babylon 5 - Crusade marathon 10/8/2001 7AM-8PM on Sci-Fi

"To Live and Die in Starlight"
pilot movie for "Babylon 5 - The Legend of the Rangers"
January 2002 on The Sci-Fi Channel.
Actually, Galen's shirt is a dark kinda silky purple.... It's just hard to see behind that black coat.

I started the site a long time ago, and have been meaning to actually finish it. Ivanova's been helping some, too. The problem is finding time with all that's going on to actually sit down and write the rest of the content.

I'm lobbying for someplace more comfortable for our next gathering place. A nice resort with a beach. A bunch of pale skinned technomages in black robes would fit right in.

[This message has been edited by Derian (edited October 04, 2001).]
For Halloween, I REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted to be Ivanova, but with what happened in New York, it's a good chance I can't get the costume this year, because the costume maker (Rubies) is in NY. I think then I'll be Ivanova next year.
My friend even offered to be Sheridan for me, and he even has the facial hair to go with it. He first suggested being Captain, but then I pointed out that he could be President Sheridan and just get a suit.
Soo, there's that I can look forward to.

For this year, however, I am really considering going at someone who isn't B5 related, Prof. McGonagall from the Harry Potter series.

Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God. And if this ever happens again, Ivanova will personally rip your lungs out.
Wyvern -

If you pull this costume together, will there be piccies on a website for us to check out? In fact, if it's successful, why not do a webpage on how you put the costume together, to help out other people with similar ... inclinations?

Just a thought!

I think I'm going to be a technomage... not necessarily a b5 technomage, but a more generic technomage, because I want to do the tech differently... I want it to be visible 'n stuff so that I'm identifiable as a technomage, and not just a wizard. That, or I may actually get around to finishing the encounter suit I started last year.

I'm lobbying for someplace more comfortable for our next gathering place. A nice resort with a beach. A bunch of pale skinned technomages in black robes would fit right in.
Here is a photo of my girlfriend and I as Dureena and Galen, at DragonCon this year. While my jacket/hood came out okay (I already had a black long coat and got a seamstress to add a hood and front panel to it), I think I pretty much nailed the STAFF, and here's how I did it:

I took a $5 wooden pool cue, shortened it a bit, hollowed out the top to allow the insertion of a tiny flashlight, then built up the top end with a piece of PVC pipe sanded to fit smoothly to the cue. Then covered the top with a slice of a ping pong ball. (In the dark room where we held our B5 party at the con, it glowed really nicely.) Sanded down the cue and spraypainted it flat black, then used a silver-inked pen to draw on the circuit lines. Clear-lacquered the whole thing. It took about a week, start to finish, but the results are well worth it, and as a bonus, you can unscrew it in half, since it is really a pool cue!
I really wracked my brains for days before thinking of using a pool cue...
Anyway, Peter Woodward saw me and seemed to approve of the efforts!
We'll be doing a Crusade party/costume affair/LARP at DragonCon 2002, by the way.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DarthKoshi:

Here is a photo of my girlfriend and I as Dureena and Galen, at DragonCon this year

Impressive work, DarthKoshi! I see that you also went for the "look threateningly upwards from beneath eyebrows" expression so favoured by Galen

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DarthKoshi:

...and as a bonus, you can unscrew it in half, since it is really a pool cue!

Plus, you could take the ball off the top half, and have Elric's version.

Vorlon Empire

Babylon 5 - Crusade marathon 10/8/2001 7AM-8PM on Sci-Fi

"To Live and Die in Starlight"
pilot movie for "Babylon 5 - The Legend of the Rangers"
January 2002 on The Sci-Fi Channel.