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Crusade's Music - yeah or neh

Re: Crusade\'s Music - yeah or neh

Out of the gate, I think Chen's music for Crusade fit its show more than Franke's did B5.

Franke really hit his stride in the third and fourth seasons.

I only listen to my Babylon 5 Vol 1 Cd occasionally. Crusade (like B5 vol 2) isn't getting old yet.

I'm really looking forward to Franke's score for Rangers, but it'd be a darn shame if Crusade came back without Chen on board.

"We are all Kosh."
Re: Crusade\'s Music - yeah or neh

I love the Crusade soundtrack, esp. track 2, Hyperspace.

Its kinda creepy and dark, almost like the X-files music.

Does anyone know if a soundtrack to A Call To Arms is coming out?

Eat More Goat.
Re: Crusade\'s Music - yeah or neh

I have both the original version of The Gathering and the rvamped version and I have to admit the C.Franke music is a great improvement IMO.

I didn't like the music in ACtA until the second time I heard it and then I really concentrated on noticing it. I thought it fitted well enough in Crusade but I have to admit I'm happy to hear Franke is back for the Rangers movie.

Re: Crusade\'s Music - yeah or neh

Frankes music is perfection is most of the series of Babylon 5, and I look forward to his epic score for Rangers. I liked Chen's music in Crusade, but not to the same degree. There were times where it did not fit at all to me, but other times where it was great. I felt the same on Crusade. There were some great music-scene fits thought, like when the Victory crashed into the Death Cloud.

Just my opinion.

Re: Crusade\'s Music - yeah or neh

Yeah, I can understand that. Definitely some cool moments. My faves are the music that ran over the battle scenes without dialogue, especially leading up the Victory's last charge, and the end credits music which was sort of used as Dureena's theme off and on in the series.

Joe Medina (neargrai@aol.com)

"...that which are, we are"
Re: Crusade\'s Music - yeah or neh

I say neh to Crusade music, but that's probably because I didn't really like Crusade in general. I can appreciate and respect doing creative and new, but in this case it just wasn't what I was hoping for. The music did fit the series rather well. I just prefer the grand orchestral type of music.

Peace be with you
Re: Crusade\'s Music - yeah or neh

B5's music was one of the things that got me hooked.
When I saw A Call To Arms, I didn't like the music at all. Even after seeing the movie 6 times (in about 1.5 years), I still didn't like it any more then at first.
But when I finally got to see Crusade, it took me only a few episodes to get used to the music. In fact, even before I got to the last (but not final) episode I really liked it. Chen's music really fits with Crusade.

But still, it's a relief they chose Franke for the music for B5LR. I don't think Chen's music fits with the Rangers. I think I like it best if B5LR has music with a similar sound like in B5.

"I don't watch TV. It’s a cultural wasteland filled with inappropriate metaphors and an unrealistic portrayal of life created by the liberal media-elite."
Re: Crusade\'s Music - yeah or neh

The type of music DID fit crusade for the most part but it should of been sneeker... crafter and less noticable there are a lot of times that the music was TO loud... it come on so strong it actually mabe u think about it and Not focus on the film Thats why i dont like it... i think it would of gottern better over time.... but i really do think there were times in ACTA and Crusade where franks type of music would of fitted Much better

oh well eather way id love for crusade to make it back to the screen

G'kar " No dictator no invader can hold an imprissioned population by force of arms .forever.. there is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom...against that power goverments and tirants and armies Cannot stand... The centuri learned this lession once ... We will teach it to them again... though it take a thousand years... We will be Free!"
Re: Crusade\'s Music - yeah or neh

Whilst I loved the title track from the first time I heard it, the incedental music was quite often.... what's the word I'm looking for? Unsuitable? Inappropriate?


Re: Crusade\'s Music - yeah or neh

I am afraid I did not like the theme or incidental music for Crusade.

There is no doubt that Evan Chen possesses an exceptional talent. I have now and again just sat and listened to the music for 'A Call to Arms', while not watching the visual, and found it to be very interesting. Not what I would normally listen to, but in some way compelling.

However, for me, there seemed to be a clash between the visuals and the music. Someone above said that at times it did not seem to fit. I most certainly agree.

I applaud JMS for his unusual move from the established norms, but to be honest, I hope he does not do it with Rangers.

I enjoy Christopher Frankes music, and there could be nothing better than to have it return to a B5 series.

I find his composisitions to be engaging, emotive, and epic.

