Actually, it seemed to me that the pilot (which actually only ran about 70 or 75 minutes) and the second episode (which took an hour slot but finished in less than 45 minutes) might have been originally intended as a single pilot for a 2 hour slot. They needed to cut a relatively large amount of the Pilot into the second episode as flashbacks in order to make things make sense. It would only take a bit of re-writing the voice-overs that we heard to get rid of what would be redundancies if included directly the hypothetical longer pilot. And the second episode ends at a relatively stable place from which to launch a series; i.e. that is the point at which she actually really accepts "reaper" status and decides to stay.
So what do you think odds are that the pilot was originally intended to end at that acceptance point, with a relatively late decision to break it up?
BTW: After I mentioned it, did you remember the parallel universe TOS with the barbaric, promotion-by -assasinating-superiors parallel Enterprise? Spock had the goatee, Kirk wore a sleaveless shirt, and many of the babaric Enterprise crew wore gold lamee (sp?) sashes.