Super Moderator
-----Original Message-----
From: Mac Breck [macthevorlon@yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2003 7:00 AM
To: Saffel, Steve
Subject: Babylon 5 Short Story Anthology, Novels, etc.
What's the current status at Del Rey concerning the Babylon 5 Short Story Anthology, novels (including the Dell reprints), etc.? From the consumer's perspective, it appears that things are quite dead.
What the fanbase could really use right now are Crusade novels and the short story anthology.
Mac Breck (KoshN) - from the desktop PC
http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/1521 (Brimstone)
From Saffel, Steve Mon Dec 1 06:44:52 2003
Subject: RE: Babylon 5 Short Story Anthology, Novels, etc.
Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2003 09:44:52 -0500
From: "Saffel, Steve" SSaffel@randomhouse.com
To: "Mac Breck" <macthevorlon@yahoo.com>
Dear Mac:
While we'd be happy to be publishing more Babylon 5 novels (including the short story collection and Crusade novels), I'm afraid it will require a new agreement with Warner Bros., and interest from a lot more fans. We seem to have reached a plateau, and there are no new fans buying the existing novels, so there's not much indication that new books would succeed. And sending us e-mail doesn't really help; what we really need is for new people to buy the existing novels. That would make everyone sit up and take notice. Publishers love to publish books that sell, and book stores love to sell them.
One of my personal crusades--if I may borrow that word--is to make sure fans don't take "no" for and answer in the book store. Because sales have fallen off, many book stores don't feel they can stock all of the B5 novels. This is understandable, since they only have so much shelf space, so the only way these books will stay in print is if the fans demand the books, and keep at it. Press the store to order the books you want to buy--after all, this is a sale for them! If one store doesn't feel as if they can order the book, go to another store, or one of the online retailers.
One caution: don't ask the store to order the books unless you plan to buy them. They can't waste their valuable shelf space on books that very well may not sell.
We'll keep talking with Warner Bros. to see if we can come up with a new agreement, but for the moment the fans will have to be happy with what we've got.
Steve Saffel
Executive Editor
Del Rey Books
1745 Broadway
New York, NY 10019
(212) 782-8320
Fax: (212) 829-6934
It appears that either the fanbase is not big enough to support DelRey going for more books, or that the fanbase hasn't been buying the books. Me, I've bought five complete sets, one for myself, three as gifts, and one set for the local public library. I don't know what more I can do. All but the first set were ordered by going to my local WaldenBooks with a printout of the ISBNs, and ordering them. The only place that I saw that had a fairly complete selection of the three trilogies and novelizations was the Narns & Noble in Cranberry, PA. Most other places just had a book or two from each trilogy, naturally with the newer stuff being better represented on the shelf.
From: Mac Breck [macthevorlon@yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2003 7:00 AM
To: Saffel, Steve
Subject: Babylon 5 Short Story Anthology, Novels, etc.
What's the current status at Del Rey concerning the Babylon 5 Short Story Anthology, novels (including the Dell reprints), etc.? From the consumer's perspective, it appears that things are quite dead.
What the fanbase could really use right now are Crusade novels and the short story anthology.
Mac Breck (KoshN) - from the desktop PC
http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/1521 (Brimstone)
From Saffel, Steve Mon Dec 1 06:44:52 2003
Subject: RE: Babylon 5 Short Story Anthology, Novels, etc.
Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2003 09:44:52 -0500
From: "Saffel, Steve" SSaffel@randomhouse.com
To: "Mac Breck" <macthevorlon@yahoo.com>
Dear Mac:
While we'd be happy to be publishing more Babylon 5 novels (including the short story collection and Crusade novels), I'm afraid it will require a new agreement with Warner Bros., and interest from a lot more fans. We seem to have reached a plateau, and there are no new fans buying the existing novels, so there's not much indication that new books would succeed. And sending us e-mail doesn't really help; what we really need is for new people to buy the existing novels. That would make everyone sit up and take notice. Publishers love to publish books that sell, and book stores love to sell them.
One of my personal crusades--if I may borrow that word--is to make sure fans don't take "no" for and answer in the book store. Because sales have fallen off, many book stores don't feel they can stock all of the B5 novels. This is understandable, since they only have so much shelf space, so the only way these books will stay in print is if the fans demand the books, and keep at it. Press the store to order the books you want to buy--after all, this is a sale for them! If one store doesn't feel as if they can order the book, go to another store, or one of the online retailers.
One caution: don't ask the store to order the books unless you plan to buy them. They can't waste their valuable shelf space on books that very well may not sell.
We'll keep talking with Warner Bros. to see if we can come up with a new agreement, but for the moment the fans will have to be happy with what we've got.
Steve Saffel
Executive Editor
Del Rey Books
1745 Broadway
New York, NY 10019
(212) 782-8320
Fax: (212) 829-6934
It appears that either the fanbase is not big enough to support DelRey going for more books, or that the fanbase hasn't been buying the books. Me, I've bought five complete sets, one for myself, three as gifts, and one set for the local public library. I don't know what more I can do. All but the first set were ordered by going to my local WaldenBooks with a printout of the ISBNs, and ordering them. The only place that I saw that had a fairly complete selection of the three trilogies and novelizations was the Narns & Noble in Cranberry, PA. Most other places just had a book or two from each trilogy, naturally with the newer stuff being better represented on the shelf.