We are Grey... We stand between the Candle, and the Star...
Between Darkness, and the Light...
Re: Crusade\'s Music - yeah or neh

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cleron:
The type of music DID fit crusade for the most part but it should of been sneeker... crafter and less noticable there are a lot of times that the music was TO loud... it come on so strong it actually mabe u think about it and Not focus on the film Thats why i dont like it... i think it would of gottern better over time.... but i really do think there were times in ACTA and Crusade where franks type of music would of fitted Much better

oh well eather way id love for crusade to make it back to the screen


JmS likes things loud right? Ever think it was deliberate with all the problems going and the dissatisfaction of the situation at hand.

I like Chen's music, right where it was on Crusade and I hope they keep it that way. Just ajust the mix a wee bit better. Listen to a composer often and their sound is less intrusive. There is only one spot in my mind where the music is extrasensory and i believe that is deliberate cuz there is no dialogue, just the action on the screen and the blaring music. And it makes me watch the scene very intently, maybe that is what he was going for.

Want to hear a weird piece of music? Try the theme from Andromeda. Took a bit to not cringe when it came on. It has since grown on me a bit. Still a little weird for my personal taste, but it has its moments.

Colleen L. Stanford
Gideon's Mine, all Mine
(he just doesn't know it yet, LOL)
Re: Crusade\'s Music - yeah or neh

I have no problem with the music. I actually own the Crusade cd and I'm listening it now. It's fine cd and wich pretty much resembles in a minor scale Tangerine Dream's (Franke's ex-band) works.

Watch "The War Prayer" again and listen the music very carefully. Franke's 1st season style isn't so far from Chen's style. If Crusade would have continued, then perhaps Chen's abilities to compose and arrange music would have grew and reformed in a better form. I mean, that's excatly what happened to Franke.

Re: Crusade\'s Music - yeah or neh

Chen's music is ... edgy. I'll leave it at that.

Re: Crusade\'s Music - yeah or neh

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by drakh:

He likes loud noises.

He calls it "dynamic"

ROTFL Ain't it the truth!

I didn't like it, although I was fully prepared to. I found that it often actually distracted me from the story (and I hated that).

However, I was willing to adopt a "wait and see" attitude. Crusade wasn't on long enough for me to change my mind.


[This message has been edited by Rhea (edited August 24, 2001).]
Re: Crusade\'s Music - yeah or neh

It took me a couple of eps, but I began to like Chen's music in "Crusade." It was different -- but different can be very good.

I loved the original rock score for the B5 pilot -- Franke's new score for the re-release was very good, but I still missed the reckless abandon of the original.

That said, I'm glad Franke is doing the music for LOTRangers.
Re: Crusade\'s Music - yeah or neh

I know what mean. I remember Alex Lifeson from his work in Rush, so I can't help getting a little jazzed at the thought of a part-time SF fanboy/guitar god like him doing a gig like "Andromeda." The main theme still seems like a more...creative excursion away from the rest of his music on the show.

And to be fair, I haven't watched the show that often. I don't think I can really say whether it fits the spirit of the show or not.

Joe Medina (neargrai@aol.com)

"...that which are, we are"
Re: Crusade\'s Music - yeah or neh

Wait, Alex Lifeson did the theme music for Andromeda? Holy crap, I'm gonna have to watch it now.

"You do not make history. You can only hope to survive it."
Re: Crusade\'s Music - yeah or neh

I think Alex only did the main theme for Andromeda, but I could be mistaken.

"We are all Kosh."
Re: Crusade\'s Music - yeah or neh

Music is personal, to one's heart, mind, and ears.

I liked Crusade's music. I have had many opportunities thanks to Alex to watch them over and over again.

I see nothing wrong in the music. It grows on you if you give it a try. And Chen has put out some nice stuff on CD.

It was not B5, it was Crusade. Different show, different folks, different music.

You want to listen to something you gotta really get used to? Try Andromeda.

It will grow on most by the end of the season because it is oddly fitting. Just the theme from the show. The rest of the tunes are fine.

Colleen L. Stanford
Gideon's Mine, all Mine
(he just doesn't know it yet, LOL)
Re: Crusade\'s Music - yeah or neh

Ack, you're right. Duh, no wonder the main theme and the incidental scores are so different.

Was a soundtrack album ever released? Otherwise I might have track down MP3's....

Joe Medina (neargrai@aol.com)

"...that which are, we are"