The following is by Doctor Gonzo under the subject 'Subtle Foretelling' in reaction to a "correction" I thought was valid regarding when (in the B5 story line) David Sheridan receives the urn, and all the other big events that fall out from it.
I would like to draw out, for a separate discussion, this whole issue because I have been thinking about it for quite a while.
The questions to consider are:
1.) How much of a time difference is between Earth and Minbar?
2.) In what Earth year does David Sheridan receive the urn? David is supposed to receive the urn on his sixteenth birthday from 'Objects at Rest'.
3.) How old in Earth years is David when he receives the urn?
I shall now provide the facts for my confusion.
1.) In Peter David's book, ' Out of the Darkness' J.S. clearly says on page 126 that:
That is very a very straightforward dating convention; and sounds exactly like what Doctor Gonzo said above. Basically, David is younger than sixteen Earth years. The author, Peter David, however, never (to my recollection) tells us in the books what the time difference is between Earth and Minbar. Therefore, we do not have an approximation of John's last sentence.
Fortunately (or unfortunately given your math ability) Terry Jones (more on him later) draws the time difference out from Babylon Squared to be one Minbari cycle to be 16 Earth months (if I understand him correctly)
Does a Minbari cycle mean a Minbari year? Because if so, then it appears to contradict what Sheridan is says. I do, however, believe I do not understand Terry correctly because later on his example of how his timeline (which has changed since publication in the B5 magazine) has Delenn being younger in the number of Minbari cycles than the number of Earth years if the commentator in 'Deconstruction of Falling Stars' meant 140 human years. Check it out at, Terry's Introduction
2.)The answers on their own seem quite straight forward - 2278 and 16 Earth years old.
The date (2278) is given or implied in the following:
The B5 movie 'In the Beginning'; Londo said in 2258 that G'Kar and himself will strangle each other in 20 years; in Terry Jones' chronology (which jms has declared cannon); in most of jms postings; and some times in the defunked B5 magazine.
However, I have also seen the year 2277 reported in:
The B5 magazine at various times; in some jms postings; and especially on the Internet.
The jms postings where he actually typed 2277 I believe are mistakes by him. I have never understood the rationale behind the date 2277 for these events.
Peter David in 'Out of the Darkness' maybe strikes some sort of middle ground by having Londo's diary (dated November 29, 2277 (Earth date)) account his reaction to David's capture, and then all the other main events play out in January of 2278. Although, as some long time B5 fans already know some of the dates / time information in both the first and second books by Peter David is sometimes questionable and can sometimes just be plain wrong.
So, are there any thoughts on this?
Minbari years are faster than Earth years.
I would like to draw out, for a separate discussion, this whole issue because I have been thinking about it for quite a while.
The questions to consider are:
1.) How much of a time difference is between Earth and Minbar?
2.) In what Earth year does David Sheridan receive the urn? David is supposed to receive the urn on his sixteenth birthday from 'Objects at Rest'.
3.) How old in Earth years is David when he receives the urn?
I shall now provide the facts for my confusion.
1.) In Peter David's book, ' Out of the Darkness' J.S. clearly says on page 126 that:
You're (David) 'sixteen' on a technicality. Minbari years are shorter than Earth years. By Earth standards, you've still got a ways to go.
That is very a very straightforward dating convention; and sounds exactly like what Doctor Gonzo said above. Basically, David is younger than sixteen Earth years. The author, Peter David, however, never (to my recollection) tells us in the books what the time difference is between Earth and Minbar. Therefore, we do not have an approximation of John's last sentence.
Fortunately (or unfortunately given your math ability) Terry Jones (more on him later) draws the time difference out from Babylon Squared to be one Minbari cycle to be 16 Earth months (if I understand him correctly)
2.)The answers on their own seem quite straight forward - 2278 and 16 Earth years old.
The date (2278) is given or implied in the following:
The B5 movie 'In the Beginning'; Londo said in 2258 that G'Kar and himself will strangle each other in 20 years; in Terry Jones' chronology (which jms has declared cannon); in most of jms postings; and some times in the defunked B5 magazine.
However, I have also seen the year 2277 reported in:
The B5 magazine at various times; in some jms postings; and especially on the Internet.
The jms postings where he actually typed 2277 I believe are mistakes by him. I have never understood the rationale behind the date 2277 for these events.
Peter David in 'Out of the Darkness' maybe strikes some sort of middle ground by having Londo's diary (dated November 29, 2277 (Earth date)) account his reaction to David's capture, and then all the other main events play out in January of 2278. Although, as some long time B5 fans already know some of the dates / time information in both the first and second books by Peter David is sometimes questionable and can sometimes just be plain wrong.
So, are there any thoughts on this?