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Deep Space Nine

Of the first 9 episodes, only 2 or 3 were not great.
Thats why I skipped through and watched the good ones first. ;)

I do think that the Jem'Hadar looked a little corky... they'll improve though. :devil:
The UPS tracking number for my DS9 S2 DVD says, "Out for Delivery". Yippee! It's coming today! I hope it's home when I get there, so I can watch the first three episodes together. :)
I have a question about the... ORBS.

In the first season the Bajorans only have one orb, the green one. I forget which one it was but the cardies said they thought they had them all. So, did they give them all back to the Bajorans? Or did the Bajorans find more, or did they just have more than one?
I think they always had a few of them.

I finished season 2. Damn good stuff. Now I must wait for season 3.



If memory serves, Cardassia actually returns one or more of the orbs to the Bajorians in one of the later seasons. Sisko also finds an orb in season 6 or 7. From what I remember of the pilot, however, I think Kai Opaka said that they've only been able to save one of the orbs during the occupation and that there were many others..... some the Cardassians stole and some that haven't been discovered yet. Since Sisko found one orb, I guess it wouldn't stretch the bounds of reason to think that others could have been found.
Some Spoilers

I read about how Sisko finds another orb... and I'm pretty sure that's in season 7. The thing is I also remember reading about a certain cardassian destroying one and the other orbs just stoped working or something. That made me think that there were a couple on Bajor.

I read about how Sisko finds another orb... and I'm pretty sure that's in season 7. The thing is I also remember reading about a certain cardassian destroying one and the other orbs just stoped working or something. That made me think that there were a couple on Bajor.

I believe it was the first episode of season 7 where Sisko found the orb, after returning to his home in New Orleans at the end of season 6. The reason why he went back to earth -- in part -- was because, I believe, Gul Dukat somehow released the Pah Wraiths (sp) which disrupted the spiritual(?) connection between the prophets and the Bajorians. It was also in those two episodes that Sisko discovers that the prophets were responsible for his own birth... paving the way for him to become a prophet himself.
Speaking of Sisko's home, in one episode in season 2 he tells Odo about how he felt helpless when his father took ill and how he couldn't do anything before "the end," obviously implying death. Yet his father was clearly alive and well later on in the series.
That always bothered me as well as Sisko's sister... who never appeared in the series, but shows up in the novels. To be honest, I can't remember him ever mentioning the fact that he had a sister, but maybe his father did... I can't recall.

Something else that always bothered me was the fact that Sisko's father owns this restaurant but who the hell is going to bus tables and wash dishes in a society that doesn't even really have a monetary system? I can understand why people in a society like that would want to join starfleet and explore the galaxy, but why would anyone want to be a garbage man?
Something else that always bothered me was the fact that Sisko's father owns this restaurant but who the hell is going to bus tables and wash dishes in a society that doesn't even really have a monetary system?

I guess they have a bunch of machines for that or something. Or maybe everyone just has a replicator and assigned living spaces, eliminating most of the need for money. Those who aren't really educated or trained for whatever reason end up working the the janitorial and utilitarian jobs.

Of course, this is all wild speculation.
Even in a quasi-utopian society like the one portrayed in Star Trek, certain people will be happy to achieve a certain level of mediocrity. To quote Joseph Heller:

"Some men are born mediocre, some men achieve mediocrity,
and some men have mediocrity thrust upon them"

Either that, or to maintain their utopia, some people are genetically manipulated and conditioned to be 'garbage disposal experts', and are happy to be doing that for all their lives...

"Happy to serve..."
I think that the point was:

If there is no money, then you need to get *some* job just to buy food etc., then why take a job doing something unpleasant and uninteresting when remaining unemployed is an equally viable option?

Star Fleet (amnong other things) provides rewards other than a paycheck for some people (not everyone is motivated by such things). It would be one of those jobs where you might occassionally hear someone say "I would do this for free." I have *never* heard anyone say "I love bussing tables so much, I would do it even if they didn't pay me."
Yet many heads of households do this for just that much every day, up to three times a day. ;)

If I were a master chef I think I could get some interns to buss some tables to learn how I made my magic.

There will always be interns/graduate students/ i.e. slaves who agree to be temporary slaves to gain knowledge and experience. :D
Yet many heads of households do this for just that much every day, up to three times a day. ;)

True, but they have another motivation / benefit: Preventing the place where they live from becoming a cess pit. ;)

If I were a master chef I think I could get some interns to buss some tables to learn how I made my magic.

There will always be interns/graduate students/ i.e. slaves who agree to be temporary slaves to gain knowledge and experience. :D

Yes, there are always some of those people. I don't think that there are enough wanabe chefs to cover *all* of the dishwasher and table bussing jobs in *all* of the restaurants, though. The majority of the people who do those jobs are doing them *only* for the money.

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